@Banjo- Banjo!! It's good to see you commenting on other sites. lol.
I totally get the nostalgia factor, but growing up we didn't have a whole lot of video games, so most of the classics I never played until I was in my 20's. I didn't even play through the Halo games until Xbox One with the MCC.
But I love classic games because I think they leave more room for the imagination. Modern games are just too concerned with trying to explain every little thing. It's the difference between Zelda before and after Hyrule Historia. Or classic Final Fantasy compared to the modern FF with entire encyclopedias in the menus. Or Metal Gear Solid 1-3 surprises and plot twists, compared to MGS 4 explaining everything with Nano machines or MGS 5's enormous catalog of audio tapes.
Info dumps and exposition are so exhausting but that seems to be the main form of story telling in games these days. I like being able to create theories and my own head canon, and write fan stories and draw fan art to fill in the gaps.
I feel sorry for David Hayter. He seems like a good guy, but I'm sure he must be really self conscious of voice actors' opportunities or lack of. Kojima kept trying to get rid of him years before MGS V was even an idea.
ooooh. Belly of the Whale sounds really ominous. I always thought Baten Kaitos sounded a little weird but the game was good so after awhile it just sounded normal.
@no_donatello I think Titanic is a great example. There are blockbuster games from the 360 and PS3 era that are trapped on those consoles, like Demon's Souls for example. Or the fact that even though Sonic Origins has a lot of great additions, it is not the original experience.
If we look at Halo MCC, it's great that we can play all the classic Halo games (at the cost of a bloated, chunky 120+ gb nightmare of a file), but everything from lighting to small physics issues, to even audio timing, means that it's not the original game.
Also, don't forget Capcom was ok with Resident Evil 4 VR removing lines and even cutscenes.
@Sketcz You could always draw your own map on some graph paper like our parents did. lol.
But all kidding aside, I wish that Nintendo would do some small QoL fixes for their virtual console games on Switch. There are some neat romhacks that make all the difference between a good game and a bad game (like the movement patch for Castlevania Legends on GB).
Wow. It kind of has an unsettling feeling to it, mixing something so joyful like video games with the realities of war. There are probably several dozen working consoles and handhelds in the world right now just like this that still work (and many many more that don't). It really does belong in a museum, it has that eerie disquiet that comes from seeing a before and after photo of a war torn city.
*sigh It's stuff like this that makes me realize how many mistakes Xbox made with Japan. They're a very insular country, a story like this would definitely make its way to other companies. Imagine if instead they said to Tomonobu Itagaki, "this makes westerners feel uncomfortable, so we can't do this in the U.S. for cultural reasons. But we trust and respect you, your country, your pop culture, and your role in the video game industry. We trust that you know your fans better than we do and we want to help you make your franchise the best it can be."
I guarantee other studios would have paid a lot more attention to Xbox.
I think it's kind of curious that the idea of preserving something is more or less dependent on how much time has passed. Like, people are split whether its even worth it to save prototypes or production materials for videogames. I'm sure there are very few people who would care about seeing multiple cuts of Avatar Way of Water (unless there was a shorter version lol). But different cuts of the original Star Wars before Marcia Lucas saved it? Or the complete letters of Jane Austen? Give it some time and we will all regret that we didn't care enough or put in enough effort to preserve video game history. We're almost already there.
@-wc- Most 2d Castlevanias since SotN have been easy, but they're designed that way to allow the player to choose their own difficulty. If you want a more challenging experience equip lower level weapons. Not everyone needs to beat the game with the Claimh Solais.
I've always loved Star Wars pilots (Rebel and Imperial) and I especially love Disney for bringing some much needed diversity to showing who can be a Star Wars pilot (Ciena Ree is in my top 5 favorite Star Wars characters of all time).
Hopefully we get a Star Wars game where we can fly spaceships because the squadron missions in battlefront aren't nearly enough.
@JedRock They should. Unfortunately the Wii U has already been passed over for development on the NX. But!!! There's a rumor that the NX will also support some sort of motion controls. I hope that's true because then that means the NX might see a remake or HD port of Wii games that, due to relying on motion controls, might be lost to history otherwise.
oh. Silent Hill. I could go on and on about my problems with Tom Hulett and western Silent Hills, but my comments would get too big and I would probably get banned.
So I'll just say I really liked Shattered Memories. It's the only western SH I feel that can stand along side the original 4. Much love and kisses. Ciao.
Love Metal Gear Solid! Love Solid Snake (Solid Snake and Otacon is the best ship there ever was). I remember borrowing this game when I was little and playing it for the first time. I was completely blown away by the story and gameplay (although I found it incredibly hard, and I was playing on easy) and instantly became a fan. Later on I was able to play the PS1 version.
I'm a bit torn about which version I like best. I think TS has the better graphics, and cutscenes, and gameplay. But the PS1 has a much tighter pacing, with slightly better voice acting. (o_O )
Comments 16
Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?
Banjo!! It's good to see you commenting on other sites. lol.
I totally get the nostalgia factor, but growing up we didn't have a whole lot of video games, so most of the classics I never played until I was in my 20's. I didn't even play through the Halo games until Xbox One with the MCC.
But I love classic games because I think they leave more room for the imagination. Modern games are just too concerned with trying to explain every little thing. It's the difference between Zelda before and after Hyrule Historia. Or classic Final Fantasy compared to the modern FF with entire encyclopedias in the menus. Or Metal Gear Solid 1-3 surprises and plot twists, compared to MGS 4 explaining everything with Nano machines or MGS 5's enormous catalog of audio tapes.
