

Proudly sucking at games since 1982

Comments 36

Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community


"Blah, blah, blah"... what a load of PR nonsense. Nobody ever brings up the botched release of the collector's editions for Full Throttle and Grim Fandango, where the box art was incorrectly printed and comically dark.

I and others contacted LRG and their response? "It's not a printing error, it was an artistic choice"! Absolutely disgraceful company.

Or how about the fact that two of my collector's editions didn't arrive with the cards they were supposed to contain? I complained and LRG games said they'd ship out the missing cards to me. That was one year ago and I'm still waiting. I contacted them again a couple of months ago and was informed that they had higher priorities to deal with, than replacing missing cards! You couldn't make this s%$t up!

I will never purchase anything from this sham company ever again and quite frankly, anyone who does, even after all of the warnings from previous customers, deserve everything you get.

Re: Round Up: Virtua Fighter, Onimusha, Okami, Ninja Gaiden... The Game Awards 2024 Was A Good Night For Classic Gaming Fans


My Wolf God! We're actually getting an Okami sequel?! I cannot wait!

It's also a lovely and unexpected surprise to see Screamer being brought back. I have fond memories of playing the original trilogy on DOS.

As for Shadow Labyrinth... I'm not so sure about that one yet. The use of Pac-Man seems a bit shoehorned in and awkward. It reminds me a bit of that gritty Bomberman reboot for the 360.

Re: Retro Indie Title "Moons of Darsalon" Is Headed To Consoles, Complete With Icky AI Art


Oh, I see. Anyone whom is opposed to the use of AI generated art in a commercial product (which putting aside the argument on lack of creativity, is in and of itself theft) is nothing more than a "hater" who hates for the sake of hating.

Yeah, well done, developers. You've just ensured that I'll never purchase, nor play, your game. Maybe don't insult your potential customers next time. Idiots.

Re: Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii Will Mark The Home Debut Of This Sega Light Gun Coin-Op


There are a couple of people in the comments saying that they would like to play games like this separately, without having to launch them through another game. Whilst there's no way to do that on consoles, one can easily achieve this method of playing via emulators for PC.

There's an excellent Sega Model 3 emulator for PC which can play The Ocean Hunter, in addition to Daytona 2, as well as around 22 other arcade games. I've been using it for years now.