

WEIRD [old•import•indie] GAMES

Comments 13

Re: Konami Once Held A Patent For Transparent Walls In Video Games


I remember reading another interview from early in the PS generation relating to Die Hard Trilogy. A Japanese developer was vexed at figuring out how to deal with the camera/wall problem and marveled that in Die Hard they just made the walls invisible.

I don't think it was mentioned at the time but it sure seems like they wanted to say "if it weren't for Konami we could do that in our Japanese game too". If anyone's interested in digging that up, I believe it was in Game Fan magazine.

Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards


I only miss them by way of nostalgia. It's quaint to think back on or dig out a 20 year old memory card and see where I left off in a game.

But the practicality of using them at the time was always a chore and could come down to some real heartbreaking decisions to delete a save to make room for something new.

It's similar to installing a new game today and realizing your PS5 or Switch is full (again) and having to go pruning before you can play anything. It'd just be a little less annoying if the SSD or SD card was fun-shaped or had a transparent case or you could put Tony Hawk stickers on it. Let's get back to THAT!

Re: Anniversary: Sega's Shinobi III Is 30 Years Old


This is one of the very few games I will run through over and over to the point of doing dumb things like trying to never throw a shuriken. It's got the best feeling controls and most diverse moveset of all the Shinobi titles (before and after its release, in my book) and I think that's why it's just so pick-up-and-playable.

Re: 'BigPEmu' Represents A Real Step Forward For Atari Jaguar Emulation


I played with it over the weekend and it's really impressive stuff, so much more accurate than anything I've tried up to now. I completed a full game of Fight for Life, a whole circuit in Atari Karts, and finally felt the performance was solid enough to check in on a handful of Jaguar games I'd never been able to play before.

Re: CIBSunday: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (PlayStation)


A beautiful package, and your photos as well. I had to refold my cloth map and keep it in a separate bag as the ink had begun sticking to itself and the game case.

If anyone else has a copy lovingly stored on their shelves, pop it open and check that your map isn't silently gluing itself together!