@GameManAdvance Yeah, as long as the resolution is higher than the GameBoy's screen by a fair bit, this should be possible. You can even see it in the trailer, some games appear to use white, grey and black. The only issue would be getting an emulator to display it properly.
@KoopaTheGamer The screen is quite a high resolution compared to the GameBoy, so it's possible to create grey-scale pixels by combining black and white. Would require some tinkering with the emulator on how it displays games, but shouldn't be too difficult I think. But what do I know?!
@JasmineDragon The positive side is that it will be open source, so there will be plenty of stuff you can probably get for free. Not to mention it will be incredibly easy to emulate GameBoy games and the likes. Getting once of these to play old school Pokemon once in a while is pretty cool.
It's neat but a little expensive, but once they crack GameBoy emulation, count me in. Shouldn't be too long since they kept it open source on purpose. I sort of want it, but I also want to watch how it plays out before jumping in. I suppose they keep making them when they sell out, so there's no hurry.
@get2sammyb In terms of sales? I dunno. Hard to say now that the Switch is a thing. But if that didn't exist and we got a new handheld instead, could it reach 3DS numbers? I don't see why not. If Sony upped their game with a better handheld, maybe we could see more than 3DS + Vita. But that's of course almost impossible to tell. I wouldn't rule it out though.
@get2sammyb I don't think that shows a decline. Look at the GameBoy and GBC, it took them around two generations to sell, about 120 million units I believe. The sales of the other handhelds that have existed are so small, they're almost negligible. The market was never big to begin with, last gen was more of an exception me thinks.
@goombastomper85 Look, I'm fine with people having a debate, but there's no need to throw insults around. Keep it civil, profanity is not allowed. Consider this a warning.
Comments 10
Re: Panic's Cool Little Handheld, Playdate, Gets New Details On Pre-Orders And More
@GameManAdvance Yeah, as long as the resolution is higher than the GameBoy's screen by a fair bit, this should be possible. You can even see it in the trailer, some games appear to use white, grey and black. The only issue would be getting an emulator to display it properly.
Re: Panic's Cool Little Handheld, Playdate, Gets New Details On Pre-Orders And More
@KoopaTheGamer The screen is quite a high resolution compared to the GameBoy, so it's possible to create grey-scale pixels by combining black and white. Would require some tinkering with the emulator on how it displays games, but shouldn't be too difficult I think. But what do I know?!
Re: Panic's Cool Little Handheld, Playdate, Gets New Details On Pre-Orders And More
@JasmineDragon The positive side is that it will be open source, so there will be plenty of stuff you can probably get for free. Not to mention it will be incredibly easy to emulate GameBoy games and the likes. Getting once of these to play old school Pokemon once in a while is pretty cool.
Re: Panic's Cool Little Handheld, Playdate, Gets New Details On Pre-Orders And More
It's neat but a little expensive, but once they crack GameBoy emulation, count me in. Shouldn't be too long since they kept it open source on purpose. I sort of want it, but I also want to watch how it plays out before jumping in. I suppose they keep making them when they sell out, so there's no hurry.
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
What is a Polymega?
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
And yet I've more confidence in the retro stuff outlasting me than any of the current gen systems.
Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman
@get2sammyb In terms of sales? I dunno. Hard to say now that the Switch is a thing. But if that didn't exist and we got a new handheld instead, could it reach 3DS numbers? I don't see why not. If Sony upped their game with a better handheld, maybe we could see more than 3DS + Vita. But that's of course almost impossible to tell. I wouldn't rule it out though.
Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman
@get2sammyb I don't think that shows a decline. Look at the GameBoy and GBC, it took them around two generations to sell, about 120 million units I believe. The sales of the other handhelds that have existed are so small, they're almost negligible. The market was never big to begin with, last gen was more of an exception me thinks.
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
@goombastomper85 I'm a moderator, and I'm giving you one last chance to behave and act decently.
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
@goombastomper85 Look, I'm fine with people having a debate, but there's no need to throw insults around. Keep it civil, profanity is not allowed. Consider this a warning.