It wasn't a flop in Japan... but it still wasn't enough to cover for Sega's losses. Their real moneymakers were overseas.
In fact, the overseas failure of the Saturn caused then-CEO Isao Okawa to call for Sega to stop making consoles. It didn't work, obviously, but you have to wonder... instead of "what if the Dreamcast won", what would've happened if Sega never made the Dreamcast?
I would take anything Victor Ireland says with a grain of salt.
That said, it wouldn't shock me if SegAm had some insane office politics blocking PS IV — even if I find it unbelievable. 90s Sega was a mess on every corner of the globe, no matter what fake historians with their brains permanently fried by 2D shmups try to tell you. (Hey John Harrison, how ya doin'?)
@MegaManFan The Callisto Protocol was just not released in Japan because CERO refused to rate it.
Resident Evil is still heavily censored in Japan to remove most of the blood and gore.
Kid Icarus: Uprising got a rating bump because of one camera angle that could've been construed as an upskirt shot — in Japan.
And don't even get me started on the Saori Incident.
You're completely right. It's all so frustrating, but there's no satisfactory answer. Knowing what I know about Japanese game development, blaming everything on simple "Western interference" is just infantilizing; but what the hell am I supposed to do about it? I don't work at ESRB, CERO, or PEGI.
The Japanese game scene is full of bad blood. Koji Ogata is just one of the few to go public about it. I kind of agree with his criticisms, but LOL if he didn't open a whole can of worms.
Takes a lot of bravery to call an old game bad in this day and age, but thank you for speaking the truth. Really sick of the toxic positivity around the 'retro' scene.
I never liked Haunted Castle, no matter how many times I beat it. I might give Revisited a try... Konami aside.
@KitsuneNight But there are plenty of non-Japanese games that are as "so bad it's hilarious" as this game, and they don't get the same treatment. You'd think Felipe Pepe would've done an oral history of The Town With No Name by now? Or does he know something I don't...?
Comments 19
Re: Anniversary: Sega Saturn, The Most Successful Console "Flop" Of All Time, Turns 30 Today
It wasn't a flop in Japan... but it still wasn't enough to cover for Sega's losses. Their real moneymakers were overseas.
In fact, the overseas failure of the Saturn caused then-CEO Isao Okawa to call for Sega to stop making consoles. It didn't work, obviously, but you have to wonder... instead of "what if the Dreamcast won", what would've happened if Sega never made the Dreamcast?
Re: Sega Wanted Phantasy Star IV To Flop In The West, Hence The Sky-High $100 Price
I would take anything Victor Ireland says with a grain of salt.
That said, it wouldn't shock me if SegAm had some insane office politics blocking PS IV — even if I find it unbelievable. 90s Sega was a mess on every corner of the globe, no matter what fake historians with their brains permanently fried by 2D shmups try to tell you. (Hey John Harrison, how ya doin'?)
Re: Legendary YouTube Channel Mega64 Is Facing Closure
Much as I sincerely hate Rocco Botte, this sucks to see. Hope they can climb back out of this rut. They're an excellent team of artists/comedians.
Re: Limited Run Co-Founder Claims Selling CD-Rs To Customers Was Always The Idea
I would rather a game stay out of circulation than be re-released by LRG.
Re: "The Wrong Console Won" - Dreamcast Is Getting Its Own Rave Event "To Correct The Record"
The only people who believe "the wrong console won" are people who want to repeal Article 9.
Hey, John Harrison, how ya doin'?
Re: Castlevania: Nocturne Director Hints Season 3 Will Only Happen If You Support Season 2
Lords of Shadow is better.
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
Bad nostalgia is when people are fully owned by nostalgia for five games and nothing more. So yes, it exists!
Re: "An Evil Disguised As Good" - Dragon Quest Vets Rail Against Censorship In Candid Interview
@MegaManFan The Callisto Protocol was just not released in Japan because CERO refused to rate it.
Resident Evil is still heavily censored in Japan to remove most of the blood and gore.
Kid Icarus: Uprising got a rating bump because of one camera angle that could've been construed as an upskirt shot — in Japan.
And don't even get me started on the Saori Incident.
You're completely right. It's all so frustrating, but there's no satisfactory answer. Knowing what I know about Japanese game development, blaming everything on simple "Western interference" is just infantilizing; but what the hell am I supposed to do about it? I don't work at ESRB, CERO, or PEGI.
Re: "An Evil Disguised As Good" - Dragon Quest Vets Rail Against Censorship In Candid Interview
Re: Time Crisis Is Coming To Modern TVs Thanks To A Plug-And-Play, AI-Powered Light Gun
"AI-powered light gun" has to be a buzzword. How does that work?
Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series
The Japanese game scene is full of bad blood. Koji Ogata is just one of the few to go public about it. I kind of agree with his criticisms, but LOL if he didn't open a whole can of worms.
Re: Anniversary: Tekken Is Now 30 Years Old
Thank you, Seiichi Ishii — and ***** Katsuhiro Harada.
Re: Data East's Gory '90s Brawler 'Night Slashers' Is Getting A Remake Later This Month
Can't wait for the Twitter retro-grifters to pull a Grummz over this.
Re: 'Streets Of Rage Plus' Is The Ultimate Version Of Sega's Belt-Scrolling Scrapper
Gonna check this out. I've long craved something to wash off the stench of SoR Remake...
SoR4 is good but retreads 2 too much.
Re: Review: Haunted Castle Revisited (Switch) - The Worst Castlevania Gets Rehabilitated
Takes a lot of bravery to call an old game bad in this day and age, but thank you for speaking the truth. Really sick of the toxic positivity around the 'retro' scene.
I never liked Haunted Castle, no matter how many times I beat it. I might give Revisited a try... Konami aside.
Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation
@SnowyAria That's fair, thank you for your insight. I'll check your channels out.
Re: Saturn Radiant Silvergun Just Got A Major Fan-Made Update
Good stuff.
Won't be touching it, though. Playing Saturn rots your brain.
Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation
@KitsuneNight But there are plenty of non-Japanese games that are as "so bad it's hilarious" as this game, and they don't get the same treatment. You'd think Felipe Pepe would've done an oral history of The Town With No Name by now? Or does he know something I don't...?
Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation
The concept of "kusoge" has always baffled me. I'm supposed to treat this awful game as art because it's from Japan...?