I remember when I first heard of this game it was a year or two back and it sounded amazing, then I saw that it had essentially been received as one of the worst games ever and was very disappointed. It's like findng out there was a superman game you never played for N64.
@GhaleonUnlimited Did I say they were lazy? I said using discs allowed them to be lazier. Part of why it was easier to develop for ps1 was the ability to use prerendered large amounts of things. It's not a conspiracy it's just basic knowledge of video game history.
And either way that's not the conversation we were having. You said Nintendo's choice cost them square, I'm saying square clearly could have made better games had they developed for N64. They chosebthe easier path, they would tell you the same thing. And I don't think it would have boosted the N64 sales much, sur people bought a lot of FF games, but people bought the ps1 for rapidly churned out nascar, sports, and shooters just like they do now, and because it was a reasonably priced high end CD player.
@GhaleonUnlimited Disc's had nothing to do with squares ability to make games. FF7 looks like playmobil characters against prerendered backgrounds. The areas in ps1 FF games are miniscule compared to N64 games, and the loading times are horrific. If they'd developed for 64 they could have done the same things better, discs just let them be lazier.
If this reaches its goal I will give you a thank you note. If it reaches its stretch goals, I'll eat my hat. If does all of that and is good, I will put your choice of condiment on my hat.
But seriously this looks like a scam, or just a very deluded person.
Cool I guess. But also, I don't want the backgrounds of video games to be my wall. Might as well just play that HD port of smb3 that did the "kitchen table" course design.
This reminds me of the Peter Serafinowicz iToilet sketch. It just feels like I don't want to believe it because someone's going to yell "gotcha" as soon as I do.
It's definitely a ps1 classic, there's no way you could cram an OG ps1 into something that size with original controls, and a screen. That thing is very compact.
I love the accusations of money laundering every time this comes up like people aren't spending millions on pokemon cards, and stuff like that all the time. Money laundering happens of course, but really our civilization has lost it's grip on reality.
@drstory Yeah basically this. Stuff like alarmy, the most popular alarm clock app in the world if I'm not mistaken, on android I can just have whatever sound or song I want. On my iPad, I have to link iTunes or Spotify, and everything is handled internally. I think chunky is the only app I have whose files are kept externally, so I can manage them via the file browser. But also that really only mattered as of four years ago when they finally added external storage support, before that I had to use the built in ftp server. Maybe that could be implemented for emulators. Taking away user control to that degree is insane to me, and honestly people who disagree typically don't know enough to care so it doesn't matter, but I don't get it.
I guess it's a step. God I hate apple devices. I like my ipad pro because I used it for very specific uses, but they're basically nonfunctional compared to windows/android if you are a consumer who wants any kind of choice.
When the best free music library app for an operating system is VLC, you can tell there is an issue.
Absolutely terrible game, BUT I want it to be good. That and a couple other games, Milles Miglia? Something like that, and that corvette game, they all suck. I want era based racing games that are fun. Mafia is about the closest I've played. I'm sure there's old Rolls' in GT or something, which is cool, but I'd love a racing game that focused on different eras. Sort of like Timesplitters 2 but racing.
@-wc- I'm glad you got your stickless wish. Here's the thing though, it's not about what games require sticks, famously the n64,dc, psp, and og ps1 didn't have sticks, you know this obviously. BUT in order to do this, they often did silly things to control camera, which was sometimes triggers (which is fine), but other times way more convoluted, so when I emulate a lot of games from those systems, I do map the stick to update the controls a bit.
Talk about devs who knew how to use the hardware. These guys were brilliant, and nothing even close to these games could have run on ps1. I usually lump the rogue squadron trilogy into one game when ranking it because they all have their pros and cons, but the OG is still my favorite, and just the best star wars game ever made imo.
@KraniX There's no such thing as a correct way to say an acronym, and many are spelled out, nobody says "I became an airline pilot after serving in the Raaff", or "I can't concentrate because I have Adhud". "Sness" sounds absolutely ridiculous, but coming from the land of "Mair-ee-oh" I guess it's about right.
