Comments 16

Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery


I remember I used to buy US N64 games from 1 in Hounslow as I got a cheap US N64.
They can be expensive but they often give decent trade in prices. I do enjoy browsing though when I go past. One in Feltham had a Net Yaroze.

Re: HyperMega Tech's 'Super Pocket' Is A Game Boy-Style Handheld Which Plays Evercade Carts


@samuelvictor I think they had an idea that would get people on board, got those people on board and invested and realised they can make more money deviating from the idea using the existing fanbase.

Evercade had been going down hill anyway. The C64 carts look a bit pants, the Delphine cart looks okay at pest but you can often buy games on that such as Flashback and Another World for a quid in a sale. Piko 3 looks okay at best. I used to be very invested but the last 18 months I've been very apathetic. Less games per cart, plenty more filler and carts often have bugs that never get fixed.

The home computer carts all look awful to be honest. Feel like a home computer Bitmap bros or Codemasters is what is needed.