I can only think of maybe 5-6 games that would be worthwhile to purchase this thing, but I dunno. Hopefully they are able to actually emulate their own system. Saturn emulation is still lagging fairly behind.
I'm a big fan of both the exploration style Castlevania's, like SOTN, and the standard 2D ones. The 3D ones were so meh it hurts, plus they haven't aged well at all. The 3D Castlevanias were merely stepping stones for 3D games development, in general. They did so much stuff wrong in those games, lol.
Honestly, I’m in the camp that dropped the series after MGS on the PS1. I’m glad that his team opposed the ideas, because the series is super-strange at this point. Hearing news like this makes me think that Konami may have been justified in letting him go, for the good of both parties.
So does this person think it's bad if we referred to him as a Japanese male? The term has nothing to do with discrimination, and more to do with the fact that these games come from Japan. Pointing out an origin isn't discriminatory ffs.
This is especially true when there is a distinct stylization when we look at the way these games are made and played. Nobody bats and eye when we say Japanese anime, I've never encountered a person that found that term sincerely discriminatory.
It's funny, they almost could have gotten away with using Robotnik's voice for Sonic, then having the other dude do Robotnik and add a little growl or something.
@-wc- Trolls always gotta gaslight, it's their way lol. Like you said, you think it's a marketing tactic, which is strange conspiracy theory mumbo-jumbo...yet you still have to come back to try and get the final say in a comment. Strange behavior, but entertaining, to say the least.
@-wc- You aren't obligated to read articles you deem to be marketing tactics. If you truly thought so, you wouldn't click the article and reply 3 times with edits. There are articles I don't like and I simply don't click them. It's the best feedback you can give, better than your misguided opinion. If you reply, you're just giving the article another click for the sake of getting the last word in a conversation.
Mario 64 not only pioneered, but defined the way games should transition from 2D to 3D. Prime is also an excellent example, but it does come with many design flaws that potentially lead to an unfocused and frustrating adventure. Watching newcomers play it on stream highlights some of it’s poor design choices.
Funny to see AvP on the list, considering how damn tedious the final levels are! It's the worst example of a difficulty spike in the industry! Sometimes I think people forget what this game is like past the first 3-4 levels.
Dragon's Crown is an interesting choice, as well. For me, at least, the controls felt so damn stiff compared to more fluid games like TMNT IV. Nice to see Death Adder getting some love, too!
@species8472 Yeah, I feel you. Only game I want on Switch is this, and only game I want on PS5 is Demon's Souls. I'm happy to go without, since that would basically be a $1000 purchase between the two.
@species8472 I watched it on Twitch and couldn't spot any slowdown in the couple hours the streamer played. From what I've seen, it's performing swimmingly!
Zero wing is so damn hard on the eyes, with the constant red flashing screen. Why that game gets mentioned so much is beyond me. For a guy like me, it's literally unplayable from the physical pain it causes me.
@GooseLoose1 What you're telling me is a great way to guarantee a false start in ones endeavors. I'm talking about having a positive outlook, and rejecting negative pretenses like the trolls we see on this site. Then you go on to talk about optimism and pessimism, which are totally different ideas than what I'm even conveying.
Best thing to do in the future is ask the person, "what do you mean by that?" It would be more useful for bridging a middle ground in the conversation than a blind assumption followed by out of context advice.
A mind can only be in once place at a time. I tend to keep mine positive, and if it dips into negativity, I adjust my mindset. There's literally no need to dwell on any negativity, ever, since that's a different topic than simply being optimistic or pessimistic.
I also think the word you MAY be looking for is optimistic vs. REALISTIC, since being needlessly pessimistic doesn't serve us in any way. Thanks for the reply.
@-wc- Having a positive outlook in life is entitlement? Wat? Bruh, you must be doing too much doom-scrolling, tone that down, please. Like I said, I can't help your choice to be negative, and I reject said negativity in my life. Trolls just permeate every aspect of the web, it seems.