This looks amazing and eliminates the things I can't stand about the originals, the single screen only multi-player that stops the action every ten seconds, and the non interactive environments that feel pointless.
I think the reason it's forgotten is that nobody cares about any of those games. Funny bit of history though, I like thinking about some disinterested soap opera actress crying because a bunch of 80's computer geeks are sitting around doing things she doesn't understand.
@Adol-Bannings Well, I am talking about exactly the people who visit sites like these and I am talking about specifically grouping those three franchises, and occasionally mother, so I don't really get what you're saying, but I think you missed the point. And I basically said there were not millions of people clamoring for them, that's the issue.
What an awful looking game. I was wondering why I'd never heard of a game giving off ghibli vibes like this, and it's because it looks like superman 64.
@Gryffin I think if there's no link capability locally then the correct protocol wouldn't be there, but it might be possible with additional work. Sort of like having the wrong cord, but since it's software based someone might be able to "program the right cord" . This is all just speculation though.
@NinChocolate Everyone always throws in Kid Icarus, alongside stuff Like Starfox and F-Zero, like it's some crazy thing it's been abandoned, it's not really a good franchise. The third one is really unique, mostly due to Sakurai, but it also sold terribly, despite being awesome. The first two games are... OK? They really aren't great. It doesn't really have an identity or reason to continue. I know you said it as an afterthought, but unless Sakurai cooking up a new one, I don't experieect it to make a comeback, maybe ever.
@Expa0 Nope, like I already said there's a better version of this that's been available for years, and the main change was that the new dev fixed the AI to be faster, so it's not a limitation.
@Impossibilium Are you actually implying that one of the writers on this site is promoting eugenics because he used a phrase about about poison in blood? Is everything alright at home?
I love this in theory, but really, unless you're a gambling addict, poker is the only fun casino game, and very few games have the AI to make it fun. I've played a few games with similar concepts and it doesn't really work out, it seems like Balatro probably hit a sweet spot though.
That quote is idiotic and show's that he never actually had any idea what he's talking about. I'm not going to dive too deep into it, but at a baseline, his thesis seems to be "video games are a great teaching tool because they now have graphics good enough to be realistic". The sort of elitist drivel that made people think comics were a low form of entertainment for decades. Then of course referencing a biopic as any sort of real world proof is a sign of a blow hard if there ever was one, especially when someone who crusades against violence in video games is misguidedly championing nuclear power, as some sort of offhand blindly optimistic remark. This sort of fake feel good idealism makes me way more sick to my stomach than anything in GTA, and I'm pro (self) censorship. This guy's a tool.
I guess I'll mention the elephant in the room that this is a Super Mario World rip off visually. I can't stand games that do that. Like that Beckham game with Yoshi's Island.
Comments 1,004
Re: The Making Of: Ride To Hell, The Open-World Epic That Became One Of The Worst Games Of All Time
I remember when I first heard of this game it was a year or two back and it sounded amazing, then I saw that it had essentially been received as one of the worst games ever and was very disappointed. It's like findng out there was a superman game you never played for N64.
Re: Square Had Huge Plans For The N64 Before It Fell Out With Nintendo
@GhaleonUnlimited Did I say they were lazy? I said using discs allowed them to be lazier. Part of why it was easier to develop for ps1 was the ability to use prerendered large amounts of things. It's not a conspiracy it's just basic knowledge of video game history.
And either way that's not the conversation we were having. You said Nintendo's choice cost them square, I'm saying square clearly could have made better games had they developed for N64. They chosebthe easier path, they would tell you the same thing. And I don't think it would have boosted the N64 sales much, sur people bought a lot of FF games, but people bought the ps1 for rapidly churned out nascar, sports, and shooters just like they do now, and because it was a reasonably priced high end CD player.
Re: Square Had Huge Plans For The N64 Before It Fell Out With Nintendo
@GhaleonUnlimited Disc's had nothing to do with squares ability to make games. FF7 looks like playmobil characters against prerendered backgrounds. The areas in ps1 FF games are miniscule compared to N64 games, and the loading times are horrific. If they'd developed for 64 they could have done the same things better, discs just let them be lazier.
