Comments 15

Re: Random: Street Fighter II's Most Iconic Stages May Have Been Inspired By A Charles Bronson Movie


Very Cool to know that. I like stuff like this; what influenced what, & so on.

Speaking of classic games, on a related note, don't forgot that Wii points can still be added until next Monday(the 26th), and still spent until January 2019. So, you might wanna grab any SF, or any games on there, that aren't on WU, or are licensed. I know someone made a list of games still only on the service, but wasn't there a SF game only on there?

Re: Feature: Shining A Light On Ikegami Tsushinki, The Company That Developed Donkey Kong


I think Ikegami should at least acknowledge their past work contributed to the game's creation. True, this may not be, due to out-of-court settlements. I also think Nintendo should release the original rom on their services. I've known about Ikegami. I've always been under the impression that Nintendo can't release the original, & that Ikegami coding the original was why the Nes DK was not like the arcade. The arcade DK probably could have been replicated, mostly at least, on the Nes.

Re: Modular Console RetroBlox Could Be The Ultimate Old-School Gaming Platform


@speedracer216: Google Translate relies on current best guess/match, so a translation may not be 100% accurate, or even any % enough to get even an idea of context. I assume that fan translations are done by actual people, (not a machine programmed to make current best educated guesses,) so a translation patch should be efficient.

@Everyone_Else: Basically, these guys have taken the computer concept of hot-swappable/hot-pluggable, & applied it to a video game console: A base unit/console, w/ its own os(operating system), that, apparently, can be modified on the fly, or at least w/ supposedly little effort. Edit: Kinda like the N64 having games that used multiple controller peripherals, & some games allowing you to change the peripheral mid-game(ex. remove rumble pak, insert controller pak, save data, remove controller pak, then re-insert rumble pak)

According to the pr, "once a game has been inserted..., players can add...", so it seems it will not be an automatic dump, once the cart is inserted. That's good, since dirty pins may give a bad rom dump. At first, I thought it meant it automatically dumps, once inserted, but that was more from me speed-reading.

The "social network sharing" seems to be a part of gaming, now. & as a way co.s get you to advertise their products.

The emulation quality is something I'll be looking into, as I'll be following this product.

Also something that comes to mind is (this): If these guys are professionals, from co.s that have proven products; that is to say, successful, or _proven successful, then did they exhaust their options, or at least try more than one financial option for starting up this endeavor? I mean, why use crowdfunding, if their financial/occupational track-record is solid/stable/successful enough to warrant financial backing from a financial co.? Unless of course, their track-record is not, at least from a financial co.'s perspective. The only other logical alternative I can come to at the moment, is that they were just lazy, & lunged straight for crowdfunding. Maybe they did go to a financial backer, or more than one, & the financial backers just didn't see this project as a success. Surely, what I'm talking about is worth noting.