@Razieluigi I don't think it's a case of developers presuming that everyone plays games with headphones, but rather the likely correct assumption that the majority do, hence why that's often the default zetting.
It would be absurd to have the default setting be for surround sound, as not many gamers own such a rig.
Pretty pointless, if you ask me. Why not just buy a second-hand DS? I did so a couple of months ago and it only cost me £40. I was then able to jailbreak the system and copy a massive library of DS games (in addition to other systems) onto an SD card.
@ScalenePowers What a ridiculous comment. The hate (read: valid criticism from customers who LRG has screwed over) that the company receives is deserved.
To liken customer dissatisfaction to bigotry is utterly absurd.
"Blah, blah, blah"... what a load of PR nonsense. Nobody ever brings up the botched release of the collector's editions for Full Throttle and Grim Fandango, where the box art was incorrectly printed and comically dark.
I and others contacted LRG and their response? "It's not a printing error, it was an artistic choice"! Absolutely disgraceful company.
Or how about the fact that two of my collector's editions didn't arrive with the cards they were supposed to contain? I complained and LRG games said they'd ship out the missing cards to me. That was one year ago and I'm still waiting. I contacted them again a couple of months ago and was informed that they had higher priorities to deal with, than replacing missing cards! You couldn't make this s%$t up!
I will never purchase anything from this sham company ever again and quite frankly, anyone who does, even after all of the warnings from previous customers, deserve everything you get.
I backed this a while back. I really hope that it gets funded, as the kickstarter seems to be having trouble gaining traction. Articles such as this one will hopefully help.
Such a shame that the PC game is a Steam key, as that's stopped me from backing the project. Why would I invest money into a project, just to receive a DRM product?
I find modern controllers to be far too noisy when pressing buttons. I do not need a clicking sound when pressing a button, but equally you need some kind of haptic feedback.
My Wolf God! We're actually getting an Okami sequel?! I cannot wait!
It's also a lovely and unexpected surprise to see Screamer being brought back. I have fond memories of playing the original trilogy on DOS.
As for Shadow Labyrinth... I'm not so sure about that one yet. The use of Pac-Man seems a bit shoehorned in and awkward. It reminds me a bit of that gritty Bomberman reboot for the 360.
Oh, I see. Anyone whom is opposed to the use of AI generated art in a commercial product (which putting aside the argument on lack of creativity, is in and of itself theft) is nothing more than a "hater" who hates for the sake of hating.
Yeah, well done, developers. You've just ensured that I'll never purchase, nor play, your game. Maybe don't insult your potential customers next time. Idiots.
There are a couple of people in the comments saying that they would like to play games like this separately, without having to launch them through another game. Whilst there's no way to do that on consoles, one can easily achieve this method of playing via emulators for PC.
There's an excellent Sega Model 3 emulator for PC which can play The Ocean Hunter, in addition to Daytona 2, as well as around 22 other arcade games. I've been using it for years now.
I can't believe that anyone could read the print for that controller and nor realise that it was a joke. I mean 'silicone tipped analogue sticks/breasts'. Come on, people!
@WileyDragonfly Yep and there were a bunch of other unsold Atari cartridges at the landfill. It wasn't just E.T. It was to do with the industry crash at the time. The quality of the E.T. game had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Reminds me of Ubisoft saying that people need to get used to not owning the games which they purchase. Companies like these need to get used to sucking on my 'nads.
A sad day but also an understandable one. A massive thank you to the site's owner, as CD Romance has proved to be an absolutely invaluable resource over the years.
I'll be making a donation next payday, as a way communicating my gratitude.
Comments 36
Re: "Nothing Has Ever Surpassed The Street Fighter II Boom" Says Japanese Legend Daigo Umehara
My Mum would always give my Sister and I a pound coin to play Street Fighter 2 after we had gone swimming (they had a cabinet at the pool).
Re: Today I Learned That Metal Gear Solid Roasted People Who Didn't Own A Stereo TV
@Razieluigi I don't think it's a case of developers presuming that everyone plays games with headphones, but rather the likely correct assumption that the majority do, hence why that's often the default zetting.
