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Comments 20

Re: A Tribute To Jason Brookes


Jason Brookes was to 90s video game mags what Julian Rignall was to those of the 80s: ridiculously passionate, endlessly creative, and a massive driving force. Without either one of them, I don’t think the gaming newsstands would be anything like they are today.

When most hear two certain words, they’ll think of Pokémon. Not me. I think of his chibified Wil Overton caricature in the Q&A pages of Super Play.

Shine on, the original GameFreak.

Re: Retail Therapy: Super Game Shack Powers Up With "Level 2" Arcade Coffee Shop And Store


Must be doing well if he’s expanding into Grade 2 premises. Rates for those kinda digs must be astronomical. Up in Newcastle, even Starbucks had to shutter its similarly-listed Central Arcade joint five years ago (to be fair there were three almost within a First Down of each other, and another three a further walk away) and the legendary JG Windows music shop has just closed down after 117 years. It’s been in the Central as long as I can remember.

Re: Interview: "A True Original" - Digital Eclipse On 'Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story'


“Let’s talk about Mama Llama.” Don’t let the ZZAP!64 crew hear you say that…

The best games in this compilation are all going to be on the C64. No question. He was ridiculously prolific on the old beige breadbin there: Gridrunner, Matrix, the Mutant Camels series, Ancipital… but the ones I’m really buzzed for are Batalyx and Iridis Alpha. There’s been nothing like them for almost 40 years.

Few made them like The Hairy Yak back in the day - you could count solo coders like him on one hand: Braybrook, Maclean, Crowther*, Fasoulas… Minter.

  • Granted, Tony Crowther did fart out the same game (a Sega coin-op clone no less) to three different companies and they ALL got published, but still…

What’s next, Digital Eclipse - how about a Graftgold anthology?

Re: Arcade Archives' Nintendo eShop World Record Might Be Unbeatable


@LowDefAl Yeah, that would track with Hellfire not appearing either then. The main contributors to AA are obvious (Namco, Konami, Taito, SNK) and the next tier down (Irem, Tecmo/Tekhan, Nichibutsu, Jaleco, Mitchell) are understandable to a degree - but the rest (Athena, Allumer) can be proper head scratchers at times.

Re: Arcade Archives' Nintendo eShop World Record Might Be Unbeatable


I’ve done very well out of their work on Neo•Geo games, but the non-SNK side is a bit hit-and-miss. Sure, they’ve put out stone cold classics, Sunset Riders, Mappy & Rainbow Islands to name but three, but some of them are less than stellar. Jungler & War of Aero I’d never even heard of, while Gyruss, Wardner, Parodius & Surprise Attack go begging.

Re: Review: Miyoo Mini Plus - A Game Boy-Style Emulation Powerhouse For $70


Community Rules 2.h: Do not post excessive amounts of images/videos; Posts with many images or videos are a strain on mobile users, so please be courteous. Consider linking to the images remotely rather than using the [ img ] tag.

As such, 'stranger', here are all four images in one... linked from the self same harmless image host I linked from previously.


Re: Best Mini Classic Consoles


Needs like 100% more THEC64.

Both mini and maxi are phenomenal efforts for an Indiegogo that only made ⅔ of its target. Despite that they went ahead with it anyway - and while I backed for the handheld that has yet to appear, I’ve got way more out of the gear they’ve sent me than I ever imagined.

Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?


Of the ones you’ve listed, the ZipStik will always have a special place in my heart, because I started out in the 8-bit era, and that was the first stick that could stand up to the rigours of C64 HyperSports.

If I’m going off-survey though, I’m loving what 8BitDo are putting out. The SN30 Pro and the Pro 2 are both fantastic, and I will pounce on an Ultimate in a heartbeat once I have the bank for one.

At the other end, however, for my gorilla hands, the Joycon can get in the sea. So much cramp even holding the damn thing. Still, at least it does mean mine won’t ever get drift…