Comments 344

Re: Today I Learned That Metal Gear Solid Roasted People Who Didn't Own A Stereo TV


This is really cute, but it does make me wonder how many players routinely dig into the settings before starting a game to make sure they match their setup. Even with modern consoles letting you set master preferences, games often ignore them. I frequently have to make sure the sound settings are appropriate for my receiver and surround setup (developers seem convinced that literally everybody plays games wearing headphones now).

I'd guess the vast majority of people just connect stuff, leave everything at the default setting, and assume that's how it's supposed to be.

Re: More Than 20 Years Later, Acclaim Is Back From The Dead, And WWE Legend Jeff Jarrett Is Involved


Resurrecting a brand and a logo is literally meaningless, but doing it with Acclaim is outright perplexing.

Acclaim wasn't even that great back in the day. They publshed solid ports of some popular arcade games like NBA Jam and Mortal Kombat, but it's not like they own those properties today. Otherwise, they were primarily in the business of mediocre licensed games — again, properties they don't own.

This is the weirdest kind of nostalgia play. What's next? LJN?

Re: "Might Be Time To Go Back To A Corporate Job" - Trump's Tariffs Come Into Effect


@JayJ Hate to break it to you, but these tariffs are going to make food more expensive too. We don't only import electronics.

The difference between this and recent inflation is that inflation was a worldwide phenomenon resulting from the complex results of a global pandemic and supply chain disruptions while these tarrifs are just a preposterous unforced error enacted by fiat.

Re: SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price


"Sega's legal approach resulted in "about 300" of the original SuperSega units being destroyed."

And by "about 300" we mean none. Because none were ever made. At all.

Please stop reporting anything this guy says as if it's even tangentially related to something happening in reality. In fact, please stop reporting on him at all.

Re: "These Short Games Mean Nothing To Me" - Retro-Bit Translator Denies Wrongdoing In "Baffling" Rant


"I started copying a lot of the dialogue directly from the Switch, just to be done once and for all."

This is genuinely wild stuff, as if simply wanting to be done with the assignment is reason enough to commit fraud. He seems to genuinely believe that it's okay to do your job only up until the point that you don't want to do it anymore, while still deserving credit (and payment) for the part that you stole.

The lack of any contrition whatsoever is remarkable.

Re: 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller


Interesting that they aren't announcing Switch support. Even with the Switch 2 impending, there are still a gazillion Switches out there.

I'll be really curious to see if Nintendo releases a new Pro controller for Switch 2 or if they'll just continue to offer the current model. The Pro was a solid controller but "HD Rumble" never amounted to much, and to whatever extent it was noticeable it's been pretty thoroughly outclassed by the insane haptics on the Dual Sense.

Unless they're planning a substantial upgrade, I could definitely see using one of these as my daily driver on Switch 2 (assuming support in the future).

Re: GamesCare's New Genesis Dev Cart Will Help "Create Games Beyond The Power Of The Console"


Projects like this are cool, and to some extent this kind of thing was going on during the 16-bit era with advanced mappers and chips like FX and SVP. But even those enhancements were still limited by the technology at the time.

Once you're making use of an additional 30 years of technology to push this far "beyond the power of the console," I'm not sure I understand why you'd bother making your game for that console to begin with. Novelty? Programming challenge?

Re: Retro-Bit Accused Of Plagiarising Existing Fan-Translations


While it's definitely possible that Retro-Bit itself was unaware of this and thought their translator was doing a good job, it's unfortunate that they're denying the reality that has been very clearly (and thorougly!) laid out here.

You only get one chance to handle this correctly and they blew it.

Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive


@Sketcz Yeah, I didn't realize they were referring to non-GBA games. In it's primary function of running GBA games, I've had no trouble with my Everdrive GBA.

I have a separate Everdrive GBC for GB/GBC games and likewise haven't had any compatibility issues.

I'll admit, I don't understand the technical reasons why an Everdrive GBA can't present GB/GBC ROMS to the hardware without needing an extra layer of emulation. But I guess it can't.

Also, regarding your above post about loading Pocket cores, you're probably referring to PocketSync. Which is excellent.

Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive


The Mega Everdrive Pro edges out the MegaSD in all the ways noted above, and Terraonion's inexcusably consumer-unfriendly policies around downloading updates are also rightly called out.

But I think it's also worth noting here that, on a purely personal level, Terraonion has posted some really lousy and uncalled for things on social media, including about Krikzz himself. It's easy enough to Google so I won't recount it here. But for me it's another reason to avoid their products.

Re: This Week's Arcade Archives Game May Be Worth Skipping


I don't think anybody, including the writer, has anything against Othello. It's just... there are like a billion ways to play Othello. It's as close to commoditized as a game can possibly be. It's hard to imagine anybody choosing a very old (and unlocalized!) arcade version of it rather than, say, Nintendo Clubhouse Games or something.

That said, I think this does illustrate the challenge of preserving games that don't have much of an audience. Kudos to Hamster for including this despite knowing they probably aren't going to be making any money by putting it out there.

Re: Creator Of New Open-Source Game Boy Disagrees That FPGA Is Superior To Software Emulation


@Fragcula That's why I specified "on sheer fidelity" and went on to note "there are other factors at play than fidelity. Convenience, versatility, user options and quality of life features..."

This discussion is like trying to decide whether forks are better than spoons. And instead of acknowledging that some people are eating steak and others are eating soup, we keep getting mired in some conversation about how both are utensils.

Re: Creator Of New Open-Source Game Boy Disagrees That FPGA Is Superior To Software Emulation


Endlessly frustrating discussion that devolves into petty semantics every single time.

We should stop using the term "emulation" unadorned. It should always be specified as hardware or software emulation. Always. Full stop.