Re: Prototype Builds Of The Cancelled N64 Game 'Riqa' Published Online
Wow, I've never even heard of this one before, cool.
OK I just saw the thieves world bit, that was exactly what game I thought this was when I first saw it.
Re: Cosmo Knight ZiON Is A New Game Boy Color Title Inspired By Saint Seiya
If this reaches its goal I will give you a thank you note. If it reaches its stretch goals, I'll eat my hat. If does all of that and is good, I will put your choice of condiment on my hat.
But seriously this looks like a scam, or just a very deluded person.
Re: Random: Gamers Are Using 3DSen To Play NES Games In Mixed Reality
Cool I guess. But also, I don't want the backgrounds of video games to be my wall. Might as well just play that HD port of smb3 that did the "kitchen table" course design.
Re: This $500 Game Boy-Style Handheld Is All About Bitcoin
This reminds me of the Peter Serafinowicz iToilet sketch. It just feels like I don't want to believe it because someone's going to yell "gotcha" as soon as I do.
Re: Metroid II Gets A Colourful Super Game Boy Upgrade
That looks terrible. Just play the sweet color mod.
Re: Modder Transforms Rare PS1 Controller Into Working PS1 Console
@neufel That was my first thought too, but the article had said that it was a real ps1 so I was responding to that.
Re: Modder Transforms Rare PS1 Controller Into Working PS1 Console
It's definitely a ps1 classic, there's no way you could cram an OG ps1 into something that size with original controls, and a screen. That thing is very compact.
Re: A Bunch Of Sealed NES Games Just Sold For Utterly Insane Amounts On eBay
I love the accusations of money laundering every time this comes up like people aren't spending millions on pokemon cards, and stuff like that all the time. Money laundering happens of course, but really our civilization has lost it's grip on reality.
Re: Sonic Co-Creator Yuji Naka Accuses Outgoing Dragon Quest Producer Of Fibbing In Court
Glass houses my friend, glass houses.
Re: Retro Emulators Are Coming To iPhone's App Store
@drstory Yeah basically this. Stuff like alarmy, the most popular alarm clock app in the world if I'm not mistaken, on android I can just have whatever sound or song I want. On my iPad, I have to link iTunes or Spotify, and everything is handled internally. I think chunky is the only app I have whose files are kept externally, so I can manage them via the file browser. But also that really only mattered as of four years ago when they finally added external storage support, before that I had to use the built in ftp server. Maybe that could be implemented for emulators. Taking away user control to that degree is insane to me, and honestly people who disagree typically don't know enough to care so it doesn't matter, but I don't get it.
Re: Retro Emulators Are Coming To iPhone's App Store
I guess it's a step. God I hate apple devices. I like my ipad pro because I used it for very specific uses, but they're basically nonfunctional compared to windows/android if you are a consumer who wants any kind of choice.
When the best free music library app for an operating system is VLC, you can tell there is an issue.
Re: Castaway Is An Adorable New Zelda-Like From The Developer Of Lunark
This looks fantastic
Re: Turns Out, Spirit of Speed 1937 Isn't Back Online After All
Absolutely terrible game, BUT I want it to be good. That and a couple other games, Milles Miglia? Something like that, and that corvette game, they all suck. I want era based racing games that are fun. Mafia is about the closest I've played. I'm sure there's old Rolls' in GT or something, which is cool, but I'd love a racing game that focused on different eras. Sort of like Timesplitters 2 but racing.
Re: Game Informer Readers Label Ocarina Of Time "The Greatest Game Of All Time"
Well it is the greatest game of all time, so I agree.
Re: Lucas Pope Made Playdate Classic 'Mars After Midnight' For His Kids, Not Money
I think most people with kids make things for their kids. I don't even have kids yet and I do it. Sometimes it means we get jar jar and walkie talkies
Re: Brutal Star Wars: X-Wing Mission Made One Player Cut Up His Discs And Mail Them To LucasArts
That's hilarious. I think space sims often get looked over in conversations about brutal difficulty.
