"If you don't play many TATE mode games, then it's not going to be of much use"
This is the laziest 'Con' I've ever seen in a review. It's like saying a downside to a parachute is that it's useless if you don't jump out of a plane. Duh.
Is this more for toys, clothing, and other types of products that people can buy or it is for games? I'll assume it's for merchandise and not games unless I missed it in the post.
Edit: From their website; "We are looking for companies that can use the various IPs we handle for various businesses such as commercialization, advertising use, and campaigns. Please use it to expand your company's services."
They even have an image of merchandise on their website: https://www.bandainamcoent.co.jp/license/. Yeah, looks like merchandise. With that said, if a third party campaign does well and people show interest in the IP MAYBE Bandai Namco will start making games based off them again.
I remember when this title came out in Canada. People were buying it because it was published by Atlus. I would tell everyone it was actually published by Sony in Japan and it wasn't made by Atlus. People bought it just because of the publisher.
I have this unit and love it. I haven't encountered the D-Pad problem myself thankfully. I do use it mainly for Nintendo 64 games.
I have two controller profiles set. One for the Arc D-pad to be the n64 D-pad (with an on screen analog stick) and the other to for the Arc D-pad to be the n64 analog stick.
Accuracy is the only thing I personally care about. I don't care if it's FPGA or software emulation. I will say that if I can have accuracy and increased performance, that would be ideal.
Comments 20
Re: Ultra Pro Wrestling Studio Claims To Have Bought WWF No Mercy Dev AKI, But The Truth Is A Little More Complex
Their hearts are in the right place. Only time will tell if they got the Trademark and Registered Trademark correctly.
Re: Review: Evercade TATE Grip - An Essential Accessory For Shmup Fans
@DamoranShillman One can only hope.
Re: ROM Hack 'Pokémon Mario Red & Luigi Green' Will Fuse Two Famous Nintendo Properties
@Alcea Agreed. Normally these types of hacks would not be announced until the day they went live.
Re: Review: Evercade TATE Grip - An Essential Accessory For Shmup Fans
"If you don't play many TATE mode games, then it's not going to be of much use"
This is the laziest 'Con' I've ever seen in a review. It's like saying a downside to a parachute is that it's useless if you don't jump out of a plane. Duh.
Re: ROM Hack 'Pokémon Mario Red & Luigi Green' Will Fuse Two Famous Nintendo Properties
That's pretty rad!
Re: More Than 20 Years Later, Acclaim Is Back From The Dead, And WWE Legend Jeff Jarrett Is Involved
@cakeashi I don't see them doing it though. Would it bomb? Yes. Would I love it? most likely.
Re: More Than 20 Years Later, Acclaim Is Back From The Dead, And WWE Legend Jeff Jarrett Is Involved
@cakeashi I loved and still love War Zone. Take the game, strip out all copyrighted material and expand it for a new generation.
Re: More Than 20 Years Later, Acclaim Is Back From The Dead, And WWE Legend Jeff Jarrett Is Involved
Happy to see they're 'back'. Will be more happy once they've completed a project.
Re: Bandai Namco Is Launching A New Initiative To License Out IP Like Ridge Racer & Soul Calibur
Is this more for toys, clothing, and other types of products that people can buy or it is for games? I'll assume it's for merchandise and not games unless I missed it in the post.
Edit: From their website; "We are looking for companies that can use the various IPs we handle for various businesses such as commercialization, advertising use, and campaigns. Please use it to expand your company's services."
They even have an image of merchandise on their website: https://www.bandainamcoent.co.jp/license/. Yeah, looks like merchandise. With that said, if a third party campaign does well and people show interest in the IP MAYBE Bandai Namco will start making games based off them again.
Re: Review: My Arcade Pole Position Racing Player - Bodes Well For This Year's OutRun Cab
I just wish these companies would have a more low-key branding on them. Slap your logo on the back of the machine, not the front.
Also, in the Cons "looks a feels". I too looks a feels.
Re: Best Of 2024: "The S**t Absolutely Hit The Fan" - When WipEout (And Sara Cox's Bloody Nose) Shocked A Nation
Let's not forget Dade crushing Kate's score in HACKERS.
Re: Review: Retro Fighters BattlerGC Pro - Time To Finally Retire Your GameCube's WaveBird
@Serpenterror You're really going to talk about the Dreamcast controller over the GameCube controller? Pick your battles and skip this hill.
Edit: We editing comments now? You can edit GameCube to Saturn all you want. However, we both know you said GameCube for some reason.
Re: Review: Retro Fighters BattlerGC Pro - Time To Finally Retire Your GameCube's WaveBird
@axelhander https://pnpgamesonline.com/product/brawlergen-usb-genesis-mini-nswitch-mac-pc-controller-retro-fighers/
Re: Review: Retro Fighters BattlerGC Pro - Time To Finally Retire Your GameCube's WaveBird
"The GameCube has a reputation for being a fighting game console."
You spelt Dreamcast wrong.
Edit: Smash Brothers is a platform-party game, not a fighter.
Re: Review: The Art Of N64 Wrestling Games Grapples With Some Of The Genre's Best Titles
I purchased the book and did enjoy it. It does feel like an introduction to the games and isn't very in-depth.
There's also no spine text on it which isn't a real issue, however, if you're not displaying the front of the book you just see a black empty spine.
Re: Backyard Baseball '97 Is Out Today On Steam, With More Reissues On The Way
It would be nice if they brought back the GameBoy Advance versions as well.
Re: One Of PS2's Rarest Games Just Dropped In Value
I remember when this title came out in Canada. People were buying it because it was published by Atlus. I would tell everyone it was actually published by Sony in Japan and it wasn't made by Atlus. People bought it just because of the publisher.
Re: Duke Nukem 3D Has Been Ported To Dreamcast, And Its Creator Is Impressed
Even if I owned a house I wouldn't know how to hook it up to my Dreamcast.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG ARC Six Months On - The Dream Becomes A Nightmare?
I have this unit and love it. I haven't encountered the D-Pad problem myself thankfully. I do use it mainly for Nintendo 64 games.
I have two controller profiles set. One for the Arc D-pad to be the n64 D-pad (with an on screen analog stick) and the other to for the Arc D-pad to be the n64 analog stick.
Re: FPGA Vs Software Emulation - Which Is Best? We Asked Four Experts To Find Out
Accuracy is the only thing I personally care about. I don't care if it's FPGA or software emulation. I will say that if I can have accuracy and increased performance, that would be ideal.