

Never grow old, always keep playing

Comments 82

Re: This Incredible Super Mario Fan Game Just Got Even Better


While I love the looks of this game, using Mario is a bad idea. They should've created a brand new game world. The chances that this will be taken down is pretty great. Especially with all the exposure it's getting.

I understand that creating assets and animations takes a lot of work, but from the looks of it, they already did that anyway...

Anyways, best of luck to the dev!

Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think


@Fanboy_Destroyer That's true, but in the case of the first 3D games it is much more evident to me. I never said I judge how good a game is based on the graphics, however. And OoT story is good, but it is a very vanilla type of story of good vs evil. I think Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask had a much more intruiging story line.

There's no denying that OoT had a huge impact on what we all think sets great games apart from good games, but to me it will never be the best Zelda game. For multiple reasons. But it has served as a great template for many other great games.

Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think


@Fanboy_Destroyer have to agree with you. Most games from that era have aged like milk, especially graphics wise. It's one of the reasons why I never agree that Ocarina of Time is the best Zelda game ever made. Sure it's undeniably a great game, but I think A Link to the Past has aged much better than OoT. Many games from the 16-bit era have aged considerably better than N64 games, if you ask me.

Re: Review: PlayCase Turns Your iPhone Into A Game Console, With A Few Catches


One of the reasons I keep gaming separated from my phone is that I don't want the distraction of either when using one of the other. When I'm gaming, I don't want to be distracted by my phone and when I'm using my phone, I don't want to get tempted to play games on it...

This device looks very cheap and although the idea seems good, I'm not surprised it doesn't work that well.

Re: Gallery: The Console Chronicles Is Rather Lovely, If We Do Say So Ourselves


@Moochy Ask Iwata is a great book, that shines in its simplicity and lack of fluff. But "Disrupting the Game" is only good for maybe a third of its total content. The rest is all about Reggie's career before and after Nintendo. While I enjoy biographies, I thought Reggie's book was more of a business coaching book in many regards. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't the greatest read ever, either.

Re: "Please Let Us Remaster Ogre Battle," Says Atari And Infogrames Boss


While I'd love a remaster of these old games, I have to admit that I feel we are reaching a point where everything is just remade/remastered to the point where we are just replaying everything we used to love. There's nothing inately wrong with that, but fresh, new IPs or new entries would be more welcome than recycled old junk at some point.

@SmaggTheSmug Unicorn Overlord was so good! If I had enough spare time, I'd probably replay it on a harder setting and do me some min-maxing on the teams.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


History is always written by the victors, is it not? People will always be biased, that's what we're human for. It's no wonder that Nintendo comes up in top 100 of all time so much. It's a matter of popularity vs. relevancy. I fondly remember Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, but Croc doesn't get as much releases as Super Mario, or Sonic, so he loses relevancy and isn't as "top of mind" as other iconic video game characters.

I don't have an opinion either way, it's just the way it is and I don't see why it is a problem. The bigger problem is preserving old video games, in my honest opinion. Nintendo has a way of removing availability of old games that I find more harmful to video game history.

Re: Flashback: It's 1997, And The BBC Is Hyping Up The Battle Between N64, PS1 And Saturn


@KitsuneNight Gaming, or the gaming industry? I think you can ask a thousand people and get a thousand different answers. I don't agree that gaming is dystopian these days. The playfield is different, but good games are still being made, alongside a neverending stream of shovelware. But this was always been the case, except it might be more evident these days. Don't forget the gaming crisis back in '84, for instance.

Re: Blaze Confirms One Million Evercade Cartridge Milestone, Ex-Eidos Boss Joins As Chairman


I've been so interested, yet not at all by Evercade. I love the appeal of collecting the cartridges, but my interest in retro games has grown ever since I discovered the Retro Achievements collective and I refuse to play my retro games without retro achievs as a consequence. Should Evercade ever incorporate this feature, then I'm almost certain that I'll bite. Until then, I'll enjoy whatever they're doing as an observer.

