Comments 218

Re: Taito's Run & Gunner 'Crime City' Is Heading To Switch & PS4


@JMX Iā€™d assume Theyā€™re not on PC since MAME exists and people who use it wouldnā€™t have much reason to buy arcade archives titles.

As for Xbox Iā€™d assume itā€™s because of modern Microsoftā€™s nonexistent popularity in Japan and the fact Xbox is beginning to flounder as a company likely isnā€™t helping with that.

Re: Mega Man X8 Has Just Got A Free 16-Bit Fan Demake


the original x8 was always one of my least favorite mega man games due to the incessent overeliance on annoying unfun gimmicks, and this fangame seems to get rid of all of that in favor for a more tightly crafted platforming focused game so im all in! No zero also isnt the end of the world to me since i dont feel hed work well with this games shooting centric level design.

Re: Please, Sega, Let's Have A Proper Fantasy Zone Sequel


IMO M2 are actually BETTER at making unique games than just porting old ones. Fantasy zone II DX, Space Harrier 2 DX, the entire rebirth trilogy, haunted castle revisisted, super bomberman r, gg aleste 3, they are a golden team for remaking and revitalizing old ips and i wish they were given more work in that regard.

Re: The Worst Castlevania Game Is Getting Remade


@X68000 snes version is phenomenal barring the occasional slowdown, and the arcade version COULD'VE been good but the fact it has no continues whatsoever while also having typical extreme arcade difficulty just ruins it for me. There's a borderline between a game being hard and a game just being not enjoyable to beat, idk what they were thinking pulling that crap on an arcade cabinet.

Re: Rare Region-Locked Classic 'Rendering Ranger: R2' Is Coming To PS4, PS5, Switch, & PC


Also while I donā€™t like limited run they donā€™t straight up lie to their customers like the scumf@$(s at ININ did with those turrican anthologies and being ā€œā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€physical exclusiveā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ā€ only to release them on eshop the day after I finally receive mine from strictly limited after waiting nearly 2 years. Idc how bad limited run is, they at least wonā€™t pull any of that snake oil salesmen garbage with what they release.

Re: Dragon Quest SNES Prototype Worth $50,000 "Lost For Good"


@ZZalapski If the seller wanted all that money they couldā€™ve sold it to an archival foundation or museum, someone whoā€™d actually benefit from having it by preserving it, and if the buyer was saving up money for it there are about 9 billion better things you could use 50,000 on, such as donating to charity, or buying something genuinely useful, or commissioning artists, or saving it up for future uses in life, not storing an important historical item on some dusty shelf like itā€™s a mounted elk head for christs sake. This mindset is like saying the burning of Alexandria was a good thing because ā€œWhat else would they do with all that fire? Weapons are made to be used, after allā€.

Re: 'Batman: Revenge Of The Joker' For The Sega Genesis Gets Impressive Fan Overhaul


the unreleased snes version of this is one of the worst games of all time imo, after the first stage it spams hazards and enemies that come at you from off screen and instantly kill you with no fair logical way for you to react to them on a level that would make most kaizo developers wince. Normally I feel a little bummed out when a game gets cancelled close to completion, but I'm so glad that pure garbage never made it to store shelves and can completely understand why it was cancelled.

Re: Konami Butchered This SNES Classic, So We Fixed It


I always try and patch unlimited lives codes onto the roms of most games I play since imo limited continues add literally nothing to the difficulty aside from making it so you canā€™t learn and adapt to the games challenges comfortably. Iā€™m so glad that for the most part modern retro inspired indie games go the route of either giving you unlimited lives or no continue limit since itā€™s simply the better way to design your game.

Unless itā€™s a Treasure thing where you gain more of them as you play until they eventually become infinite that is a genuinely goated system that is the one exception I will make to all this lol.

Re: Talking Point: Is Nintendo Erasing Its Own History In Its War On ROM Sites?


they arent erasing their own history by taking down roms their erasing their own history by providing legendarily bad services for their older games with absorbent prices nowadays that dont even include the whole lineup of their own d@^^m games and in the n64's case especially barely function due to how badly the nso emulator for it was slapped together lmfao. Like it is 2nd hand embarassing how bad the n64 emulation on that service is oh my lord

Re: Random: This Bulk Slash FAQ Has Been Puzzling Fans For Almost 20 Years


Tbh this is just kinda the thing with gamefaqs in general. A ton of sweaty nerds who are way too pretentious and gatekeepey about the games they play, one time I came across a Sengoku 3 FAQ where the author went in depth about how heā€™d spend like hours of his life everyday hunched over an arcade cabinet for the game just playing it over and over for hours and growling at people who come near him like a Batman villain or smth, and donā€™t even get me started on the board forumsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Re: Cyber Citizen Shockman 3 Is Being Rereleased On Consoles Next Month


ratalaika are so good when it comes to their rereleases, i keep sayin this but people should be going to them for console stuff instead of limited run or ESPECIALLY m2. They always add great quality of life features while also runnning the game in an almost completely perfect state, more ppl need to talk about the miracle work theyve done with gleylancer, turrican, gynoug and this series.