I already have an older Anberic device that plays games through the SNES perfectly, so I don't need this, but it's great that they ripped off the best Game Boy form factor. They are kind of flying close to the sun when it comes to trademark and patent infringement.
I love this company. Like, I never thought that obscure arcade platformers like Liquid Kids would ever be available again. They do it right and reasonably priced.
@Blast16 Agreed on the Wii U pro controller, my all time favorite. I use it to play emulated games on my Mac, and it's perfect. My other favorite dpad is the clicky one on the DSi.
I'm a copyright professional, so it makes me laugh how they obscured all the game labels and logos on the GBA on the cover because clearing rights for front cover usage = $$$$$. Smart move!
What's odd about this is that PC games weren't really ever distributed like this, so that kind of removes the nostalgia factor that plays so heavily in retro physical releases. "I remember buying games on cartridges" is a thing; "I remember buying games on a thumb drive in a box" is not a thing.
The problem with Atari anymore is that they're just an IP holding company. Everything is licensed out willy nilly, and they obviously don't care if the licensees do a good job or not.
My favorite thing about the Gizmondo is that they coated them with that notoriously unstable "no-slip" rubberized (neoprene?) stuff and now all the surviving Gizmondos are gooey.
Not really! I'm older, so the games from my childhood were first and second generation consoles, and I never got into them then or now (sorry!). I've re-purchased a lot of nostalgic things from my childhood, but none of them are video games.
@Poodlestargenerica I was just going to say that the clicky dpad on the DSi was one of my favorites. I also like the dpad on the Wii U Pro controller a lot.
Everyone in the Analogue ecosystem is so dedicated to making otherwise easily available games into needlessly difficult and expensive projects. It's heartwarming.
Would love to see something like this dedicated to The Fall. "In this text adventure, guide The Fall through an American tour without Mark E. Smith firing the entire band."
Comments 43
Re: 8BitDo & Viture Are Teasing A "Jaw-Dropping" New Mobile Gaming Accessory
A controller! How jaw-dropping!
Re: Review: Anbernic RG34XX - A GBA Clone That's So Good Nintendo's Name Should Be On It
I already have an older Anberic device that plays games through the SNES perfectly, so I don't need this, but it's great that they ripped off the best Game Boy form factor. They are kind of flying close to the sun when it comes to trademark and patent infringement.
Re: Sounds Like Duke Nukem's Voice Actor Wants To Buy The Rights To The Character
I think there's room for more Duke Nukem.
Re: Random: Sega Is Reviving A Saucy Viz Mega Drive Ad For New Japanese Clothing Range
It's all so mature.
Re: Review: TrimUI Brick - A Perfectly Pocket-Friendly Emulation Option
I'm concerned that only four or five of these new emulators are announced every month. What if we run out?
Re: If Nothing Else, SuperSega's Latest "Review" Should Convince You To Keep Your Wallet Shut
@PXAbstracftion Unless they give him money, in which case he'll do a puff piece on it.
Re: Hands On: HyperMegaTech Super Pocket Technōs And Atari Editions
I have the Taito edition of this, and it's such a cool handheld. I haven't taken advantage of the Evercade compatibility yet, but I really like it.
Re: Hotel Mario, One Of Mario's "Worst Games", Is Getting A Fan-Made Upgrade
It's a decent puzzle game.
Re: More Taito Arcade Archives Games Are Now On Sale On PS4 & The Switch eShop
I love this company. Like, I never thought that obscure arcade platformers like Liquid Kids would ever be available again. They do it right and reasonably priced.
Re: GameStop Is Selling An Exclusive ModRetro Chromatic
Wow, you guys are really pushing this thing.
Re: 42 Years Later, The ColecoVision Is Back As A $2,300 MAME Cabinet
New! Super expensive way to play the worst games nobody fondly remembers!
Re: The Game That Inspired The Term 'Roguelike' Is Now Available On Switch
@KitsuneNight It was a housemate's Macintosh 128K, I believe? It was definitely monochrome.
Re: The Game That Inspired The Term 'Roguelike' Is Now Available On Switch
I used to play Rogue on the Mac endlessly in the early 80s.
Re: The Next Analogue Pocket Limited Edition Is Made From Aluminum, Costs $500
@Blast16 Agreed on the Wii U pro controller, my all time favorite. I use it to play emulated games on my Mac, and it's perfect. My other favorite dpad is the clicky one on the DSi.
Re: Ninty Media's Next Book Tackles The Game Boy Advance
I'm a copyright professional, so it makes me laugh how they obscured all the game labels and logos on the GBA on the cover because clearing rights for front cover usage = $$$$$. Smart move!
Re: You Can Now Play 3DS Games Natively Via A Virtual Reality Headset
Ha ha, this will look awful, but seems like fun!