Re: Nintendo's Game Boy Is A Hot Item In Japan Again


I still have my OG brick somewhere in a box. The LCD display has degraded so far that you can barely see anything, even with contrast all the way turned down (or up, I don't know which). I've been toying with the idea of dismantling it and hanging it up the wall with a blueprint of the GB next to it. It seems like an excellent way to display my love and affection for Nintendo's handheld legend.

Re: Lost Satoru Iwata Interview Resurfaces 20 Years Later


I watched this yesterday and it's so great to see one of my personal heroes in an exclusive interview. I also love the philosophy behind so many things Nintendo does. Especially how Iwata San perceived the PSP as no threat to the GBA and DS line-up. In hindsight, he was right on many accounts, even though Nintendo sometimes makes really weird decisions, I think their unpredictability is part of what makes them great. I hope his legacy lives on.

Re: Zelda-Like 'Timothy And The Mysterious Forest' Is Getting A Game Boy Color-Style DX Update


I have recently been replaying the Game Boy classic Final Fantasy Adventure and every time I play it, I feel like it's "When you order Link's Awakening from Wish". If this game is similar, then I should have a blast with it. Old skool mechanics are not always a bad thing, in my opinion. I love the grinding in the classic Pokémon games and the "unfairness" that is often associated with games from the old video game era. So I'll keep an eye on this. It's not the first time I disagree with the reviewers. And we shouldn't forget that reviews are always subjective.

Re: You Can Now Play Doom On The Retro Console In Persona 5


That's pretty nifty. I always love it when you can play games inside games. Makes it feel very metaphysical. I remember the first time I ever encountered this was in Day of the Tentacle, which allowed you to play the first Maniac Mansion on a PC in the game. That was quite a wild experience for young, teenage me.

Re: GameBook Color: The Unofficial CGB Companion Is Out Now


Might pick this one up. I've recently started collecting books like these, because it's just so much fun to have a good trip down memory lane and maybe even finding some hidden gems I never heard about. And as a self proclaimed retro gamer, these kinds of books are kind of essential, right?

Re: 'Evercade Alpha' Listing Hints At New Hardware In 2024


Hmm, maybe it's a good thing I held off on getting an Evercade so far. Does anyone know if Evercade supports Retro Achievements? Because for me that's the new way to play old games these days. I just love that community and seeing awesome Achievement sets being created by it.

Re: Flashback: The Nintendo NX Leak That (Almost) Fooled The World


@Steel76 I'm glad they merged the portable and console, it's also an extremely wise business decision in the long run to focus on one system at a time.

Personally, I do hope they'll make the successor to Switch more powerful, but maybe also a little bit more portable. Maybe they could release two models, like they did this time around, one for handheld play and one, a bit more beefier for console-like play. I would personally love that.

Re: This Company Makes 35-Year-Old Game Boys Look Like New


I still have my old Game Boy. Been thinking about taking it apart and creating a beautiful wall piece with it instead. I've seen some really good art designs that combine the actual parts with blueprint backgrounds. I don't really care much for playing games on the old Boy, since the screen was quite horrible and emulation is my preferred way of playing classics these days on the big screen.

Re: Random: Did You Own This Bizarre Anti-Smoking Game For DS?


There were so many strange "games" on DS. I think Brain Training paved the way for many developers to try ideas like this. I am against smoking in general, but I don't think a game is the right way to help people quit. In my observations a lot of people who smoke can't seem to quit at all. It's a really nasty addiction to have, and one where a lot of people suffer from, even their surrounding area.

Re: Anniversary: The Game Boy Is 35 Years Old Today


I believe we were early adopters of the Game Boy. I remember playing Soccer with the link cable with a school buddy of mine. We were at the start of our teenage years and life was good! I remember holidays where we brought the Game Boy and my dad and I would fight for screen time, but even my sister and mother wanted to play Tetris on the good ol' brick. The Game Boy cemented my love for all things Nintendo and I still have my old Game Boy. Sadly its screen has long since degraged, but I still have my collection of games!

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