@Darknyht Games sales numbers disprove what you're saying. Yes, there will always be the "haves vs. have-nots" idea, but right now it seems based on how well gaming is doing as an industry that there is more access than not. What word games are you referencing? I'm just speaking from the heart. I can also do it without constantly calling people stupid, btw
@Darknyht Aren't you backwards on one point, though? We have MORE means to buy games now than we did back then, since we have access to so many digital shops instead of only having the choice to buy physical.
@WaffleRaptor01 Right, call them out! That's fine. I just don't think a $10 price hike for a game you're probably going to get 3,000 hours out of is a bad practice. On top of that, you can wait for a sale! There's no harm in waiting for single player games, since there isn't an online community to catch up to later.
Calling a company out online in an obscure forum is one thing; voting with your wallet is another.
@Rudy_Manchego You're not getting what you paid for now as compared to 2 years ago? I guess that depends on how you play your games. Since 2010, I've gotten a collective 13,000 hours out of JUST playing Dark Souls 1-3, Demon's Souls and Elden Ring. I paid full retail for each game, so $60 each. So $300 got me (so far!) 13,000+ hours of joy. But, if you're the kind of gamer that plays a game once and uninstalls, I guess I can see where you are coming from. If I had paid $70 for each of those games and gotten the same play-time, I wouldn't have even noticed.
@Damo Bloody hell, thanks I never owned a Sega console other than a Saturn, so I always mix them up because Mega Drive sounds like a step down from Master System!
@Guitar_bard I’m so tired I read that as “a Belmont should speak with his whip not his hips.” Left me confused for a sec lmfao
Jokes aside, you are right, though. Portrait nailed everything from music to gameplay. Still one of my favorites. I’m surprised the DS games haven’t been ported anywhere, yet!
I always get confused with early Sega console names. Is the Master System the Genesis, or is the Mega Drive the Genesis? Or are they neither, and is the G it’s own thing?
Comments 92
Re: The M.2 Is An Exciting New Loader For Nintendo GameCube
Amazing, I have an M.2 in my PC, and can already load any game I want without compatibility issues!
Re: Review: Miyoo Mini Plus - A Game Boy-Style Emulation Powerhouse For $70
@Coffeemonstah Yeah, I'm not clicking those links. Sorry stranger, but I don't trust you enough
Re: It's Official! Sega Poll Reveals Fans Want The Sega Saturn Mini Next
I can only think of maybe 5-6 games that would be worthwhile to purchase this thing, but I dunno. Hopefully they are able to actually emulate their own system. Saturn emulation is still lagging fairly behind.
Re: Random: Super Mario 64 Manga Offers Grim Explanation For The 1-Up Mushroom
This is now canon.
Re: Review: Miyoo Mini Plus - A Game Boy-Style Emulation Powerhouse For $70
@Coffeemonstah No they're not. I just looked on Amazon, and they are $15-$20 more than the $70 price tag.
Re: Review: Miyoo Mini Plus - A Game Boy-Style Emulation Powerhouse For $70
@belmont If it’s better for you, these devices are usually sold on Amazon.
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want From A New Castlevania?
I'm a big fan of both the exploration style Castlevania's, like SOTN, and the standard 2D ones. The 3D ones were so meh it hurts, plus they haven't aged well at all. The 3D Castlevanias were merely stepping stones for 3D games development, in general. They did so much stuff wrong in those games, lol.
Re: Not Used Your Wii U In A While? It Might Be Dead
Nintendo doesn’t make ‘em like they used to.
Re: Hideo Kojima Claims Konami Wanted Metal Gear Solid 3 To Be More "Normal"
Honestly, I’m in the camp that dropped the series after MGS on the PS1. I’m glad that his team opposed the ideas, because the series is super-strange at this point. Hearing news like this makes me think that Konami may have been justified in letting him go, for the good of both parties.
Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?
Mario 64 = Toys R Us, because they had a demo N64 there and we would hurry over after school to play
Re: Yuji Naka Admits Guilt During Insider Trading Case
Hopefully he is able to rebuild his life after this.
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
So does this person think it's bad if we referred to him as a Japanese male? The term has nothing to do with discrimination, and more to do with the fact that these games come from Japan. Pointing out an origin isn't discriminatory ffs.
