@Sketcz I suppose that had to do with marketing their consoles as toys (and thus including R.O.B. with the NES) to avoid the stigma from the North American video game crash.
So was it because of the batteries and circuits or because of the copyright infringement? Or was the one used as an excuse to enforce the other? This is confusing.
In related news, my local Walmart checkout line sells $10 Game Boy looking devices with 100 ROMs of games I recognize.
Is this also beneficial for the NSO N64 controller? Is that one built the same, or are they using better designs/materials? I'm not an expert enough to tell, but it feels the same.
It just dawned on me a couple of days ago that Fox McCloud is probably a Fox because of the FX chip. I immediately started to be skeptical of the Miyamoto Shinto shrine origin story.
But related to Croc, that's good that a leak had such a positive result.
1-6 has a couple places where it looks like you can get soft locked. But overall this is really impressive! It's even got a Yoshi's Island type mechanic.
Protecting the brand by leaving it seemingly less active and ubiquitous than it really is? It's almost the opposite of Nintendo hiding who their developers are.
This is the rare article whose headline undersells it. Bravo on such a meaty deep dive! No one should be irritated by your getting into too much detail since on the 8th day God created skimming.
The regional trope that sticks with me is always the SMB Lost Levels whereby Western gamers were assumed to be softer than Japanese ones. As frustrating as this Konami situation is, it at least salvages Western gaming cred. Haha
@Spider-Kev Not if there's no fixed number. If I don't pre-order, there will be one fewer in circulation. It's not zero sum. I said in my post that I dislike bad arguments; please stop producing them.
I haven't had any issues with their stickers coming off without leaving residue, thankfully. Even still it looks on this one like it's on a small Post-It note just in case.
I have a RetroFreak which extracts save files but doesn't reupload them to the game. I haven't yet looked into how to change out batteries in cartridges since none of mine have died yet, but would a device like this allow a save file to be restored even while switching out cartridge batteries?
I love the choice of Moonlight Sonata for boss music, even if it's just a placeholder. I get curious why games never use classical pieces like Kubrick did in 2001 since they're in the public domain.
Another argument the FOMO accusation is that while the game release window must be limited contractually, there’s no limit on the slip covers. So you can go on their site and spend $2 getting a case for a game you only have digitally to display or collect or what have you. Why would they have made extra? Because they’re looking out for the gamer.
The article talks about their being purchased by Embracer as if that’s an unmitigated asset but then smartly walks back that claim of an advantage. You haven’t heard of any layoffs at Limited Run, at least.
If your psychology is such that you feel compelled to buy a complete set of hundreds of games that have nothing to do with each other, well, Darwinism I guess. Smh
I don’t work for Limited Run, but I dislike bad arguments. Although CD-R’s is kinda bad, lol.
Blame the platform holders for the FOMO. They have rules that the prices must be the same for digital and physical editions as a strategy for preventing physical editions from being made. They get more of a cut from each sale if it’s from their own digital store. This forces the publisher to choose between an overpriced digital game or an unprofitable physical release. The only way around this is to make up the price difference with a trinket of some kind (which will of course be overpriced because really the additional cost is going to making the game) or a release that’s limited in quantity or time window. By moving their approach a year or two ago to limited in time, they are able to manufacture a theoretically infinite amount so those who are on the ball don’t miss out. This increased quantity of the games mean the resale prices shouldn’t be as astronomical (but will still appreciate).
Also, my local Best Buy carries them after the web site no longer does. But checking Limited Game News each day means you won’t miss any releases from any of these companies.
They’re also a digital publisher, such as with Night Trap, Arzette, and Jurassic Park. So they are preserving games well.
So many complaints of LRG contradict—which is logically fine if they’re coming from different people. For example, saying they’re not truly into game preservation but also that they release mid-tier and low-tier retro games doesn’t make sense together.
It also doesn’t make sense to complain about FOMO but also about the high resale prices later. The high resale prices mean that if you have the cashflow, an LRG game is always a good investment. It will appreciate in value. Sell it later (especially unopened) if you decide you don’t want it. But then I guess idiots will call you a scalper even though the pre-order window is now limited by time but not by quantity.
It further doesn’t make sense to complain about expensive deluxe editions that you don’t have to buy when any cheapness there offsets costs elsewhere for those with a bit more discipline. To some extent, overspending is how people compete to show their fandom. If you can make those people happier by giving them the opportunity to be financially crazy and make the rest of us happier by making our price a bit better, then it seems everyone is better off.
I'm starting to think this site was created (at least in part) to more safely talk about emulation given that the site it spun off of has "Nintendo" in the title. If so, that's pretty clever.
Many naysaying comments on here are resolved by simply swapping Switch with Switch Lite.
But the article's statement that the GBA was iterated on the most is incorrect: that superlative goes to the 3DS. Then again the GBA was iterated on the most frequently.
I believe a limited release is the only way they can get an exception to Nintendo's policy of the MSRP being the same for digital and physical release. Initially limited release was defined by number produced. They wanted everyone to be able to get one who really cares that much, so they reconfigured it to limited time window but with unlimited quantity. Still limited though.