Info dumps and exposition are so exhausting but that seems to be the main form of story telling in games these days. I like being able to create theories and my own head canon, and write fan stories and draw fan art to fill in the gaps.
Re: Metal Gear's Snake And Roy Campbell Don't Like The Idea Of AI Replicating Their Voices
I feel sorry for David Hayter. He seems like a good guy, but I'm sure he must be really self conscious of voice actors' opportunities or lack of. Kojima kept trying to get rid of him years before MGS V was even an idea.
Re: Namco Didn't Like The Name 'Baten Kaitos'
ooooh. Belly of the Whale sounds really ominous. I always thought Baten Kaitos sounded a little weird but the game was good so after awhile it just sounded normal.
Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"
@no_donatello I think Titanic is a great example. There are blockbuster games from the 360 and PS3 era that are trapped on those consoles, like Demon's Souls for example. Or the fact that even though Sonic Origins has a lot of great additions, it is not the original experience.
If we look at Halo MCC, it's great that we can play all the classic Halo games (at the cost of a bloated, chunky 120+ gb nightmare of a file), but everything from lighting to small physics issues, to even audio timing, means that it's not the original game.
Also, don't forget Capcom was ok with Resident Evil 4 VR removing lines and even cutscenes.
Re: The Original Legend Of Zelda Has Now Been Ported To SNES
You could always draw your own map on some graph paper like our parents did. lol.
But all kidding aside, I wish that Nintendo would do some small QoL fixes for their virtual console games on Switch. There are some neat romhacks that make all the difference between a good game and a bad game (like the movement patch for Castlevania Legends on GB).
Re: Camera Modder Unveils Brilliant, Miniaturized Version Of The Game Boy Camera
Have to mention the design of the cartridge. That rainbow stripe is delightfully retro and makes it look super classy.
Re: One Of The World's Most Famous Game Boys Is Retiring From Active Duty
Wow. It kind of has an unsettling feeling to it, mixing something so joyful like video games with the realities of war. There are probably several dozen working consoles and handhelds in the world right now just like this that still work (and many many more that don't).
It really does belong in a museum, it has that eerie disquiet that comes from seeing a before and after photo of a war torn city.
Re: Flashback: How A Dead Or Alive 'Love Pillow' Gave Xbox A PR Headache
It's stuff like this that makes me realize how many mistakes Xbox made with Japan. They're a very insular country, a story like this would definitely make its way to other companies. Imagine if instead they said to Tomonobu Itagaki, "this makes westerners feel uncomfortable, so we can't do this in the U.S. for cultural reasons. But we trust and respect you, your country, your pop culture, and your role in the video game industry. We trust that you know your fans better than we do and we want to help you make your franchise the best it can be."
I guarantee other studios would have paid a lot more attention to Xbox.
Re: Forest Of Illusion's Closure Shows How Precarious Video Game Preservation Is
I think it's kind of curious that the idea of preserving something is more or less dependent on how much time has passed. Like, people are split whether its even worth it to save prototypes or production materials for videogames.
I'm sure there are very few people who would care about seeing multiple cuts of Avatar Way of Water (unless there was a shorter version lol).
But different cuts of the original Star Wars before Marcia Lucas saved it? Or the complete letters of Jane Austen? Give it some time and we will all regret that we didn't care enough or put in enough effort to preserve video game history. We're almost already there.
Re: Anniversary: Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow Turns 20 Today
@-wc- Most 2d Castlevanias since SotN have been easy, but they're designed that way to allow the player to choose their own difficulty. If you want a more challenging experience equip lower level weapons. Not everyone needs to beat the game with the Claimh Solais.
Re: Now's The Time To Hack Your 3DS
Which is worse? To pirate a game, or to buy reproduction games from Aliexpress? Asking for a friend.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
I've always loved Star Wars pilots (Rebel and Imperial) and I especially love Disney for bringing some much needed diversity to showing who can be a Star Wars pilot (Ciena Ree is in my top 5 favorite Star Wars characters of all time).
Hopefully we get a Star Wars game where we can fly spaceships because the squadron missions in battlefront aren't nearly enough.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
@kupo lol. being prepared to hate something is a very low bar for a game to beat. (^_^ )
*edit: but yeah, I also had fun with Homecoming.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
@JedRock They should. Unfortunately the Wii U has already been passed over for development on the NX. But!!!
There's a rumor that the NX will also support some sort of motion controls. I hope that's true because then that means the NX might see a remake or HD port of Wii games that, due to relying on motion controls, might be lost to history otherwise.
Lets keep our fingers crossed. x(^_^ )x
Re: Feature: The Making Of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
oh. Silent Hill. I could go on and on about my problems with Tom Hulett and western Silent Hills, but my comments would get too big and I would probably get banned.
So I'll just say I really liked Shattered Memories. It's the only western SH I feel that can stand along side the original 4. Much love and kisses. Ciao.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Love Metal Gear Solid! Love Solid Snake (Solid Snake and Otacon is the best ship there ever was). I remember borrowing this game when I was little and playing it for the first time. I was completely blown away by the story and gameplay (although I found it incredibly hard, and I was playing on easy) and instantly became a fan. Later on I was able to play the PS1 version.
I'm a bit torn about which version I like best. I think TS has the better graphics, and cutscenes, and gameplay. But the PS1 has a much tighter pacing, with slightly better voice acting. (o_O )