Comments 10

Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You


i must admit, i never been a big fan of handhelds, still gotta have em all.

here are my favorites.

nintendo switch
Ds lite
Gameboy advance
ps vita

must say the DS was realy something when it got released, imo more groundbreaking then nintendo switch, but not far of, you see this in similar sales figures.

gba was cool, but very fast outdated imo, even got tired of 16bit for awhile because of gba. still it owns super nintendo classics. pokemon however is the reason why the gba is number one on nintendolife list, most of you have sentiment.

for me personaly nintendo switch is my favorite handheld ever made.

i am 49 years old btw

Re: New Game Footage Suggests The Intellivision Amico Will Struggle To Pull Families Away From Switch


The genesis was pretty hardcore:)
Not realy a console for very young kids in those days. More a console for the cool teenagers hanging around the arcade.
The console itself was not cheap also.
Just before the snes arived it costed around 499,- in my country, while the snes launched at 299,-

Btw i like this whole idea to bring the intellivison back to live. It was first console where i had love for and had to play on.
Lady bug, h.e.r.o, donkey kong etc.

Games looked pretty nice too for those days, much better then games on atari a2600

Re: Hands On: Exploring The Future Of Retro Gaming With Polymega


why always those old 2d games.
is their nobody anno 2018 that can build a worthy 3d system that fits under your tv for dreamcast, gamecube, psx. even with an upscaling system.

the only thing you need is a blu-ray player, software and drivers and a hdd for savefiles. is that so hard to invent? no im not talking about a illegal device for roms and isos. just any best emulated disc based console system.

Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console


these people should have known atari's history. its all but bla bla bla.

atari could never build great machines.
even their atari ST was horrible and over-expensive. the jaquar was alsi an example of scam, bragging about 64bit power before release, but did not even looked as nice as the super nintendo, it only had 16 million colors thats it. and that joypad man.....

the company leans on the a2600 era, wich should have been expanded, if these guys had the patiance to work on a decent predeccesor, instead of making small updates of a2600 hardware. they almost killed the industry, if it was'nt for nintendo.