Comments 123

Re: Epic Games Is Totally Chill About You Downloading Unreal And Unreal Tournament For Nothing


It's of course very nice of them, but I can't help but feel that almost nobody will play these games since there are better, more recent versions of them, except for research and a little bit of nostalgia of course. So it's not something a publisher would do for a more evergreen game for instance.
That being said, I just wish a law would prevent right owners from suing someone distributing their games as long as they're not currently sold.

Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone


@Azuris well, the "problem", as I said in my initial post, is it uses a lot of processing power to calculate all that. People may not realize it because they're using it from afar and just wait a few seconds after posting their prompts, but there are remote servers that generate all that crap. If everyone starts doing it, it will be a huge problem.
Some people run AI locally, but they're still in minority.

Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone


@AJB83 That being said I get that you were slightly triggered by me using the word 'trend'. AI is obviously here to stay, because it was already there for important stuff like medicine anyway.

And I can also see it used more and more for video games, to avoid creating worlds and characters from scratch for instance. When I'm talking about a trend, it's these silly videos that look like fever dreams. I agree they're often fascinating, but I'm pretty sure people will get tired of them eventually. For now people have fun, play with it because it opened a vast area of "what if" possibilities, but I think in the long run, people will naturally focus on using AI for something more useful, that's all.

Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone


@AJB83 Actually yes. I had a heat pump installed recently, I've been recycling stuff for years, etc. I'm not perfect mind you, but I had my nephew build a PC that is both power saving and totally silent, I mostly play on Switch and I have an Xbox Series S (I don't give a ***** about 4K and ray tracing).

Re: Hacker Gets The Game Boy Camera Working On The Mega Duck


@bbbbbr I probably can but still, I don't like having to embed the full publication when I just want to share the video and make my own comment. I just don't understand why devs won't publish their videos on YouTube as well (or even a simple linkable mp4 format), it's way better for archiving things on the long run.

Re: Review: Tomb Raider Collection 1 (Evercade) - No-Frills Emulation Of Lara's Essential Adventures


@RossoftheRobots That's what I was wondering about actually. If you have to save with crystals that can only be used once, like it was the case on Saturn (and PlayStation I guess), I won't get it. Amusingly, most people I know who love Tomb Raider played it on PC back in the days, and on PC you could save any time.
I got stuck in the big room with the four trials and iirc you only had two crystals, so it was impossible to save between each trial, and you could easily die in the platform sequences between each trial. It was a nightmare to me.