Metroid Prime was certainly an amazing transition for the series from 2D to 3D but nothing will ever amaze me more then when Mario went 3D in Mario 64. Zelda OoT not far behind that. I guess by the time Metroid Prime came out 3D games, particularly 1st person style shooters, we're fairly common whereas when Mario 64 hit, 3D platformers were unique.
Wow this brings back memories. I remember seeing this game and thinking it looked like a really good entry in the Castlevania series and then being gutted after hearing about it being cancelled. Too bad it's not actually getting resurrected.
Wow I had three if these on my MegaDrive; Truxton, Hellfire and Zero Wing. The MegaDrive really was a great system for shmups. I no longer have a MegaDrive ( got the mini though ) so I won't be be getting these unless they come out on Switch. Played the arcade Hellfire too, good game. Love the box art for these.
I remember renting a 32X for my MegaDrive one weekend and playing Doom with my friends. I was actually pretty impressed with the unit and would have bought one if I'd had the money. Even though it was criticised as a huge failure over the years you can't argue that it hasn't become one of the cooler retro systems to collect.
@Kirk The PC Engine is the coolest looking retro system ever In my opinion. I remember trying to import one from Japan When I was about 13 but found it too difficult. Then the TurboGraphics 16 came out but not here in Australia so I missed the whole NEC console thing. At least I got a MegaDrive and SNES, but I always wanted to play Legendary Axe.
I had a Coleco Vision when I was a kid. It was so much better then the Atari 2600 which I also had. Its really great to see this project back on track and getting funded. I really wish them the best of luck with this. I was actually just thinking this morning while at work how the older games had an artistic quality not seen in a lot of current gen games. If they can get a decent range of games then I'm in. After all, cartridges are the best!
Matt Bozon, I'm with you mate. I'd love to see Shantae on this. Cartridges are great. Plug them in, turn it on and your away. So simple and fun and great to collect.
People are dissing this because it looks like the Jaguar. So what? Its all about being retro. Indie games are the best thing to happen to the games industry. Without them we would all be stuck playing over hyped, big budget, cinematic dark edgy games that don't play like REAL video games.
Man oh man that is freakin awesome! I want one. Sign me up! I love cartridges and 16bit style games. You know what, I was really hoping something like this was going to happen, but I always imagined SEGA would do it. Frigging brilliant Idea. The whole video game industry rushed forward with new technology and 3D gaming so fast to get were it is today that I feel we left something important behind. I really hope this happens, they have my support.
Comments 12
Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?
They're all awesome. I'm going to go weep in the corner now for what could of been.
Seriously though that's a really hard choice but I'd have to say probably the MegaDrive. It's just a classic with an amazing library of games.
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
Metroid Prime was certainly an amazing transition for the series from 2D to 3D but nothing will ever amaze me more then when Mario went 3D in Mario 64. Zelda OoT not far behind that.
I guess by the time Metroid Prime came out 3D games, particularly 1st person style shooters, we're fairly common whereas when Mario 64 hit, 3D platformers were unique.
Re: Konami's Cancelled Castlevania Game For Dreamcast Has Been Resurrected
Wow this brings back memories. I remember seeing this game and thinking it looked like a really good entry in the Castlevania series and then being gutted after hearing about it being cancelled. Too bad it's not actually getting resurrected.
Re: Retro-Bit Is Republishing Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters In Physical Form
Wow I had three if these on my MegaDrive; Truxton, Hellfire and Zero Wing. The MegaDrive really was a great system for shmups.
I no longer have a MegaDrive ( got the mini though ) so I won't be be getting these unless they come out on Switch.
Played the arcade Hellfire too, good game.
Love the box art for these.
Re: New Game Footage Suggests The Intellivision Amico Will Struggle To Pull Families Away From Switch
Meh. Think I'll just get a PC-Engine Mini.
Re: Feature: Take A Peek Behind The Curtain At Rare With This New Exhibit
I'm looking forward to the new Battletoads next year. It's the first game from RARE I've been interested in since Kameo, that's quite a long time.
Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure
I remember renting a 32X for my MegaDrive one weekend and playing Doom with my friends. I was actually pretty impressed with the unit and would have bought one if I'd had the money.
Even though it was criticised as a huge failure over the years you can't argue that it hasn't become one of the cooler retro systems to collect.
Re: Hardware Review: Terraonion Super SD System 3 Unlocks The Entire PC Engine Library
I wish they would do a PC Engine mini. I guess they wouldn't really need to change the size though haha.
Re: The Retro VGS Is Reborn As The Coleco Chameleon
@Kirk The PC Engine is the coolest looking retro system ever In my opinion. I remember trying to import one from Japan When I was about 13 but found it too difficult. Then the TurboGraphics 16 came out but not here in Australia so I missed the whole NEC console thing. At least I got a MegaDrive and SNES, but I always wanted to play Legendary Axe.
Re: The Retro VGS Is Reborn As The Coleco Chameleon
I had a Coleco Vision when I was a kid. It was so much better then the Atari 2600 which I also had. Its really great to see this project back on track and getting funded. I really wish them the best of luck with this. I was actually just thinking this morning while at work how the older games had an artistic quality not seen in a lot of current gen games. If they can get a decent range of games then I'm in. After all, cartridges are the best!
Re: The Retro VGS Wants To Revive The Glory Days Of Cartridge-Based Home Consoles
Matt Bozon, I'm with you mate. I'd love to see Shantae on this. Cartridges are great. Plug them in, turn it on and your away. So simple and fun and great to collect.
People are dissing this because it looks like the Jaguar. So what? Its all about being retro. Indie games are the best thing to happen to the games industry. Without them we would all be stuck playing over hyped, big budget, cinematic dark edgy games that don't play like REAL video games.
Re: The Retro VGS Wants To Revive The Glory Days Of Cartridge-Based Home Consoles
Man oh man that is freakin awesome! I want one. Sign me up! I love cartridges and 16bit style games. You know what, I was really hoping something like this was going to happen, but I always imagined SEGA would do it. Frigging brilliant Idea.
The whole video game industry rushed forward with new technology and 3D gaming so fast to get were it is today that I feel we left something important behind. I really hope this happens, they have my support.