Comments 7

Re: Channel 4 Is Resurrecting GamesMaster, The UK's Most Popular Video Game TV Show


At the time I loved anything to do with games on mainstream TV, but recently been doing watch parties of some episodes and you know what... it was actually really rubbish. Dominik Diamond seems to be a genuinely horrible person too.

There are some celebrities who are genuinely 'hardcore' gamers that have worked with Channel 4 in the past. James Buckley (Jay from Inbetweeners) and Limmy are both regular twitch streamers.

Re: Feature: What Makes A Person Sell Their Entire Retro Games Collection?


I buy a LOT of games. I spent a lot of money on them, but I also don't buy stuff that just comes out, so I will get 3-4 games for the price someone is paying on day 1, but still probably spend more than most. Yet I completely disagree with the opening of the article. I just don't see the appeal of collections, and especially displaying them. I think people get WAY too caught up in focusing on making sure they'll still have the ability to play their game in 30 years time, ignoring the fact they probably won't even want to play it again, or if they do, there will be better ways to play it.

I've come to see gaming, movies, music... they're all experiences. I don't need to own them to love them. I don't need to own them physically to experience them pretty much whenever I want.

And on a slightly related note... I have a friend who is really into collecting movies and TV shows on physical media. His wife is pregnant, and he keeps going on about how he's going to have his kid watch all the things he watched as a kid instead of today's 'modern trash'. I'm sure there are people out there that plan to do this with their game collection too. Don't do this. Can you imagine if your parents had never let you discover those games and tv shows you enjoyed as a kid, but instead made you do the same as they'd done when they were children?

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


It doesn't matter how unfavourable the term, Nintendo did not deal with it professionally at all. In negotiations, both sides will wants what is best for themselves. You can't agree to their demands, let them proceed with plans only to publicly announce you're turning your back on them. They should have kept negotiating until they were happy, or at least pulled out of them.

I think the games industry would be worse if this had gone ahead. Sony's introduction led to a huge widening of the gamer demographics, and a bunch of brand new IP, drastically different to anything that had come before it. It also showed that newcomers could come into the market and have success, paving the way for Microsoft to come in and bring even more to the market. Had all this gone to the original plan, you'd have just continued to have one machine, the Nintendo one, dominate, and games would be far less diverse than the three companies we have today.

Re: Book Review: Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works


Great review! I think I'll have to pick this up to read over Christmas. The Megadrive is such a big part of my childhood, and it was only when I was much older did I realise the SNES had arguably a stronger library. Back then I only knew once person who had one, and she kept saying she wished she had a Megadrive instead. SNES barely had a presence in stores, and without the internet to show us what was going on across the Atlantic, the Megadrive was the only show in town as far as me and all my friends were concerned.

I still prefer the 16-bit Sonic platformers to Mario, and everyone knows it had the superior version of Aladdin! Shining Force was another favourite, while a ridiculous number of hours were spent playing multiplayer Streets of Rage and Micro Machines Turbo Tournament.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures


I never had a Nintendo console before the Wii, but I remember wanting one so much because of this game. This was back when I was a kid, and relying on my parents to buy consoles for christmas, and it was strictly a one per generation thing, and I'd gone for the PS2.

I never did end up picking it up to play on the Wii because of all the negative press I've since realised it had, but it sounds like the only downside is, it's 'too different' from what Star Fox should be. Considering I've never played a Star Fox, I'm probably thinking I'd actually love this as much as I thought I would, all those years ago.