Comments 71

Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community


I bought everything they released for switch for a good few years. That was a LOT of money. So I can reliably say they’ve had issues for years. In the end I got so fed up I know refuse to deal with them and have seen others become wise to their corner cutting Doug knows. It’s obvious they cut corners. They had a mission statement and wandered so far away chasing a higher margin. They were always a bit greedy but they got too greedy. It didn’t help they got licenses that should never have been limited runs - like Star Wars and then those games ended up not being limited then there was the Walmart deals. There are so many things they’ve done at this point people should just know what they are dealing with and if that’s cool with them….. go for it order.

Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement


@Damo really appreciate your balanced and calm answers and whilst I don’t fully agree with what you say and think in a few years you’ll have massively changed your tune, can you absolutely guarantee all of us, and apologises if you already have but none of the family of your websites, PS, PX,NL, use Ai content either in reviews, proof reading or any other features? Can you give us a life time guarantee on that?

Re: Ice-T On Why EA Hasn't Brought Back The Def Jam Fighting Series


Fight for New York was a cracking game. Sometimes games companies don’t know why people liked a game. EA is a company that deffo often doesn’t.

Def Jam
NBA street
SSX were three series they didn’t actually get what people liked. To get to the heights of SSX3 and then make several games and take away pretty much everything that made ssx 3 good highlights it.

Def jam they just didn’t understand the appeal and got the sequel wrong.

Re: Review: Polymega - Now With N64 Support, But Is It Still Worth A Look In 2024?


@Damo I thought his comment was harsh. Until I read your reply…. 9 out of 10 doesn’t suggest a product that “certainly could be better” it’s suggests near perfection.

Especially at such a high price point with or without modules.

Most people reading want to know…. Do I want to spend 800/900 quid on this….. 9/10 suggests yes. This is an excellent way to spend your money.

I guess that’s the hardest thing as a reviewer. Firstly scores are almost impossible…. And secondly knowing you are saying to people “yes spend £800 on this gadget”

I enjoyed the review and your thoughts either way.

Re: Review: OneXPlayer 2 - A Nintendo Switch-Style PC Gaming Beast


I bought a steam deck on impulse. No real research and never being a PC gamer. No regrets at all. These other machines all seem like they are missing the point of the steam deck.

Easy of use

They smash the price. Remove the ease of use. Don’t give any support (windows) and won’t have anywhere near the active community working on it making it better (emulation support, controller support etc).

Re: Review: Anbernic RG405M - PS2 And GameCube Emulation That Fits In Your Pocket


For that money I’d find the extra money and get the base steam deck. Which is an emulation monster and can do so much more.

Although it’s also a monster in size. It feels so comfortable in your hands. It needs a lot of bag space:

I’d love a cheap small handheld device that does Gamecube and Ps2 emulation. Under £100 we just aren’t there yet are we.

Re: Asus ROG Ally Promises To "Redefine Handheld Gaming" For "Below $1,000"


Lol - this is ridiculous. It’s claiming to do something the steam deck already did. It won’t redefine anything now, it might do it slightly “better” (that’s debatable on terms of better) but double the price.

Steam deck is easy to use. Easy to erm “personalise” and cheap to get games for.

To ask me to buy a different device for twice the price it would need to be truly exceptional.

Re: Review: Steam Deck, One Year On


It’s an amazing bit of kit. Anyone saying negative things hasn’t used it. It’s remarkable.

I was late to the party but it’s blown me away and I’ve changed the way completely. I didn’t have a Steam library.

I do know. It’s cost me way way too much money and bundles and steam sales and cdkeys etc are a gift and a curse. Emudeck is mind blowing. To use ROMs of my 1000s of owned games is Amazing

I can play some of my all time fave games which tbh have never looked or played better and also play the latest Hogwarts game - which plays amazing.

Playstation console exclusives, Halo and Forza….. then over to Gamecube and Wii games….

Ssx 3, Dirt3….. F zero, diddy Kong racing…..

It’s amazing.

Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?


There is nothing wrong with emulating old roms - the games industry is so and lazy when it comes to game preservation. They often charge a monthly fee and the emulation is ropey.

I subbed to NSO at highest level. GPU and pS+ and I own 1000s of games from way back retro machines to mini consoles to ps5/XSX/OLED switch and a steam deck. I’ve given the industry plenty of money.

Almost all the games I use roms for I own physically anyway and those I don’t, there is no ethical way to buy them - the second hand market is not - that’s giving large sums of money to someone that gives nothing to the software producers anyway. So in that respect it’s no better than roms itself.

With all the issues in society… me playing a ROM version of Wave Race GC on my steam deck…… a game I own on disc - it’s not even slightly a grey area…. It’s absolutely fine.

I game industry would be far better looking at itself and how it deals with these sorts of things.

Re: Promising New Fangame Golden Axe Returns Releasing Later This Month


@Hexapus thank you, I’ve just looked into it and apparent emudeck has an openBOR folder in it and you can just drop games in there similar to the other systems I have used on there. This is welcome news. I will definitely have a poke about at some point.

I was super impressed how easy emudeck was to set up on it

Re: Random: WATA Graded A 2016 Castlevania Repro, And Now It's On eBay For $4,000


@SonOfDracula it’s not a case of human nature. A real collector won’t buy this. Someone washing some money will. As a group of dodgy individuals swap worthless or near worthless items in what appears a legit collectors market.

Even the most over excited collector of items that intend not to play would not play 4K for that.

People that spend big on sealed games know what they are doing.

I don’t agree with it but they at least wouldn’t pay that for this.

It’s a scam.

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