Comments 125

Re: Review: Mega Drive / Genesis Mini 2 - Sega's Sequel Scores CD Support


I skipped this, the price was a bit too much, plus my original MD Mini stopped working, so I'm not convinced of the quality of these units.

It's also really strange to me the original Streets of Rage was skipped again, over some poor inclusions. SoR is as iconic to me as the original Sonic, I actually prefer it to the sequel. If Final Fight CD and Midnight Resistance were released as digial games on modern platforms I'd certainly purchase them, but couldn't justify the purchase for these two games.

Re: 50Hz/60Hz Region Switching Finally Comes To The PS Plus PS1 Collection


Can PS5 even output at 50Hz? PS4 could not. That was the main issue with 50Hz PAL retro games forced into 60Hz on the PlayStation Classic and the PS4. They appear to run worst than the original 50Hz versions, as they were forced into a 60Hz refresh rate which did not match the unique delivery of frames.

PS3 could actully output at 50Hz, correctly displaying PAL versions.

Re: The Atari VCS Is Now 45 Years Old


Was the first video game system I ever played. A friend who owned one brought their Atari over to our house, and even though I was very young, I was amazed to be able to control something on the TV. When I think back, looking at the box art in the catalogues for games stands out as much as the games themselves. Space was a common theme of course, but the way the box art imagined those simplistic graphics as often dramatic science fiction or fantasy scenes, was really something else. I also still can't really think of video games without thinking of the Atari Joystick!

Re: Best Retro Gaming Systems - What's The Dream Option For You?


I don't tend to use my original hardware much these days, though my modded MegaDrive and Saturn do put out a pretty decent picture via SCART on a smaller HD TV. I do have a Retron 5, which is decent for what it is, except the NES cartridge slot, which is poor. I have the original Evercade, partly as I wanted a cheaper way to 'own' Midnight Resistance on the MegaDrive.

I own a few of the Mini consoles, though I like the C64 and the A500 mini most as they let you add your own games out of the box. Also like official retro collections and NSO on Switch, as you as can play on a TV or portable, old retro games often look really nice on the OLED, almost replicating the high contrast of a CRT.

Re: Sonic Producer Still Wants To Make Sonic Adventure 3, But Thinks It's Unlikely


I would, but it was a very different time for game design when the Dreamcast launched, I think 3D games were still quite experimental, which sometimes worked, and sometimes didn't. SA2 was significantly different and streamlined compared to the original. Dropping the adventure fields rather disappointed me at the time, though the graphics really surpassed the first game. I'm not sure quite what SA3 would be I suppose, that other the Sonic 3D games have not already done.

Re: Over Jump Is A Loving Homage To Arcade Racer Sega Rally


I played the arcade fairly often, at the London Trocadero back in the 90s... also got the home version when I bought a Saturn, which was a great port (properly optimised for 50Hz with full screen graphics). I also own the Japanese Saturn version which adds analogue controller support. Shame Dreamcast SEGA Rally 2 was less impressive for the hardware, with framerate issues. I did have the PS3 game and the PSP, but the Saturn arcade port had the best gameplay for me. This looks pretty impressive.

Re: CIBSunday: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Super Famicom)


A friend of mine had this imported on SNES, was the first time I played SF2, and initially I was not overly impressed. Then my local video shop got Champion Edition and I started to appreciate the games depth. Managed to get Special Champion Edition for the Mega Drive for my birthday with a six button controller so was my home version, I still have the cartridge. I liked the colours in the World Warrior compared to Champion edition, though everything else was surpassed... I still play Street Fighter 2, but usually go with the arcade version of Hyper Fighting.

Re: Hands On: Evercade EXP - Now Packed With Capcom Goodness


I have the original Evercade, mainly as I wanted an affordable official way to get the Mega Drive version of Midnight Resistance. I've not bought the vs... probably wont pick this new one up, as I've recently bought an OLED Switch which has so many retro games, and they look great on that screen.

Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions


I like the bundled controller, D-pad is like a PS4 and has a nice weight to it. There is a significant problem using the C64 Joystick with the A500 mini at present though, fire button 1 maps to the right hand fire button on the joystick, so I can't really use it. From what I can tell you can't remap the joystick in the included games for that familiar 'Atari' joystick setup, with the fire button on the left. 'Expert' options to remap are only available for games from the USB. Hopefully its fixed in a firmware update, and they add compatibility for ADF files.

Re: Here's The First Trailer For E4's GamesMaster Reboot


@Beermonkey Wow yes, that Dexter Fletcher series, oh dear.

@antdickens ha yes, I taped some bad Influence too, but Gamesmaster seemed more appealing at the time. Was really characterised by that 90s irreverent style, that you also found in a lot of the print mags at the time.

Re: Here's The First Trailer For E4's GamesMaster Reboot


@antdickens Like when youtube did that one off episode of CITVs 'Knightmare'!

Be difficult for younger people now to imagine how exciting it was to see actual video footage of an upcoming anticipated game on TV back in the early 90s. I videotaped the Sonic 2 preview and watched it back loads.

Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console


It looks really good, but their consoles are quite expensive. I have an original 50/60Hz modded multi region MD console with a SCART output, so for the most authentic experience there is that.

The other point for me is that on a HD screen I feel that emulation is 'good enough' (I'm not talking about AT Games consoles here), plus has the benefit of save states (which I don't think this would?)

Still looks great though.

Re: Exclusive: Polymega Creator Playmaji On FPGA, Sega Saturn And Dealing With 'Healthy' Scepticism


I was a Saturn 'fan' when it was a current console (well, I made my choice after the Megadrive and... it was then the only console I could afford at the time). I have a couple, including a modded multi region model, so this probably isn't for me.

People are also correct about the rareness of 'real' games, if you are a collector of Saturn games you probably already have a way to play them, for a retro console it has a pretty good output through SCART.

Like with any new gaming product, I'll wait until its out to make a judgement overall, see how it works in practice.

Re: Polymega Answers Critics With 25 Minutes Of Sega Saturn Gameplay Footage


@SegaBlueSky There would be problems there, PAL SEGA Rally was optimised for full screen / speed at 50Hz, same with Virtua Fighter 2. Forcing them to 60Hz on a modded Saturn cuts the top and the bottom of the image off, they also run too fast! Forcing Guardian Heros to 60Hz glitches the game. You will also often get sound syncing issues when forcing PAL games to 60Hz, at least on an actual Saturn, I dont have an emulator.

I'd be interested to see if the Japanese games needing a RAM cart would work too... Though to be honest, as a Saturn collector, this would not appeal to me anyway.