@Razieluigi I had been in the TerraOnion Discord last year waiting for updates on the NeoSD Pro and Alex (the owner) would fairly regular post racist rants about immigration to Europe. He sucks, I wish someone else would have had a good Neo Geo flash cart at the time so I didn’t have to support him.
@Angelus3K I played around with it over the weekend, I didn’t have any issues with FMVs stuttering and load times seemed normal length but I didn’t go into depth on anything. Being able to access the SD card on the MemCard is way easier that taking out and putting in the hard drive.
Comments 4
Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive
@Razieluigi I had been in the TerraOnion Discord last year waiting for updates on the NeoSD Pro and Alex (the owner) would fairly regular post racist rants about immigration to Europe. He sucks, I wish someone else would have had a good Neo Geo flash cart at the time so I didn’t have to support him.
Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro 2 - Run PS2 Games And Manage Your Saves From This $50 Memory Card
@KitsuneNight the Saturn has the Saroo which is a similar option to this. There’s even a review of it on Time Extension.
Re: You Can Now Run Your Entire PS2 Library From This $50 Memory Card
@PinballBuzzbro not every game is compatible with OPL (the program used to launch games on PS2) but most games are playable.
Re: You Can Now Run Your Entire PS2 Library From This $50 Memory Card
@Angelus3K I played around with it over the weekend, I didn’t have any issues with FMVs stuttering and load times seemed normal length but I didn’t go into depth on anything. Being able to access the SD card on the MemCard is way easier that taking out and putting in the hard drive.