Comments 8

Re: What's Happening With Forever Entertainment's 'Panzer Dragoon II Zwei' Remake?


This is too bad because Panzer Dragoon II is the better of the two games in nearly every way.
The Remake of Panzer Dragoon was not quite right. I am not totally sure what was lost in translation, but my best guess is that the Panzer Dragoon games benefited from the Saturn's hardware and the era in which it was made. Basically the limited hardware and the mentality of the programmers of the 90's gave the games a unique feel that modern day "unlimited" hardware and, through no fault of their own, modern day programmers cannot comprehend or easily replicate.

In this case, less is more and more is not always better. For better or worse, they were and still are unique games.

Re: Valve's Unshackling Of SteamOS Could Give Switch 2 Some Welcome Competition


I switched to a Linux desktop after Vista was released (about 2007) and I have been gaming on Linux exclusively since about 2015 or so and SteamOS has come so so far. Proton has matured to the point where nearly all, if not all, of the games I want to play, I can get to work on SteamOS. So for me, things have only gotten better and better.
From my personal experience, really the only games that do not work on Linux are the ones where the developers go out of their way to block Linux. Kernel level anti-cheat is the major problem.
However, with so many games available these days, the way I look at it is if they do not want my money, I will just play other games.
I mean according to Steam stats, Linux now accounts for more players than Mac. That would have been insane only a few years ago. My family owns three Switch consoles, and I am sure we will get a Switch 2 at some point, but we are in no rush. And there is no way we will be buying as many Switch 2's as we have Switch's. My family is just not as excited for the new Nintendo.

I was a console guy for most of my life, but SteamOS has convinced me to switch to PC for the vast majority of my gaming these days.

Re: Tech Boffins Are Simulating The Raster Scanning Of Old-School CRTs On Modern Hardware


I have a CRT and modern TV side by side and my console hooked up to both so I can simultaneously have the same game displayed on both screens allowing me to directly compare. I do not necessarily remember how my TVs looked when I was younger, but there is no doubt that when I use the scanline option with my modern TV, it gives, by far, the most authentic picture when directly compared to my current CRT. When I use one of the "smoothing" or standard filter, it looks nothing like my CRT.

At least in my case, the scanline option is a really close representation of my CRT. However, during game play, I think my CRT plays slightly smoother, although it is subtle. Nonetheless, both are more than playable.
After directly comparing the two, if I only had a modern TV, I think I would be okay with how my modern TV looks and plays my older consoles with an upscaler.