Comments 23

Re: Feature: Playing God: How Peter Molyneux Hooked Japan With Populous


I still have a soft spot for Molyneux's games, and many fond memories of them. Theme Park, Theme Hospital, Dungeon Keeper, even Gene Wars, for as flawed and unfulfilling of its potential as that game was.

This past handful of years, no less than four separate wannabes of Theme Hospital have caught my attention, and a very deliberate Dungeon Keeper knock-off has reared its head as well. Clearly a lot of developers still look up to Molyneux.

Strangely, that is the version I own.
It was apparently rebuilt ground-up by the guys at TecMagik, another small UK studio.

Re: There's A New Intellivision Coming, And A Trio Of Former Nintendo Staffers Are Helping Launch It


I think it's about time the Americans get back in to the game console market, now that Microsoft have all but admitted that they have no ideas left.

That mysterious Atari announcement last year really doesn't count.

This new Intellivision initiative is headed by some real pros that I have an utmost respect for. And while it smells a bit like the phone-tech based micro console experiments that OUYA and GameStick hit a wall with, I'm convinced there are lots of untapped brilliant ideas out there that can help make this a successful brand revival.

Here's to their efforts!

That looks like an elder-care hygiene product from the 90s, and no end-user will have a clue who those people are.

This video gets the job done of telling the industry that something is coming, but ultimately raises more questions than it answers. Which might be a good thing, if the answers are coming.

Re: Feature: Take A Peek Behind The Curtain At Rare With This New Exhibit


Rare were so incredibly prolific in the 90s.

As a young idealist at the time I was pretty upset when it was revealed that the Stampers had sold Rare in its entirety to Microsoft.

Learning about all of what went on up to that event in the years after has given it some perspective. I'm happy their legacy can still be appreciated like this.

Re: Feature: A Look Back At the SG-1000, Sega's First Ever Home Console


Very interesting set of limitations this systems seems to have had. And man, the Z80 is legendary for a reason.

For the few original designs in there, I'd really love to play those as well. Though quite many of the games appear to have been cut-rate versions of gamers from other systems/arcade in the first place. So porting those might not be optimal.

Re: Random: The Legendary Sonic Formula One Trophy Won By Ayrton Senna Still Exists


Man, Sonic was the talk of the town back then.
I was 7 years old and fellow kids would be like "kender du Sonic'en?", as in "the Sonic," in definite article, because we didn't know english and didn't know any better.
Then soon after the games came the animated TV series (in plural).

One of the most massive and successful character brandings in history.

Re: Alex Kidd In Miracle World Was Supposed To Be A Dragon Ball Game


I was able to beat this game many times over in my childhood, mainly becasue I'd been given a hand-written cheat sheet for all the janken battles AND the order of the pink stones.

Somewhat surprised by learning tha it was supposed to be a Dragon Ball game, but in hindsight it looks super obvious.

Re: ​The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader


I never got into the Rogue Squadron games back in the day, not being much of a StarWars person, but I do remember being wildly impressed with the first trailers for Rogue Squadron II, leading up to the GameCube's release.

I would probably have bought the Wii compilation though, and I'm sure many others would as well, judging from how well the LEGO StarWars Trilogy did on Wii.