Great feature, and from a preservation standpoint, Hamster really is doing great work.
Hope they can convince Warner Bros. to release some of the games by Midway, Williams and Atari Games. Pointless that WB isn't doing anything with all the games they own the rights to.
@Roam85 @Hiccup Thans for your input. I was wondering, however, if it's possible to use this device in combination with original hardware thus negating the need to change save batteries that are no longer working. My understanding is this only works if you have a computer (dump ROM / save files, or move save files over to the original cartridge).
It baffles me how many licensed games never will be re-released or remade. The original games have already been made - why not find a solution so you can keep releasing them for the next twenty years? Instead, people need to buy the original or play it via illegal means.
If I’m not mistaken, there was a huge quality difference between the different print runs of the original Sega Mega Drive controllers when they were released. I don’t recall if it was amongst the three button versions, or amongst the six button versions, but there was something about the colours of the letters that told you which version you should pick up.
Great piece. Pokémon wasn’t to be found where I lived, so I found a ROM online to see what the fuzz was all about. I spent that entire holiday playing a black and grey GB game on a 17 inch PC screen.
Did anyone back the Enkko64 Kickstarter campaign, new quality sticks for the Nintendo 64 controller? From what I understand, the creator disappeared, and no one knows what happened.
I understand why people decide to sell off their collection, and I’ll probably end up doing it myself down the line, but why sell everything? I’d atleast hang on to the core title of games I could see myself playing again.
Comments 22
Re: Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Adds 12 New Games With Free Update
It's great that they're updating the collection. If only they could release a controller or adapter so we could use the 2600-controller as well.
Re: "It's Like A Dream" - Hamster President Satoshi Hamada On The Success Of Arcade Archives
Oh, and SEGA too!
Re: "It's Like A Dream" - Hamster President Satoshi Hamada On The Success Of Arcade Archives
Great feature, and from a preservation standpoint, Hamster really is doing great work.
Hope they can convince Warner Bros. to release some of the games by Midway, Williams and Atari Games. Pointless that WB isn't doing anything with all the games they own the rights to.
Re: Not Used Your Wii U In A While? It Might Be Dead
NAND backup? What, how?
Re: Bitmap Books Pulls Mega Drive / Genesis 'Visual Compendium' After Legal Threat From Sega
Guess we'll just have to buy the Sega published Mega Drive book then. Oh, wait…….
Re: Best SNES Games
Glad to see some praise given to International Superstar Soccer Deluxe - I personally loved the SNES and N64 ISS games.
Re: Round Up: Everything Revealed During Today's M2 Livestream
I was hoping they would take a look at Segas arcade games.
Re: Gallery: Let's Look At Your Gaming Photos From The Past
Awesome pictures!
Re: Flashback: The Origin Of Rare's Iconic "Golden Toilet Roll" Logo
@Brue Same here!
Re: Review: Mega Drive / Genesis Mini 2 - Sega's Sequel Scores CD Support
Never got around to ordering this, as we have no Amazon in Norway, and I thought perhaps some local seller would import it.
How is the controller compared to Retro-bit's Sega Mega Drive controller?
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
Lemmings, Populous, The Settlers, SimCity, Monkey Island 2, Sensible Soccer, North & South. Alot of huge Amiga games missing.
Will probably pick this up (unless there's a full scala version released).
Re: Hardware: The Taito Egret II Mini Is A Doorway Into True Gaming History
Do the paddle and trackball controller work on the Nintendo Switch and/or PC?
Re: This Device Could End Up Being Essential For All Retro Gamers
@Roam85 @Hiccup Thans for your input. I was wondering, however, if it's possible to use this device in combination with original hardware thus negating the need to change save batteries that are no longer working. My understanding is this only works if you have a computer (dump ROM / save files, or move save files over to the original cartridge).
Re: This Device Could End Up Being Essential For All Retro Gamers
Is this only for transfering data to a computer, or can you somehow use it in combination with the original hardware?
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
It baffles me how many licensed games never will be re-released or remade. The original games have already been made - why not find a solution so you can keep releasing them for the next twenty years? Instead, people need to buy the original or play it via illegal means.
Re: Sega's Next Micro-Console Could Be The Dreamcast Mini, But Don't Expect It Soon
No love for the Master System.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Mega Sg: Forget The Mega Drive Mini, This Is The Real Deal
Guess I’ll order this and the Super Nt at the same time.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit's Sega Genesis And Saturn Pads (Mostly) Hit The Right Spot
If I’m not mistaken, there was a huge quality difference between the different print runs of the original Sega Mega Drive controllers when they were released. I don’t recall if it was amongst the three button versions, or amongst the six button versions, but there was something about the colours of the letters that told you which version you should pick up.
Re: Feature: How One Magazine Told The World About Pokémon
Great piece. Pokémon wasn’t to be found where I lived, so I found a ROM online to see what the fuzz was all about. I spent that entire holiday playing a black and grey GB game on a 17 inch PC screen.
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
Did anyone back the Enkko64 Kickstarter campaign, new quality sticks for the Nintendo 64 controller? From what I understand, the creator disappeared, and no one knows what happened.
Re: Feature: What Makes A Person Sell Their Entire Retro Games Collection?
I understand why people decide to sell off their collection, and I’ll probably end up doing it myself down the line, but why sell everything? I’d atleast hang on to the core title of games I could see myself playing again.
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
Not sure if I'll buy one, but I hope this turns out well.
I'm glad you're reporting this, even if this is a Nintendo centric site.