Comments 22

Re: "These Short Games Mean Nothing To Me" - Retro-Bit Translator Denies Wrongdoing In "Baffling" Rant


@PinballBuzzbro I don't blame you for feeling the way you do. However, it paints a picture of exactly what I was afraid of to have all these controversies hitting at once. It really puts a damper on the entire hobby, and the worst part is I don't know how to reassure you that it's not all like this, especially when you and many others have already been burned. A lot of people's trust has been broken by companies that were once doing an excellent job, but have really dropped the ball – myself and my partner included.

Re: Creator Of New Open-Source Game Boy Disagrees That FPGA Is Superior To Software Emulation


@spysmily Rather than thinking about it in negative terms, consider this: software emulation is still really good for enhancements – i.e. resolution, frame rate, or adding new features on the emulator level, particularly for newer 3D consoles. You can definitely do enhancements in FPGA too, but software is still king there in my opinion.

It's also still not really viable in the consumer space to do FPGA implementations of something like Nintendo GameCube or Xbox 360/PS3 yet. That's another reason why software emulation is still relevant.

(I also considered netplay, particularly for arcade games, which hasn't been done on FPGA systems yet to my knowledge. I'm not sure if that's even possible or not; it feels like a huge challenge, but I don't feel certain enough to say it isn't possible.)

Re: Creator Of New Open-Source Game Boy Disagrees That FPGA Is Superior To Software Emulation


Yeah I'm very much in agreement here. Software-based emulation and FPGA (which you could consider "hardware emulation") are simply good at different things in my view.

There's nothing to be gained for us by pitting the two technologies against each other. – There is, however, a marketing incentive for Analogue to brand their products as "zero emulation". Which is, yeah, misleading, and by design.

Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?


I'm usually really sensitive to input latency and there's some absolutely shocking examples of it on Switch, even in new games, but I honestly never felt like the NES and SNES NSO apps were all that bad. – and I do play on a real SNES on a CRT too, so I have experience with both and can tell the difference. Particularly in something like Mega Man vs the legacy collections.

That said I do trust Voultar's judgement on things like that. Perhaps my own tolerance is a bit more lenient.