Re: Analogue Pocket Is Getting A Game Boy Micro-Style FPGA-Based Handheld Rival
If you scratch off the S it will just say "IPEED".
Re: Looks Like We're Getting Another GBA SP Clone This Year
@-wc- I'm glad you got your stickless wish. Here's the thing though, it's not about what games require sticks, famously the n64,dc, psp, and og ps1 didn't have sticks, you know this obviously. BUT in order to do this, they often did silly things to control camera, which was sometimes triggers (which is fine), but other times way more convoluted, so when I emulate a lot of games from those systems, I do map the stick to update the controls a bit.
Re: Interview: Factor 5's Julian Eggebrecht On Star Wars, Indiana Jones And Choosing N64 Over PS1
Talk about devs who knew how to use the hardware. These guys were brilliant, and nothing even close to these games could have run on ps1. I usually lump the rogue squadron trilogy into one game when ranking it because they all have their pros and cons, but the OG is still my favorite, and just the best star wars game ever made imo.
Re: New F-Zero ROM Hack Brings Maximum Velocity Tracks To SNES Original
@KraniX There's no such thing as a correct way to say an acronym, and many are spelled out, nobody says "I became an airline pilot after serving in the Raaff", or "I can't concentrate because I have Adhud". "Sness" sounds absolutely ridiculous, but coming from the land of "Mair-ee-oh" I guess it's about right.
Re: $400,000 Worth Of Playdate Consoles Have Vanished In Vegas
If the person who stole them is reading, please send me a free one, I'm broke, and really want to play a few of the games.
Re: $400,000 Worth Of Playdate Consoles Have Vanished In Vegas
@sdelfin Pretty good
Re: Tiny Tires Is The Micro Machines Successor We've Always Wanted
This looks amazing and eliminates the things I can't stand about the originals, the single screen only multi-player that stops the action every ten seconds, and the non interactive environments that feel pointless.
Re: Classic PS1 Star Wars Title Coming To PS4, PS5 This April
Classic is a stretch, it's pretty awful.
Re: Random: Did You Know About Star Fox 64's Hidden On-Foot Mode?
I didn't know. Is it in 3D? What a mistake to hide this mode, but that's just what devs did back then.
Re: Video Games "The Greatest Teaching Tool Ever Invented" Says Man Who Tried To Ban GTA
@calbeau But if it doesn't affect me, then it doesn't affect anyone else. Ever. Period.
Re: Flashback: Wizard Vs. Wizards - The Early eSports Tournament That Time Forgot
I think the reason it's forgotten is that nobody cares about any of those games. Funny bit of history though, I like thinking about some disinterested soap opera actress crying because a bunch of 80's computer geeks are sitting around doing things she doesn't understand.
Re: Flashback: That Time Miyamoto Said He Could Make Halo, But Didn't Want To
@Diogmites Not since I blocked them. I think some of their aformentioned bad life choices may have left permanent side effects.
Re: Flashback: That Time Miyamoto Said He Could Make Halo, But Didn't Want To
@Adol-Bannings Well, I am talking about exactly the people who visit sites like these and I am talking about specifically grouping those three franchises, and occasionally mother, so I don't really get what you're saying, but I think you missed the point. And I basically said there were not millions of people clamoring for them, that's the issue.
Re: How Namco Tried To Stave Off Coin-Op's "Impending Doom"
What an awful looking game. I was wondering why I'd never heard of a game giving off ghibli vibes like this, and it's because it looks like superman 64.
Re: This $15 Device Takes GameCube Online So You Can Play Mario Kart And Zelda With Other People
@Gryffin I think if there's no link capability locally then the correct protocol wouldn't be there, but it might be possible with additional work. Sort of like having the wrong cord, but since it's software based someone might be able to "program the right cord" . This is all just speculation though.
Re: This $15 Device Takes GameCube Online So You Can Play Mario Kart And Zelda With Other People
@Gryffin How does linked work locally with a Gameboy player?