This is especially true when there is a distinct stylization when we look at the way these games are made and played. Nobody bats and eye when we say Japanese anime, I've never encountered a person that found that term sincerely discriminatory.
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
@themightyant Elden Ring is an action game with an XP system. There's no role-play to be had.
Re: Popular Castlevania: Harmony Of Dissonance Hack Gets Impressive New Update
Thanks for reporting on romhacks; these are some of my favorite articles that you folks publish!
Re: One Of The Most Incredible Zelda Strategy Guides Has Been Preserved Online
Re: Review: Toaplan Arcade Shoot 'Em Up Collection Vol.1 - Shmup Smarts
Great review, how did they handle the screen flashing for Zero Wing?
Re: Rare Sonic Arcade Game Features The Series's Strangest Voice Acting
It's funny, they almost could have gotten away with using Robotnik's voice for Sonic, then having the other dude do Robotnik and add a little growl or something.
Re: Polymega's Next Trick? Ditching Dedicated Hardware
@gojiguy Cool. This offers another option. Options are good. I answered your question.
Re: Polymega's Next Trick? Ditching Dedicated Hardware
@gojiguy Probably for people who don't want to get involved with piracy, I would imagine.
Re: Polymega's Next Trick? Ditching Dedicated Hardware
So is this just a gaming front-end for emulation, essentially?
Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite Castlevania?
The answer may surprise you!
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
@-wc- Trolls always gotta gaslight, it's their way lol. Like you said, you think it's a marketing tactic, which is strange conspiracy theory mumbo-jumbo...yet you still have to come back to try and get the final say in a comment. Strange behavior, but entertaining, to say the least.
Re: Toaplan's Zero Wing And Hellfire Are Being Bundled Together This Year
@Soupbones Ah, that makes no sense to me, but thank you for sharing it.
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
@-wc- You aren't obligated to read articles you deem to be marketing tactics. If you truly thought so, you wouldn't click the article and reply 3 times with edits. There are articles I don't like and I simply don't click them. It's the best feedback you can give, better than your misguided opinion. If you reply, you're just giving the article another click for the sake of getting the last word in a conversation.
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
@-wc- iT’s A mArKeTiNg GiMmIcK
I see the trolls from NL are slowly making their way here.
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
Mario 64 not only pioneered, but defined the way games should transition from 2D to 3D. Prime is also an excellent example, but it does come with many design flaws that potentially lead to an unfocused and frustrating adventure. Watching newcomers play it on stream highlights some of it’s poor design choices.
Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time
Funny to see AvP on the list, considering how damn tedious the final levels are! It's the worst example of a difficulty spike in the industry! Sometimes I think people forget what this game is like past the first 3-4 levels.
Dragon's Crown is an interesting choice, as well. For me, at least, the controls felt so damn stiff compared to more fluid games like TMNT IV. Nice to see Death Adder getting some love, too!
Re: Poll: Are Game Boy Games Still Worth Playing In 2023?
@-wc- PS2 has literally zero games worth noting.
Re: Anniversary: PlayStation JRPG Classic Xenogears Is 25 Years Old Today
First time I ever felt punched in the balls by a game was from this one. RIP disc 2
Re: Toaplan's Zero Wing And Hellfire Are Being Bundled Together This Year
@Soupbones There's an option in MAME? Is that in service mode or something?
Re: Poll: Are Game Boy Games Still Worth Playing In 2023?
I fell asleep playing Link's Awakening last night, so yes from me, lol.
Re: Round Up: "A Masterpiece Made Even Better" - Metroid Prime Remastered Reviews Are In
@species8472 Yeah, I feel you. Only game I want on Switch is this, and only game I want on PS5 is Demon's Souls. I'm happy to go without, since that would basically be a $1000 purchase between the two.
Re: Round Up: "A Masterpiece Made Even Better" - Metroid Prime Remastered Reviews Are In
@species8472 I watched it on Twitch and couldn't spot any slowdown in the couple hours the streamer played. From what I've seen, it's performing swimmingly!
