Prime is a really fantastic game, but I gotta be honest I don't understand the extreme hype it gets. it's still just a nice little complimentary spin-off series that doesn't replace or replicate the whole appeal of the original. Every other franchise that went 3D stuck to it and its 2D entries became the spin-offs, Dread is literally Metroid 5, nobody's ever gonna call A Link Between Worlds "Zelda 4"
VI is the overall best and top of class for the entire classic style games by a country mile, no competition. I consider the PSX games in the same category, but of the three I consider them to only get progressively better. XII is in a league of its own but a vastly more enjoyable experience than X if you want to compare the PS2 era games. XIII is still the masterpiece of the whole HD era, the only reason people soured on it at release is because open-world games were the new hotness at the time. Want to downvote a game just because you imagined it being a different game? Well okay let's trash on X more because it was also entirely linear with no overworld map.
Aaand I consider the online games firmly as spin-offs no matter what they want to call them. Direct sequels are also basically spin-offs and exist to compliment their parent games.
Comments 3
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
Prime is a really fantastic game, but I gotta be honest I don't understand the extreme hype it gets. it's still just a nice little complimentary spin-off series that doesn't replace or replicate the whole appeal of the original. Every other franchise that went 3D stuck to it and its 2D entries became the spin-offs, Dread is literally Metroid 5, nobody's ever gonna call A Link Between Worlds "Zelda 4"
Re: Sega Of America Thought Sonic Was "Unsalvageable" As A Character
nah they were right.
Re: Best Final Fantasy Games - Every Mainline Game Ranked
VI is the overall best and top of class for the entire classic style games by a country mile, no competition. I consider the PSX games in the same category, but of the three I consider them to only get progressively better. XII is in a league of its own but a vastly more enjoyable experience than X if you want to compare the PS2 era games. XIII is still the masterpiece of the whole HD era, the only reason people soured on it at release is because open-world games were the new hotness at the time. Want to downvote a game just because you imagined it being a different game? Well okay let's trash on X more because it was also entirely linear with no overworld map.
Aaand I consider the online games firmly as spin-offs no matter what they want to call them. Direct sequels are also basically spin-offs and exist to compliment their parent games.