Re: Flashback: That Time Miyamoto Said He Could Make Halo, But Didn't Want To
@NinChocolate I'm not even anti the idea or anything, I just don't think it has the same iconic cache as some other franchises, it's just old.
Re: Flashback: That Time Miyamoto Said He Could Make Halo, But Didn't Want To
@NinChocolate Everyone always throws in Kid Icarus, alongside stuff Like Starfox and F-Zero, like it's some crazy thing it's been abandoned, it's not really a good franchise. The third one is really unique, mostly due to Sakurai, but it also sold terribly, despite being awesome. The first two games are... OK? They really aren't great. It doesn't really have an identity or reason to continue. I know you said it as an afterthought, but unless Sakurai cooking up a new one, I don't experieect it to make a comeback, maybe ever.
Re: 'Advance Wars' Forerunner 'Game Boy Wars' Finally Playable In English
@romanista The Gba games are still peerless, but the flow is definitely better in turbo.
Re: Lost Tetris Sequel 'Tetris Reversed' Shown Off For The First Time Ever
Tetris has had many sequels. And this is not one of them. Intriguing idea though.
Re: Flashback: That Time Miyamoto Said He Could Make Halo, But Didn't Want To
Well here's hoping Metroid Prime 4 can live up to something close to Halo.
Re: 'Advance Wars' Forerunner 'Game Boy Wars' Finally Playable In English
@Expa0 Nope, like I already said there's a better version of this that's been available for years, and the main change was that the new dev fixed the AI to be faster, so it's not a limitation.
Re: 'Advance Wars' Forerunner 'Game Boy Wars' Finally Playable In English
Hate to pee on people's parade but the superior game boy wars turbo has been available in English for years. This could be a better translation though
Re: Jack Thompson, The Man Who Tried To Ban GTA, Thinks Video Games Can Be Good, Actually
@Impossibilium Are you actually implying that one of the writers on this site is promoting eugenics because he used a phrase about about poison in blood? Is everything alright at home?
Re: Neo Geo "Medieval Casino" Title Knight's Chance Is Getting A New Physical Release
I love this in theory, but really, unless you're a gambling addict, poker is the only fun casino game, and very few games have the AI to make it fun. I've played a few games with similar concepts and it doesn't really work out, it seems like Balatro probably hit a sweet spot though.
Re: Jack Thompson, The Man Who Tried To Ban GTA, Thinks Video Games Can Be Good, Actually
That quote is idiotic and show's that he never actually had any idea what he's talking about. I'm not going to dive too deep into it, but at a baseline, his thesis seems to be "video games are a great teaching tool because they now have graphics good enough to be realistic". The sort of elitist drivel that made people think comics were a low form of entertainment for decades. Then of course referencing a biopic as any sort of real world proof is a sign of a blow hard if there ever was one, especially when someone who crusades against violence in video games is misguidedly championing nuclear power, as some sort of offhand blindly optimistic remark. This sort of fake feel good idealism makes me way more sick to my stomach than anything in GTA, and I'm pro (self) censorship. This guy's a tool.
Re: Fatal Fury Producer Still Feels Bad That Fan Favourite Fighter Didn't Make It Into Smash Bros.
I'm glad they didn't add more fighting game characters, Ryu aside, I thought they were silly additions.
Re: Remember When Steve Jobs Promoted PS1 Emulation On National TV?
I did not know about this, and it's hilarious. It's pretty rich to brag about Apple having something windows doesn't, even back then.
Re: Princess Peach: Showtime! Marks Return Of Goemon Director After 27 Years
@Grackler I think a lot of the goemon team is on staff too iirc.
Re: Game Preservationists Unearth New Footage Of Cancelled N64 Racer
I mean, they already had a ridge racer. And lots of other racing games which I like more than ridge racer. They did not have a gran turismo, though.
Re: Froggo's Adventure Is An Adorable Platformer That Costs Less Than £1
I guess I'll mention the elephant in the room that this is a Super Mario World rip off visually. I can't stand games that do that. Like that Beckham game with Yoshi's Island.