Re: Toaplan's Zero Wing And Hellfire Are Being Bundled Together This Year
Zero wing is so damn hard on the eyes, with the constant red flashing screen. Why that game gets mentioned so much is beyond me. For a guy like me, it's literally unplayable from the physical pain it causes me.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@DripDropCop146 Why? Just read the comments for that lol
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@GooseLoose1 What you're telling me is a great way to guarantee a false start in ones endeavors. I'm talking about having a positive outlook, and rejecting negative pretenses like the trolls we see on this site. Then you go on to talk about optimism and pessimism, which are totally different ideas than what I'm even conveying.
Best thing to do in the future is ask the person, "what do you mean by that?" It would be more useful for bridging a middle ground in the conversation than a blind assumption followed by out of context advice.
A mind can only be in once place at a time. I tend to keep mine positive, and if it dips into negativity, I adjust my mindset. There's literally no need to dwell on any negativity, ever, since that's a different topic than simply being optimistic or pessimistic.
I also think the word you MAY be looking for is optimistic vs. REALISTIC, since being needlessly pessimistic doesn't serve us in any way. Thanks for the reply.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@-wc- Having a positive outlook in life is entitlement? Wat? Bruh, you must be doing too much doom-scrolling, tone that down, please. Like I said, I can't help your choice to be negative, and I reject said negativity in my life. Trolls just permeate every aspect of the web, it seems.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@Darknyht Games sales numbers disprove what you're saying. Yes, there will always be the "haves vs. have-nots" idea, but right now it seems based on how well gaming is doing as an industry that there is more access than not. What word games are you referencing? I'm just speaking from the heart. I can also do it without constantly calling people stupid, btw
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@Darknyht Aren't you backwards on one point, though? We have MORE means to buy games now than we did back then, since we have access to so many digital shops instead of only having the choice to buy physical.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@-wc- See, though? You're automatically choosing negativity. I can't help you, friend. Be well.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@WaffleRaptor01 Right, call them out! That's fine. I just don't think a $10 price hike for a game you're probably going to get 3,000 hours out of is a bad practice. On top of that, you can wait for a sale! There's no harm in waiting for single player games, since there isn't an online community to catch up to later.
Calling a company out online in an obscure forum is one thing; voting with your wallet is another.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@Rudy_Manchego You're not getting what you paid for now as compared to 2 years ago? I guess that depends on how you play your games. Since 2010, I've gotten a collective 13,000 hours out of JUST playing Dark Souls 1-3, Demon's Souls and Elden Ring. I paid full retail for each game, so $60 each. So $300 got me (so far!) 13,000+ hours of joy. But, if you're the kind of gamer that plays a game once and uninstalls, I guess I can see where you are coming from. If I had paid $70 for each of those games and gotten the same play-time, I wouldn't have even noticed.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@-wc- Again, speak for yourself. We live in a time where we can choose our own enjoyment.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@-wc- “We live in hell now,” lol speak for yourself. Life is good and has never been better.
Re: Two Classic Sunsoft NES Soundtracks Are Now Available To Pre-Order
I recognized the Silius one a mile away, great news!
Re: Everyone's Favourite Game Boy Clone Could Become Extinct
Miyoo mini is great, but I'm rocking the RG351V with AmberElec and it's just magical.
Re: CIBSunday: Sega Mark III
@Damo Bloody hell, thanks I never owned a Sega console other than a Saturn, so I always mix them up because Mega Drive sounds like a step down from Master System!
Re: New Hack Adds 'Maria+' Mode To Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin
@Guitar_bard I’m so tired I read that as “a Belmont should speak with his whip not his hips.” Left me confused for a sec lmfao
Jokes aside, you are right, though. Portrait nailed everything from music to gameplay. Still one of my favorites. I’m surprised the DS games haven’t been ported anywhere, yet!
Re: CIBSunday: Sega Mark III
I always get confused with early Sega console names. Is the Master System the Genesis, or is the Mega Drive the Genesis? Or are they neither, and is the G it’s own thing?
Re: New Hack Adds 'Maria+' Mode To Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin
@Guitar_bard Even the dialogue?