Comments 1,004

Re: Square Had Huge Plans For The N64 Before It Fell Out With Nintendo


@GhaleonUnlimited Did I say they were lazy? I said using discs allowed them to be lazier. Part of why it was easier to develop for ps1 was the ability to use prerendered large amounts of things. It's not a conspiracy it's just basic knowledge of video game history.

And either way that's not the conversation we were having. You said Nintendo's choice cost them square, I'm saying square clearly could have made better games had they developed for N64. They chosebthe easier path, they would tell you the same thing. And I don't think it would have boosted the N64 sales much, sur people bought a lot of FF games, but people bought the ps1 for rapidly churned out nascar, sports, and shooters just like they do now, and because it was a reasonably priced high end CD player.

Re: Square Had Huge Plans For The N64 Before It Fell Out With Nintendo


@GhaleonUnlimited Disc's had nothing to do with squares ability to make games. FF7 looks like playmobil characters against prerendered backgrounds. The areas in ps1 FF games are miniscule compared to N64 games, and the loading times are horrific. If they'd developed for 64 they could have done the same things better, discs just let them be lazier.

Re: Retro Emulators Are Coming To iPhone's App Store


@drstory Yeah basically this. Stuff like alarmy, the most popular alarm clock app in the world if I'm not mistaken, on android I can just have whatever sound or song I want. On my iPad, I have to link iTunes or Spotify, and everything is handled internally. I think chunky is the only app I have whose files are kept externally, so I can manage them via the file browser. But also that really only mattered as of four years ago when they finally added external storage support, before that I had to use the built in ftp server. Maybe that could be implemented for emulators. Taking away user control to that degree is insane to me, and honestly people who disagree typically don't know enough to care so it doesn't matter, but I don't get it.

Re: Retro Emulators Are Coming To iPhone's App Store


I guess it's a step. God I hate apple devices. I like my ipad pro because I used it for very specific uses, but they're basically nonfunctional compared to windows/android if you are a consumer who wants any kind of choice.

When the best free music library app for an operating system is VLC, you can tell there is an issue.

Re: Turns Out, Spirit of Speed 1937 Isn't Back Online After All


Absolutely terrible game, BUT I want it to be good. That and a couple other games, Milles Miglia? Something like that, and that corvette game, they all suck. I want era based racing games that are fun. Mafia is about the closest I've played. I'm sure there's old Rolls' in GT or something, which is cool, but I'd love a racing game that focused on different eras. Sort of like Timesplitters 2 but racing.

Re: Looks Like We're Getting Another GBA SP Clone This Year


@-wc- I'm glad you got your stickless wish. Here's the thing though, it's not about what games require sticks, famously the n64,dc, psp, and og ps1 didn't have sticks, you know this obviously. BUT in order to do this, they often did silly things to control camera, which was sometimes triggers (which is fine), but other times way more convoluted, so when I emulate a lot of games from those systems, I do map the stick to update the controls a bit.

Re: Flashback: That Time Miyamoto Said He Could Make Halo, But Didn't Want To


@NinChocolate Everyone always throws in Kid Icarus, alongside stuff Like Starfox and F-Zero, like it's some crazy thing it's been abandoned, it's not really a good franchise. The third one is really unique, mostly due to Sakurai, but it also sold terribly, despite being awesome. The first two games are... OK? They really aren't great. It doesn't really have an identity or reason to continue. I know you said it as an afterthought, but unless Sakurai cooking up a new one, I don't experieect it to make a comeback, maybe ever.

Re: Jack Thompson, The Man Who Tried To Ban GTA, Thinks Video Games Can Be Good, Actually


That quote is idiotic and show's that he never actually had any idea what he's talking about. I'm not going to dive too deep into it, but at a baseline, his thesis seems to be "video games are a great teaching tool because they now have graphics good enough to be realistic". The sort of elitist drivel that made people think comics were a low form of entertainment for decades. Then of course referencing a biopic as any sort of real world proof is a sign of a blow hard if there ever was one, especially when someone who crusades against violence in video games is misguidedly championing nuclear power, as some sort of offhand blindly optimistic remark. This sort of fake feel good idealism makes me way more sick to my stomach than anything in GTA, and I'm pro (self) censorship. This guy's a tool.