Comments 10

Re: Best Of 2019: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


Sadly. The first and foremost thought that I’ll holds true.

Retro (Cartridge) consoles are indestructible..... when compared to modern (disc) generation consoles. The only console that circumvents this is the Nintendo GameCube.

The GameCube had a nice “click” locking mechanism that received your disc onto the single before you closed the lid. This cheap piece of mechanical hardware, meant you disc reading was as reliable as your Carisle reading.

Retro consoles are eternally reliable as long you know what your’re doing or know somebody who does. The same as a car. Very basic and cheap components built for performance. Your megadrive dies? A healthy knowledge of electronic circuit theory, ability to read a schematic and wield a soldering iron will see you through to the end of your life.

Your XBox, PS4 , Switch die?......... you’re knackered and you’d next have a shrunken wrapped Newby ready to break out a la Jack Nicholson and his soap in as good as it gets.

Either learn to know what you need to know or be prepared to pay somebody who does. True of every facet of your life.

Long story short... old tech IS more reliable and easily fixed than new tech.

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


I like the photo of the controller. Every Playstation controller since, is still basically that controller. The SNES controller.

It was a good idea on paper. However Nintendo were too big to relinquish so much control. Sony were too greedy and wasted the opportunity at in-housing the greatest first party developer in history. Silly on Sony's part really.

If this console had have come to fruition we might have seen a little more confidence in Sega's consoles. The mega cd was actually brilliant and ahead of its time, but the price tag was enough to put off non-believers and doubters.

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


@MightyKrypto hahahahahahahahahahahahaha and THAT is the funniest thing I've ever read. Why are you quoting library volume numbers at me? If ALL those 575 ames on ps4 are garbage or a re-issue of a year old game, what relevance does your point bear on anything?

Out of those 575, there are less than 5 (and is really pushing it) worth purchasing and playing. Out of the 625 on wii u I could name 30+ games worth playing.

The wii u library is STRONGER not massively bigger in number, but has way more quality and depth. Most games on ps4 I already owned on my ps3. Near ALL ps4 owners are ones moved on from ps3, rebuying "ultimate" editions of games they bought as new only 12 months before just for the sake of buying a new game. Batman is THE first true next gen game that isn't on ps3, and it's amazing. That's one game over a year after the console was launched. That's appalling.

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


@hYdeks Nintendo's worst adversary is themselves.
Sony have never created anything amazing or superior. Their hardware, especially their peripherals, are and always have been garbage. Their "first party" games cost them a fortune, nothing is in house like a true games company. They playstation is just another branch of hardware for one of the worst hardware companies in the world. I only own a ps3 and ps4 because nintendo relentlessly screw themselves out of third party support and I would own an Xbox if it was given to me.
The only thing Sony have ever excelled at, is marketing. The Ps4 is selling amazing!!!! how!!?? The library is shocking and actually worse than Wii u!
Oh yeah, their bombarding marketing campaign tell the brainless masses what to buy............ And they buy it. Genius. Nintendo should try it, maybe the masses would own some quality for a change

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures


Adding star fox was a shrewd move by Nintendo. Shame they didn't do the same with conker and banjo. Making dinosaur planet a star fox title means they retain the whole IP and code for the game. Way back in its early development, they'd obviously seen no more use for Rareware as its slip started, secured it's current work for itself and then brokered its shares for a fortune.