Comments 6

Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit's Sega Genesis And Saturn Pads (Mostly) Hit The Right Spot


Even if I'm stuck using it with my laptop, I think I'm gonna have to get one of these to tide me over until the bluetooth ones come out. I was put off by the sticks which take away from the authenticity, but Outrun is better with analogue for steering, and if we're to eventually get Saturn and Dreamcast games on the Switch, it should cover all our Sega needs. Having a home button doesn't really hurt either.

Cheers for the review @Damo, and don't let anyone put you off writing more articles like this for the site. After all, you're not really living your (ahem) Nintendo life to the fullest if you don't dabble in a bit of Sega every now and then.

From Retro-bit's twitter: "Hello, we will be releasing an updated version of the Genesis and Saturn USB wired gamepads in the coming months that will support the Switch out of the box. Our upcoming 2.4 ghz wireless and Bluetooth controllers will be Switch compatible. "

Re: Random: Street Fighter II's Most Iconic Stages May Have Been Inspired By A Charles Bronson Movie


Walter Hill must have been a god to certain Japanese arcade game designers; the director of Hard Times went on to direct The Warriors and Streets of Fire, both of which must have been big influences on the beat 'em-up genre.
Streets of Fire especially; Cody from Final Fight is named after the main character Tom Cody, the infamous opening cutscene from Double Dragon is just like the first scene of the film where the hero's love interest is kidnapped by a gang who walk away with her slung over the leader's shoulder, and even the title may have inspired the western name of the Bare Knuckle series, Streets of Rage.

Addendum: According to IMDb, Hard Times had the working title Street Fighter, variations of which were used for certain international markets, including the UK! (The name change probably had something to do with the Sonny Chiba film from around the same time)