Comments 5

Re: Modular Console RetroBlox Could Be The Ultimate Old-School Gaming Platform


One of the things I hate about such "modern retro consoles" is the shabby compatibility. I own a lot of retro systems (including a Famicom, Saturn, Dreamcast, PlayStation, Mega Drive...) and retro games, and it's really frustrating to hear that "your favourite/obscure title is having issues/isn't supported/works only when you do this and that".

So, if RetroBlox really does have "peerless compatibility", then colour me interested.

Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Generations


Hmm, I believe it would be much better to just get a Rapsberry Pi 3B, equipped with newest RetroPie, and there you go, all your retro games covered. I've been using one lately and it's quite impressive - an overclocked RasPi even runs hardware demanding DOS games very well (System Shock, Blood, BioForge, Quake runs well too, but on lower res), not to mention SNES or GBA - these are a breeze.

Re: The Man Responsible For Sega's Blast Processing Gimmick Is Sorry For Creating "That Ghastly Phrase"


To put things simply - Mega Drive/Genesis could do things faster, however SNES could do more colorful/complex things. This is the main difference.

Genesis had a faster CPU, faster RAM bandwidth and fillrate (I guess that was this whole "blast processing"?), but at a cost - it only featured 64 KB of VRAM, while SNES had a double value of 128KB - it was a tad slower, but enabled to display much more colors on the screen.

And one of the Genesis advantages, at least from the developer's point of view, was the choice of the legendary MC68000 as the main CPU - not only it features a delightful and relatively easy Assembler, it was also present in several popular 16-bit computers at the time, mainly the Atari ST and Amiga 500. And the extra CPU speed could be used for some nifty effects, like 3D polygons, withouth the need of using any extra chips.

However - yes, when it comes down to pure horsepower and juice, the SNES could produce more complex things. Doesn't change the fact I like both consoles equally.