It would be absurd to have the default setting be for surround sound, as not many gamers own such a rig.
Re: This $75 Handheld Could Be The Best Way To Emulate Nintendo DS In 2025
Pretty pointless, if you ask me. Why not just buy a second-hand DS? I did so a couple of months ago and it only cost me £40. I was then able to jailbreak the system and copy a massive library of DS games (in addition to other systems) onto an SD card.
Re: New Xbox 360 Recompilation Tool Will Give Lost Classics Another Chance To Shine
This is great news. I hope a lot of games get converted to PC.
Re: Random: This Teacher Challenged His Students To Hook Up An NES To An Old TV
What a lovely video. I wish I had classes like that when I was a kid.
Re: Namco's 45th Anniversary Plans For Pac-Man Include Games, Accessories, Live Events, & More
"Soccer" indeed. Those darned yanks!
Re: "These Short Games Mean Nothing To Me" - Retro-Bit Translator Denies Wrongdoing In "Baffling" Rant
Wow. What a POS. That whole "my name was Mid Jet on IRC" is the biggest load of cobblers which I've ever read. What an absolutely imbecilic clown.
Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community
@ScalenePowers What a ridiculous comment. The hate (read: valid criticism from customers who LRG has screwed over) that the company receives is deserved.
To liken customer dissatisfaction to bigotry is utterly absurd.
Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community
"Blah, blah, blah"... what a load of PR nonsense. Nobody ever brings up the botched release of the collector's editions for Full Throttle and Grim Fandango, where the box art was incorrectly printed and comically dark.
I and others contacted LRG and their response? "It's not a printing error, it was an artistic choice"! Absolutely disgraceful company.
Or how about the fact that two of my collector's editions didn't arrive with the cards they were supposed to contain? I complained and LRG games said they'd ship out the missing cards to me. That was one year ago and I'm still waiting. I contacted them again a couple of months ago and was informed that they had higher priorities to deal with, than replacing missing cards! You couldn't make this s%$t up!
I will never purchase anything from this sham company ever again and quite frankly, anyone who does, even after all of the warnings from previous customers, deserve everything you get.
Re: SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price
"Neeeeuuuhhh... this is just a saga nowwwww."
Re: The Commodore 64 Is Getting A New Ultima-Style RPG
Looks great! I'll be keeping on eye on this.
Re: James Bond Producer Didn't Want Guns In 2010's GoldenEye Wii Reboot
Barbara Broccoli is the perfect name for a woman whom dictates what children should be served and consuming.
Re: Save Me Cows Is A New Game Boy Action Puzzler Inspired by Sega's ChuChu Rocket Series
I backed this a while back. I really hope that it gets funded, as the kickstarter seems to be having trouble gaining traction. Articles such as this one will hopefully help.
Re: Limited Run Games' Gex Trilogy Remake Now Has A Steam Page
Limited Run Games are a terrible company. I advise people to not purchase anything from them.
Re: "There Is Only So Much I Can Take" - Creator Of Roland MT-32 Emulator MT32-Pi Calls It A Day
Really sad news. The only silver lining is knowing that the arseholes won't get what they wanted now. Instead, they'll get what they deserve; nothing.
Re: The Maniac Mansion-Esque Adventure Game 'Cronela's Mansion' Has Launched Its Kickstarter
Such a shame that the PC game is a Steam key, as that's stopped me from backing the project. Why would I invest money into a project, just to receive a DRM product?
Re: Italian Version Of Zzap!64 Celebrates 100 Issues By Using Icky AI Cover Art
@pbes Get stuffed. It's not "whining". If you don't want to receive negative press, then don't steal real artist's work by using AI.
Re: What's Happening With Forever Entertainment's 'Panzer Dragoon II Zwei' Remake?
More like Takes Forever Entertainment, amiright?
Re: Don't Worry, Team17 Isn't Changing Its Name
@Guru_Larry Revolution Software.
Re: Yes, Knuckles Was Supposed To Sound Like He Was Swearing In Sonic Heroes
Well fulck me and call me a clunt!