That said, while the claims of FPGA makers like Analogue of "zero emulation" are disingenuous, it's equally disingenuous to just define them both generically as emulation and assume the audience now sees them as equivalent.

Any emulator — hardware or software — is only as good as whoever programmed it. But if we were to put a hypothetically perfect software solution against a hypothetically perfect FPGA solution and judge them on sheer fidelity, the FPGA would come out ahead. The difference might be negligible, but you can't escape the reality that one option necessarily puts some layer of processing between the player and the game while the other does not. But there are other factors at play than fidelity. Convenience, versatility, user options and quality of life features...

These are different solutions to the same problem and both come with too many pros and cons to list here. In order to choose the best option for their needs consumers should be educated on the difference, but clearly not by any of the people trying to sell these products because they're all guilty of misrepresenting reality.

Re: Fan Developer Gives Daytona USA A Virtua Racing-Style Makeover


I'll always love that clean, early VR look.

I remember being disappointed when this gorgeous style eventually gave way to slapping textures across every single polygon. The 5th gen consoles just weren't powerful enough to pull off that level of detail, and it felt like 3D graphics needed to take a step backwards before moving forwards again.

Which they did, starting with the Dreamcast. But man, it was rough going for a while.

Re: Crazy Taxi Prototype Shows Sega Was Experimenting With GTA-Style Camera Angles


It makes sense given that this same feature had recently felt so revolutionary in Virtua Racing, but I think it was the right call to axe it. The game's character and sense of gleeful chaos is really enhanced by the behind-the-car perspective.

Crazy Taxi was such a breath of fresh air at the time. It's hard to express how extraordinary it was to have it running in nearly arcade-perfect form on a home console. I was in grad school during the Dreamcast era, and this game would frequently become the centerpiece of any party we were throwing. People just couldn't wait to grab the controller next.

Re: The Video Game History Foundation Digital Library Is Now Available In Early Access


Looking forward to digging through some of this, and already enjoying the reminder of how incredibly weird video game journalism was back in the day. It didn't seem so odd at the time, but it's a far cry from the long-form reviews and discussion we see today.

Just as a random example I already stumbled across... a preview for Silver Surver (NES) in Issue 9 of EGM reads "Good graphics and a lack of color round out the cart." What a bizarre and seemingly self-contradictory sentence.

I also recall a review of Castlevania Bloodlines that noted "I admit it. Konami is the king of Castlevania games." Like... yeah, they're the only publisher that makes them?

This will be a nostalgic kick for those of us who grew up in that era, but also an interesting adventure for younger players who are used to modern games journalism and want to see what the culture looked like a few decades ago.

Re: "The Most Bafflingly Poor Products We Have Ever Reviewed" - Marseille's mClassic RGB Collection Fails To Impress The Experts


@-wc- Totally agreed. To some degree, of course you can spend money to get better sound quality. But as you note, you rapidly reach a point of diminishing returns and so much of what is out there is utter nonsense. I'm thinking of overt crap like the LessLoss Blackbody — a literal $800+ paperweight that uses the power of pseudoscience to transform sound by placing one (or more if you can afford it!) in the general vicinity of your setup.

Of course, that's an extreme example compared to the parade of more mundane but equally scammy high-end speaker cables and power conditioners and whatnot.

I'll give these Marseilles devices a modicum of credit — they at least do something even if it seems mostly to make the picture worse. But that's damning with some pretty faint praise, indeed.

Re: "The Most Bafflingly Poor Products We Have Ever Reviewed" - Marseille's mClassic RGB Collection Fails To Impress The Experts


@Gs69 I'm not sure they're fake reviews. I think that people are just very good at convincing themselves that they see and hear improvement after they've spent money on a product that's supposed to improve their experience.

Audiophiles have been buying useless snake oil products for decades now and swearing up and down they hear the difference. As the gaming industry matures and spins off sub-markets of niche enthusiasts, it would be surprising if we didn't see the exact same thing happen.

Re: SuperSega Refunds Are Still Missing As Creator "Cheats Death"


Just to be clear, this was not a "bungled venture". That would imply a legitimate project that collapsed under mismanagement.

This product never existed nor were there plans to bring it into existence. This was a scam, top to bottom, intended to collect money from its marks. This "venture" proceeded exactly as intended.

Re: Shuhei Yoshida Explains Why The PS Vita Flopped


This remains the only console I've ever regretted buying. It's a decent piece of tech and the screen was great (if a bit splotchy) for the time. But the support was atrocious, the "wobbly bubble" UI felt lazy and cheap, and the library just never materialized. All said and done, I'm not sure if I spent more than 50 hours gaming on mine in total.

I also may be in the minority with this opinion, but I always thought the PSP was nicer looking and more comfortable to use. I still preferentially reach for my PSP-2000 when I want to play anything from that library.

Re: Punch-Out!!'s Characters Aren't To Blame For The Series's Hiatus After All


Yeah, I was skeptical of this story from the start. The game does lean into ethnic and cultural stereotypes, but it's entirely playful and affectionate about it.

It makes more sense to think that Punch Out! is dormant for the same reason that other Nintendo franchises go dormant — their reluctance to revive IP if they don't have anything new to do with it.

All that said, this was a magnificent game — possibly one of the best franchise revivals I've ever played. I wouldn't mind an HD port of it, just to let those fantastic animations really shine.

Re: Why YouTube Censorship Is Causing Headaches For Retro Game Historians


It's a shame that, for all intents and purposes, YouTube is the only reasonable option for any of these creators to get their content out there.

You could argue that this kind of journalism wouldn't exist at all without YouTube making it possible, but that only makes it sadder that its policies — and moreover the impersonal and literally robotic way that those policies are enforced — are getting in the way.