With all the hubub about "FPGA Game Boys" and emulation handhelds, why? You have your original console and games, and emulation, be it hardware or software, just can't match the experience of the orginal console and cartriges.
The thing that bugs me the most about this is that the writer calls the game a "ripoff" of Tetris, or even going as far to say as that it's a "clone" of the aforementioned game. "I hope somebody got fired for that blunder!"
@Ruler-Of-All-Evil Mario in the games: "Haha! Woo-hoo! I'm-a Mario! Let's-a-go!" Mario at E3: "F**k you Sony, you mascotless b**tches!" puts up middle finger
@Ruler-Of-All-Evil sony got legit roaste- But in all seriousness, no I don't remember E3. H**l, I don't even remember the latest one. Then again, I was born in 2014, and my first console was a jacked-up DS Lite.
Comments 16
Re: Crash Team Racing For PS1 Just Got A 60FPS Widescreen Mod
If you could play this on an original PSX, this mod might be a pretty damn great one.
Re: Interview: ModRetro CEO On What Makes Chromatic The Ultimate Game Boy In 2024
With all the hubub about "FPGA Game Boys" and emulation handhelds, why? You have your original console and games, and emulation, be it hardware or software, just can't match the experience of the orginal console and cartriges.
Re: Random: Hilarious Puyo Puyo SUN Review Mistake Resurfaces Online
@MarioFan41 Oh yeah, and the IjidkIjidk Sun was preeeetty dumb, ngl
Re: Random: Hilarious Puyo Puyo SUN Review Mistake Resurfaces Online
The thing that bugs me the most about this is that the writer calls the game a "ripoff" of Tetris, or even going as far to say as that it's a "clone" of the aforementioned game. "I hope somebody got fired for that blunder!"
Re: GoRetroid Unveils New Charging Dock For Its Handheld Systems
Cool! If I had a Retroid, I'd definitely get this.
Re: This Dreamcast VMU Plays Sega Genesis Games
Re: Flashback: 24 Years Ago, The BBC Asked If Xbox Could Dethrone PlayStation
@Ruler-Of-All-Evil Mario in the games: "Haha! Woo-hoo! I'm-a Mario! Let's-a-go!" Mario at E3: "F**k you Sony, you mascotless b**tches!" puts up middle finger
Re: Flashback: 24 Years Ago, The BBC Asked If Xbox Could Dethrone PlayStation
@Ruler-Of-All-Evil sony got legit roaste- But in all seriousness, no I don't remember E3. H**l, I don't even remember the latest one. Then again, I was born in 2014, and my first console was a jacked-up DS Lite.
Re: Flashback: 24 Years Ago, The BBC Asked If Xbox Could Dethrone PlayStation
I'm a Playstation and Nintendo person, got a DSi XL, PSVR 1, PS4, PS3, Switch and a Game Boy Color in the living room!
Re: "Thank You, Margaret Thatcher!" - How The UK Played A Leading Role In Eastern European Computing
Wow. Great article!
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX SP - Superb GBA SP Clone That's Worth Every Penny At $70
Might be getting this. Been saving up for a first emulation console, and this seems right for me.
Re: Here's A First Look At The SN Operator, Your Next Essential SNES Accessory
Will it work on most Linux distributions(e.g. Raspbian/RaspberryOS for Raspberry Pi)?
Re: Incredibly Rare SNES Prototype Goes Up For Auction
Wish they used this color pallate for the final ver.
Re: Best Nintendo DS Games Of All Time
@MarioFan41 Now I use a DSi XL with a Ez-Flash Parallel. What a stark contrast lol
Re: Best Nintendo DS Games Of All Time
Ahh yes, my jacked up DS lite... First handheld I ever had. I remember playing NSMB for hours on end.
Re: Wii And GameCube Emulator Dolphin Adds HDR Support
Oooh, coolie doolie! I can't wait to try this out on Windows 11 on my TV(yes i still use HDMI like my laptop is a game console)