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
I find modern controllers to be far too noisy when pressing buttons. I do not need a clicking sound when pressing a button, but equally you need some kind of haptic feedback.
Re: Broken Sword Collection Is Coming To Evercade
Neat and all, but I personally wouldn't care to play Broken Sword or any other point & click adventure game with a d-pad.
Re: Sega Appears To Be Reviving Ecco The Dolphin After 25 Years
I could never get past the octopus in the original game but that never stopped me from spending many hours playing it. The atmosphere was incredible.
Re: Random: Iconic OutRun Song Was Retitled Because It Sounded Like A Fart
I wonder if the original title for the second song was Magical Golden Shower?
Re: 'In This House' Is A Survival Horror For Game Boy, And You Can Play The Demo Now
Neat. I backed this game on Kickstarter a few days ago. It definitely needs the publicity if it has a hog's hell in chance of reaching its target.
Re: Talking Point: Are Nintendo's Legal "Ninjas" Stifling The Creativity Of Tomorrow's Game Makers?
This is one of the major reasons why I will never purchase a Nintendo system, at least not until they sort themselves out.
Re: Round Up: Virtua Fighter, Onimusha, Okami, Ninja Gaiden... The Game Awards 2024 Was A Good Night For Classic Gaming Fans
@joeljgames Screamer Rally was the best, for my money.
Re: Round Up: Virtua Fighter, Onimusha, Okami, Ninja Gaiden... The Game Awards 2024 Was A Good Night For Classic Gaming Fans
My Wolf God! We're actually getting an Okami sequel?! I cannot wait!
It's also a lovely and unexpected surprise to see Screamer being brought back. I have fond memories of playing the original trilogy on DOS.
As for Shadow Labyrinth... I'm not so sure about that one yet. The use of Pac-Man seems a bit shoehorned in and awkward. It reminds me a bit of that gritty Bomberman reboot for the 360.
Re: Random: Here's The Awkward Moment When The Father Of PlayStation Was Left Hanging At The Game Awards
@Spider-Kev It's the 30th Anniversary of Playstation, so naturally the site has been covering that console a lot lately.
Re: Virtua Fighter, OutRun And Shenmue Creator Reveals His Next Game, Steel Paws
A mobile game? Boooooooooooo
Re: Retro Indie Title "Moons of Darsalon" Is Headed To Consoles, Complete With Icky AI Art
Oh, I see. Anyone whom is opposed to the use of AI generated art in a commercial product (which putting aside the argument on lack of creativity, is in and of itself theft) is nothing more than a "hater" who hates for the sake of hating.
Yeah, well done, developers. You've just ensured that I'll never purchase, nor play, your game. Maybe don't insult your potential customers next time. Idiots.
Re: Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii Will Mark The Home Debut Of This Sega Light Gun Coin-Op
There are a couple of people in the comments saying that they would like to play games like this separately, without having to launch them through another game. Whilst there's no way to do that on consoles, one can easily achieve this method of playing via emulators for PC.
There's an excellent Sega Model 3 emulator for PC which can play The Ocean Hunter, in addition to Daytona 2, as well as around 22 other arcade games. I've been using it for years now.
Re: Sorry, But That Nightmarish Lara Croft PS1 Controller Isn't Real
I can't believe that anyone could read the print for that controller and nor realise that it was a joke. I mean 'silicone tipped analogue sticks/breasts'. Come on, people!
Re: Sorry, But That Nightmarish Lara Croft PS1 Controller Isn't Real
@WileyDragonfly Yep and there were a bunch of other unsold Atari cartridges at the landfill. It wasn't just E.T. It was to do with the industry crash at the time. The quality of the E.T. game had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys
Reminds me of Ubisoft saying that people need to get used to not owning the games which they purchase. Companies like these need to get used to sucking on my 'nads.
Re: Fan Translation And ROM Hack Site CDRomance Is No Longer Being Updated
A sad day but also an understandable one. A massive thank you to the site's owner, as CD Romance has proved to be an absolutely invaluable resource over the years.
I'll be making a donation next payday, as a way communicating my gratitude.