This is nothing new, sydra Was one of the first people to translate the fire pro games to English back in the late 90s. I first hooked up with him on IRC so he has been around for a while.
Just ask top hat gaming man on YouTube how well it turned out for him when he used a photograph in one of his videos and was ordered to pay off the original photographer. It was a photograph wiith Ray harryhausen I believe
Hello and thanks for the shout out. I was just turned on to this website and it truly is fantastic. As far as frogger goes I came across this story about five years ago while researching my video. As you mentioned with Japanese developers it's very hard to get an accurate representation sometimes but I do my best In regards to getting the story right and actually speaking with the original developers Is any fan of my channel can attest to.
Comments 10
Re: You Can Now Witness One Of The Most Depressing Video Game Endings In English
This is nothing new, sydra Was one of the first people to translate the fire pro games to English back in the late 90s. I first hooked up with him on IRC so he has been around for a while.
Re: Discovery's 'Game Changers' Series Under Fire For Using Historian Kate Willaert's Work Without Credit
Just ask top hat gaming man on YouTube how well it turned out for him when he used a photograph in one of his videos and was ordered to pay off the original photographer. It was a photograph wiith Ray harryhausen I believe
Re: Anniversary: Nintendo's Punch-Out!! Is 40 Years Old
I did a short documentary on the history of this game a few years back.. Always one of my favorites.
Re: Intellivision Names Amico Mascot, Still No Sign Of The Console
Everyone just needs to stop paying attention to this company so they can finally go away.
Re: Random: Did You Know About This Obscure Mario Bowling Game?
Definitely not a bowling game
Re: Interview: Former Coleco Exec Bert Reiner On ColecoVision, Nintendo & Cabbage Patch Kids
Fantastic article
Re: The Hidden History Of Donkey Kong Is About To Be Revealed
Yes, it will be interesting to read so then maybe I can finally cover donkey Kong on my channel
Re: Fans Are Porting Mortal Kombat II To 3DO
looks fantastic
Re: Mario Bros. For The Amstrad CPC Has Just Got A Fantastic Overhaul
It's a major improvement over the previous version was still a bit on the slow side
Re: Flashback: Who Created The Arcade Classic Frogger?
Hello and thanks for the shout out. I was just turned on to this website and it truly is fantastic. As far as frogger goes I came across this story about five years ago while researching my video. As you mentioned with Japanese developers it's very hard to get an accurate representation sometimes but I do my best In regards to getting the story right and actually speaking with the original developers Is any fan of my channel can attest to.
Keep up the great work.