If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at Nintendo. They make more off of digital sales being also the store and so created the policy to steer people towards the eshop. Limited Run is heroically doing what they can within these constraints.
I'm not sure what LR's arrangement is with Best Buy which allows the games to be purchased after the pre-order window like a regular retail release but with LR branding.
There are a lot of small innovations in the Amico, but I don't see how it finds its killer app with such a budget. "Industry experience" never adds up to an auteur game designer.
Comments 36
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
1:00 They really took the Streets of Rage "laugh" sound effect?
Re: Switch 'Hokkaido Serial Murder Case' Remake Retains NSFW Easter Egg From Yuji Horii's 1984 Original
@Sketcz I suppose that had to do with marketing their consoles as toys (and thus including R.O.B. with the NES) to avoid the stigma from the North American video game crash.
Re: Etsy Accuses Game Boy Publisher Of Piracy For Selling Its Own Games
This seems like the least copyright infringing thing on Etsy. 😂
Re: The Making Of: Star Fox, Nintendo's First 3D Smash Hit
It sounds like Argonaut could have been Rare before Rare was for Nintendo.
Re: Random: Modder Turns NES Cartridge Into NES Console That Can Play Itself
I usually click on mod videos and see that they're more than 4 minutes and then close. But this one had me for THE WHOLE TIME. He's skilled and funny.
Re: It's Game Over For Italian Retro Gaming "Trafficking Ring" Worth $55 Million
So was it because of the batteries and circuits or because of the copyright infringement? Or was the one used as an excuse to enforce the other? This is confusing.
In related news, my local Walmart checkout line sells $10 Game Boy looking devices with 100 ROMs of games I recognize.
Re: Hudson Soft Almost Created A Castlevania-Style Dungeons & Dragons Game For SNES
That'd be funny if Castlevania had a competitor that moved under the same roof when Konami bought Hudson.
Re: This Tiny Piece Of Plastic Could Save Your N64's Analogue Stick
Is this also beneficial for the NSO N64 controller? Is that one built the same, or are they using better designs/materials? I'm not an expert enough to tell, but it feels the same.
Re: How Well Do You Know Castlevania?
12/20. I was born in the wrong 'vania I guess. (Pennsylvania)
Re: Star Fox Studio Argonaut Is Back, And It's Remastering Croc
It just dawned on me a couple of days ago that Fox McCloud is probably a Fox because of the FX chip. I immediately started to be skeptical of the Miyamoto Shinto shrine origin story.
But related to Croc, that's good that a leak had such a positive result.
Re: Can You Match These Start Buttons With Their Consoles?
This was humbling. Maybe I should move the tassel in my pic back to the other side.
Re: This Adorable New Super Mario Fan Game Looks Absolutely Incredible
1-6 has a couple places where it looks like you can get soft locked. But overall this is really impressive! It's even got a Yoshi's Island type mechanic.
Re: Random: No One Can Agree On The Solution To This Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Puzzle
Is the clue in the original a reference to Michael Jordan?
Re: "We Passed A Somewhat-Obscure Game About A Plumber" - Terraria Overtakes Super Mario Bros.
If we still had VC this could have been staved off for a year or so. 😆
Re: Have You Ever Wondered Why There's No Sega Logo On Streets Of Rage 4, House Of The Dead, And Arcade 1Up's OutRun Cab?
Protecting the brand by leaving it seemingly less active and ubiquitous than it really is? It's almost the opposite of Nintendo hiding who their developers are.
Re: Konami Butchered This SNES Classic, So We Fixed It
This is the rare article whose headline undersells it. Bravo on such a meaty deep dive! No one should be irritated by your getting into too much detail since on the 8th day God created skimming.
The regional trope that sticks with me is always the SMB Lost Levels whereby Western gamers were assumed to be softer than Japanese ones. As frustrating as this Konami situation is, it at least salvages Western gaming cred. Haha
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
@Spider-Kev Not if there's no fixed number. If I don't pre-order, there will be one fewer in circulation. It's not zero sum. I said in my post that I dislike bad arguments; please stop producing them.
Re: Random: Used Book Retailer Half Price Books Is Selling Zelda: Minish Cap For $400
I haven't had any issues with their stickers coming off without leaving residue, thankfully. Even still it looks on this one like it's on a small Post-It note just in case.
Minish Cap, Maxish Price
Re: Is This The First American Nintendo TV Commercial?
Is this also the first use of the term "electronic sports"?
Re: Review: Epilogue GB Operator - A Handy Tool For Game Boy Collectors
I have a RetroFreak which extracts save files but doesn't reupload them to the game. I haven't yet looked into how to change out batteries in cartridges since none of mine have died yet, but would a device like this allow a save file to be restored even while switching out cartridge batteries?
Re: Hands On: Mind-Blowing NES Shmup Chouyoku Senki Estique Just Keeps Getting Better
I love the choice of Moonlight Sonata for boss music, even if it's just a placeholder. I get curious why games never use classical pieces like Kubrick did in 2001 since they're in the public domain.
