Comments 48

Re: One Of The Most Underrated SNES JRPGs Just Got A Fan-Made Upgrade


Always loved this game so this is a welcome patch. My buddy had a Genesis and I loved Shining in the Darkness. This was the closest thing to it on the SNES so I grabbed it. The most annoying thing for me was finding a new party member in a dungeon then having to leave and equip them because they were only wearing rags and using a trash can lid as a weapon. Otherwise, awesome game!

Re: Full Of Eastern Promise: The Rise And Fall Of Grey Importing


Great article. Brings back memories of me importing games for the Saturn and PS1 in the 90s. I'm in America so I used a company called NCS initially. I'd call up to make the preorder and it was always the same woman who took my order for years! Even had my Saturn modified so I could import KoF 95 with the cartridge.

Die Hard Game Fan was the first company I used though. I called all their stores until I found one with a copy of Scrambled Valkyrie for the SFC. I sent them a Western Union payment and had them overnight ship it to my house. It was great times! I miss it but at the same time appreciate the convenience of today. Similar to easy it is to get anime now compared to how it was to get fansubs back then.

Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?


Way too wordy. Like a used car salesman. This thing is just too expensive for what it does. The controllers look like a nightmare and the Intellivision was only relevant for a couple years anyway.

Nothing in what I read of this article changes my mind. People play mobile games for convenience and in quick bursts. Not for hours at a time on their TV.

Re: Hardware Review: Despite The Delays And Drama, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine


System seems fine. But a funny thing the article mentions is that the system is for people that want to use their own games....yet they get dumped onto storage and are played from there, like every other device mentioned. I seriously doubt people using this system will put their games in every time.

It's like when people try to argue they buy Analogue systems because they want to use their own games but then they just leave a flash cart in it. If you want to use your games every single time just stick with original hardware without a flash cart.

Re: Polymega's Launch Is Delayed Until Early Next Year


@Damo I have to say I don't care about the Wal-Mart customers. I paid for my system a long time before them and I have to get to the back of the line? If not for my money and others like me they wouldn't have gotten this far. It sucks that Walmart is doing this but at the same time Polymega should have not dreamed so big without a finished product on hand. This shows little care for their actual supporters. Analogue manged to get going as a small start up with a similar idea. This is disappointing.

Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services


@Damo You may be correct but I think most people that put money into this would rather see support for other older consoles worked on (either disc or module) rather than time and resources wasted on modern game streaming. You can already stream a million ways. Why add 1 more? Especially to what is supposed to be a retro gaming console. They are spreading themselves too thin when it's already proven they can't keep up with what they have.

Re: More Tantalising Polymega Details Emerge From GDC 2019


I'm glad they finally communicated something but overall it was not very informative aside from the delay info. All their talk basically was saying "yes, it works as you should expect it" with the SNES info/compatibility stuff. Emulators do this now. They should have posted videos first then dumped info. Storage info is ok but overall nothing to really take away from this but marketing talk and a delay.

Still I am interested to see the disc demos today. It's odd they won't demo carts though...

Re: Exclusive: Polymega Creator Playmaji On FPGA, Sega Saturn And Dealing With 'Healthy' Scepticism


I appreciate this interview and a few of your tougher questions. I am not too skeptical of the Saturn emulation but it is odd they are only showing capture footage. I was one of the diehard followers that jumped ship when they made all the sweeping changes last minute. I'm still interested in the base unit but not the modules. When you have good fpga consoles already out there and more on the way ( Analogue must be making a Mega Drive...) I'll opt for other options.

I agree they have put a lot of time and effort into this and I appreciate that. The system, controllers, and UI are attractive as is the modular idea. It's just too bad how they handled the info dump, launch, and their subsequent passive insulting of people that just want the quality that was promised for years.

Anywho I'll wait for reviews before buying but I hope it does well enough to reintroduce that tech they originally promised and maybe draw back the people this was originally intended for.

Re: Polymega Answers Critics With 25 Minutes Of Sega Saturn Gameplay Footage


@Damo But that's the thing: it's not in the modules. I would be perfectly happy with that. All 4 launch modules have no FPGA. The Famicom module will have one if it gets made which is cool but no modules past these starting 4 are guaranteed to be made, let alone contain an FPGA. Especially at the current rate the system is preordering for. They mentioned that maybe a future SNES module will get FPGA but that means I either wait an untold amount of time or I double dip. This last minute crowd fund campaign puts future modules in doubt.

Re: Polymega Answers Critics With 25 Minutes Of Sega Saturn Gameplay Footage


@Damo I was so hyped and on board with this system for the past 2 years. Then they made those sweeping changes last minute and it lost me. No FPGA broke my(and many hardcore gamers') faith in the system for the moment. I turned around that day and bought a Super NT instead.

I believe that it plays Saturn games and I'm still interested in the base unit but no way will I bite before reviews. Overall a huge disappointment.

Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor


@bazzaro @ThanosReXXX What bazzaro said. No fpga at launch with only 1 planned for certain IF goals are met. If they bother with the snes fpga model it means double dipping for early adopters. Its disappointing and not what they originally promised. I went ahead and bought a Super NT after reading this article. It's a shame because I have been following this for so long. I'll probably grab the base unit at some point after seeing real hands on analysis.

Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor


Hmmm.... I have been a staunch supporter of this but now I'm not so sure. That previous promise of hybrid emulation sounds hollow. Why would i buy a non fpga snes module when I can get a better super nt? I like that it does cd games but no fpga except for very specific modules puts me off somewhat. Especially because they dropped this nugget of info last minute.

Aside from cd support how will this compare to a crappy retron 5? Im especially nervous about Genesis sound emulation now....ugh.

Edit: I reread and see a future fpga module for snes will be released. That's crap. Either I double dip or have to wait an unknown amount of time.

Re: Polymega's 'Element Modules' Will Come With Wired Classic Controllers


@lillith Totally understand your skepticism and you're right to be that way. The Coleco Chameleon was a huge mess but was also a totally different type of product. It was attempting to be its own new console. Polymega is a clone console.
I'm cautiously optimistic. I'll wait to see how it looks at E3 before I make a decision but its perfect for what I need as long as its a quality product.