Re: We Could Be Getting A New Parodius After 17 Years MIA
Knowing Konami, it'll be a Parodius-themed pachinko machine.
Re: Limited Run's New "PC Micro Edition" Hasn't Gone Down Well With Some Fans
What's odd about this is that PC games weren't really ever distributed like this, so that kind of removes the nostalgia factor that plays so heavily in retro physical releases. "I remember buying games on cartridges" is a thing; "I remember buying games on a thumb drive in a box" is not a thing.
Re: AYANEO Is Showing Off Two Game Boy-Style Handhelds This Week
Coming soon: Anberric announces 17 new handhelds!
Re: Atari Fans Spent $1000 On 50th XP Collection Only To Find Two Of Its Games Are Broken
The problem with Atari anymore is that they're just an IP holding company. Everything is licensed out willy nilly, and they obviously don't care if the licensees do a good job or not.
Re: You Can Now Control Your Switch Using Your GBA
Love using my GBA as a controller for the Gamecube's Game Boy Player.
Re: This $500 Game Boy-Style Handheld Is All About Bitcoin
Anybody dumb enough to buy this is probably too far gone to save anyway.
Re: Flashback: Gizmondo's Lavish Launch Party Had Everything, Except A Successful System
My favorite thing about the Gizmondo is that they coated them with that notoriously unstable "no-slip" rubberized (neoprene?) stuff and now all the surviving Gizmondos are gooey.
Re: Without Ghouls ‘n Ghosts, We Wouldn't Have Sonic, Says Yuji Naka
I know Yuji Naka is in prison for insider trading shenanigans, but I prefer to think of him as being in prison for Balan Wonderworld.
Re: The Original Metroid Is Being Recreated On The Game Boy
The original Metroid was ported to the GBA twice: once as "Zero Mission" and once as an "NES Classics" cart.
Re: Intellivision Names Amico Mascot, Still No Sign Of The Console
Rearranging the deck chairs on the SS Investor Lawsuit.
Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?
Not really! I'm older, so the games from my childhood were first and second generation consoles, and I never got into them then or now (sorry!). I've re-purchased a lot of nostalgic things from my childhood, but none of them are video games.
Re: Wii Fans Are Reviving The Console's eShop With 'RiiShop'
This makes sense since Wii games are so rare and hard to find.
Re: Twin Galaxies Restores Billy Mitchell's Donkey Kong High Scores
@iconmaster I hope Jobst is making it and I hope it's called "King of Kong Jr.'
Re: Portal 64 Fan Project Shut Down After Contact From Valve
Valve shutting this down and pretending it's Nintendo's fault is a vibe.
Re: Hands On: Octopus Arcade Stick - A One-Stop Solution For Fighting Fans
I always love pink knobs.
Re: Konami's Arcade Classic 'Mystic Warriors' Finally Arrives On Consoles This Week
God bless Hamster Corp. Love them for releasing so many esoteric arcade ports!
Re: Sega Files Altered Beast, Eternal Champions And Kid Chameleon Trademarks
Bring back Billy Hatcher, you cowards.
Re: Here's An Updated Look At Aya Neo's Upcoming "High-end" Handheld, The Pocket S
@Poodlestargenerica I was just going to say that the clicky dpad on the DSi was one of my favorites. I also like the dpad on the Wii U Pro controller a lot.
Re: Intellivision Admits It Doesn't Have The Funds To Make The Console
All I can say is... Oof!
Re: Yep, More Analogue Pocket Limited Editions Are On The Way
Hate the way this company does retail and I refuse to buy anything from them. It's so galling.
Re: Best Wii Games Of All Time
Pretty obvious list! I think my favorite Wii game is Mushroom Men, a totally underrated 3D platformer with incredible Les Claypool music.
Re: Anniversary: Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Is 20 Today
Playing this on the Gamecube just feels good. The controls are so perfect and fun.
Re: Crowdfunding Begins For The Polycade Sente, A New Modular Home Arcade System
@-wc- Definite "Sharper Image" vibes. I can never figure out who these things are for.
Re: Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, The Punisher And Bubble Bobble Come To Analogue Pocket
Everyone in the Analogue ecosystem is so dedicated to making otherwise easily available games into needlessly difficult and expensive projects. It's heartwarming.
Re: Best Electronic Table-Top Games Of All Time
Love these dumb things! I have a Coleco Donkey Kong Jr. and a Tomy Scramble. You used to be able to find these in thrift stores for dirt cheap.
Re: Analogue Is Teasing Something For Next Week
I dislike the way these guys conduct their business and I won't buy anything from them.
Re: The Smiths Have Just Got Their Own Unofficial Text Adventure Game For C64 & Oric
Would love to see something like this dedicated to The Fall. "In this text adventure, guide The Fall through an American tour without Mark E. Smith firing the entire band."