Comments 12

Re: Best Of 2024: Unpacking The 64DD, Nintendo's Most Infamous Flop


I always found the 64dd really fascinating. Especially Polygon Studio, it was suppose to be lite version of Nichimen Graphics N-World. A high cost 3D package at the time that was used to create Mario 64 and other games of that era. I had seen N-World demoed at computer graphics shows, they always displayed they were working with Nintendo. I am sure the final product is on par with Mario Paint, buts it’s really interesting that Nintendo was wanting to introduce a young audience to 3D graphics. Nichimen Graphics is sadly no more, but they had some incredible ideas for 3D at the time.

Re: 2002 Yu Suzuki Interview Reveals The Origins Of Space Harrier


It’s worth mentioning that Roger Deans artwork also was used for the covers of Shadow of the Beast 1 and 2 and designed the logo too. I was introduced to his artwork after I played Space Harrier, I always suspected there was some influence. It’s pretty funny looking back and realizing a Rick Dom was front and center on the title screen.

Re: Capcom Art Account Shares Early Sketches of Street Fighter Alpha, Darkstalkers, Cyberbots, & More


Is this a continuation of the exhibit that was at the The Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum last year? I was fortunate to see that one, but really crestfallen to learn I had missed a display of 3rd Strike artwork, they really do have a rich archive. I got see some original darkstalkers Key paintings ,the drawing for the Capcom Design works cover and some Rival Schools pre production art. They had a couple of drawings by Shinkiro made just for the exhibit!

Re: 36 Years After It Released, There Are So Many New Genesis Games Someone Has Built A Site To Track Them All


Even though Sega is out of the hardware business, it seems like money being left on the table by not having a modern mega drive on the market with with all the new releases and interest in the system. One with hdmi out , wireless controllers etc.. I bet a eshop would do well for their back catalog, there could be downloadable games with no changes from the original releases since it would be on real hardware or (close to). Just a thought with the delisting of the Mega Drive collection on multiple platforms.

Re: Castlevania: Nocturne Director Hints Season 3 Will Only Happen If You Support Season 2


I hope the second season focuses on Richter more, it really felt like he was a supporting character in season one at times. I think there is potential for a really interesting story that could be told between Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night. It worried me they introduced Alucard at the end of the first season, so I will give it a try and see what they come up with.