Comments 10

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


@get2sammyb In terms of sales? I dunno. Hard to say now that the Switch is a thing. But if that didn't exist and we got a new handheld instead, could it reach 3DS numbers? I don't see why not. If Sony upped their game with a better handheld, maybe we could see more than 3DS + Vita. But that's of course almost impossible to tell. I wouldn't rule it out though.

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


@get2sammyb I don't think that shows a decline. Look at the GameBoy and GBC, it took them around two generations to sell, about 120 million units I believe. The sales of the other handhelds that have existed are so small, they're almost negligible. The market was never big to begin with, last gen was more of an exception me thinks.