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
Another argument the FOMO accusation is that while the game release window must be limited contractually, there’s no limit on the slip covers. So you can go on their site and spend $2 getting a case for a game you only have digitally to display or collect or what have you. Why would they have made extra? Because they’re looking out for the gamer.
The article talks about their being purchased by Embracer as if that’s an unmitigated asset but then smartly walks back that claim of an advantage. You haven’t heard of any layoffs at Limited Run, at least.
If your psychology is such that you feel compelled to buy a complete set of hundreds of games that have nothing to do with each other, well, Darwinism I guess. Smh
I don’t work for Limited Run, but I dislike bad arguments. Although CD-R’s is kinda bad, lol.
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
Blame the platform holders for the FOMO. They have rules that the prices must be the same for digital and physical editions as a strategy for preventing physical editions from being made. They get more of a cut from each sale if it’s from their own digital store. This forces the publisher to choose between an overpriced digital game or an unprofitable physical release. The only way around this is to make up the price difference with a trinket of some kind (which will of course be overpriced because really the additional cost is going to making the game) or a release that’s limited in quantity or time window. By moving their approach a year or two ago to limited in time, they are able to manufacture a theoretically infinite amount so those who are on the ball don’t miss out. This increased quantity of the games mean the resale prices shouldn’t be as astronomical (but will still appreciate).
Also, my local Best Buy carries them after the web site no longer does. But checking Limited Game News each day means you won’t miss any releases from any of these companies.
They’re also a digital publisher, such as with Night Trap, Arzette, and Jurassic Park. So they are preserving games well.
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
So many complaints of LRG contradict—which is logically fine if they’re coming from different people. For example, saying they’re not truly into game preservation but also that they release mid-tier and low-tier retro games doesn’t make sense together.
It also doesn’t make sense to complain about FOMO but also about the high resale prices later. The high resale prices mean that if you have the cashflow, an LRG game is always a good investment. It will appreciate in value. Sell it later (especially unopened) if you decide you don’t want it. But then I guess idiots will call you a scalper even though the pre-order window is now limited by time but not by quantity.
It further doesn’t make sense to complain about expensive deluxe editions that you don’t have to buy when any cheapness there offsets costs elsewhere for those with a bit more discipline. To some extent, overspending is how people compete to show their fandom. If you can make those people happier by giving them the opportunity to be financially crazy and make the rest of us happier by making our price a bit better, then it seems everyone is better off.
Re: Random: Gamers Are Using 3DSen To Play NES Games In Mixed Reality
Mario Bros. Live: Home Circuit
Re: We Have Yuji Naka To Thank For One Of The Coolest Genesis Intros Of All Time
And then the music from the first level comes in after and gives you aural bliss. What a game.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
@obijuankanoobie @TeamBigRig
Just check limitedgamenews.com each day or set a notification on their Twitter.
Re: Praise The Sun! You Can Now Own The Gun From GBA Cult Classic Boktai
Couldn't this come to NSO using the brightness sensor on the Switch?
Re: ROM Hack For Treasure's Divisive Light Crusader Makes It Easier To Play
I'm starting to think this site was created (at least in part) to more safely talk about emulation given that the site it spun off of has "Nintendo" in the title. If so, that's pretty clever.
Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You
Many naysaying comments on here are resolved by simply swapping Switch with Switch Lite.
But the article's statement that the GBA was iterated on the most is incorrect: that superlative goes to the 3DS. Then again the GBA was iterated on the most frequently.
Re: Embracer Games Archive Hits Significant New Milestone
Do they have SD cards on display for the digital-only ones?
Re: Miyoo Mini Flip Takes Inspiration From The Nintendo GBA SP
I guess that M button is a Miyoo button? Perhaps that functions like "home".
Re: If You Love The NES, You'll Want 8BitDo's Retro Mechanical Keyboard
@N00BiSH Perhaps they're saving that for an Atari Jaguar themed keyboard.
Re: Limited Run's Radiant Silvergun Physical Release Delayed To Include Chiptune OST
I believe a limited release is the only way they can get an exception to Nintendo's policy of the MSRP being the same for digital and physical release. Initially limited release was defined by number produced. They wanted everyone to be able to get one who really cares that much, so they reconfigured it to limited time window but with unlimited quantity. Still limited though.
If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at Nintendo. They make more off of digital sales being also the store and so created the policy to steer people towards the eshop. Limited Run is heroically doing what they can within these constraints.
I'm not sure what LR's arrangement is with Best Buy which allows the games to be purchased after the pre-order window like a regular retail release but with LR branding.
Re: Random: Did You Know The German Zelda: Link's Awakening Has Secret Music And Adult Dialogue?
Is this why only the DX version is on NSO?
Re: Tommy Tallarico Has Stepped Down As CEO Of Intellivision
There are a lot of small innovations in the Amico, but I don't see how it finds its killer app with such a budget. "Industry experience" never adds up to an auteur game designer.