Comments 53

Re: This $30 PS2 HDMI Module Is Mod-Free And Lag-Free


@-wc- when “HD” monitors were becoming the rage, I felt obliged to get one. Funnily enough it wasn’t because of some issue with my CRT, but because certain games like Dynasty Warriors 8 on the ps3 would display text really small. “HD” consoles were slowly starting to support CRT monitors less and less, with GTA V being the last game I could remember being able to enjoy on one. It was quite easy to tell when a game supports 4:3 TVs if they have “SD” support labeled on the back cover although some didn’t label it despite already supporting it.

It slowly became a bit of a regret of mine that I’ve never tried keeping my CRT TV as they became quite tricky to find as time went on. Even in the most ghetto neighborhoods of Kuwait.

Re: Tekken 3 Co-Director Shares The Story Behind King's Iconic Player 2 Design


@KitsuneNight Agreed. As a kid I actually kinda disliked it because I didn’t know how to select the “real” costume. Pressing Cross or Circle would always give me the character’s casual outfit, and not their “actual” outfit. It took me months to discover that pressing Square/Triangle on the character select screen to get their real outfits. Since tekken was my first fighter 20-something years ago, naturally my mind was pretty blown.

Re: Castlevania ReVamped Fuses "Classicvania" With "Metroidvania"


I belong in the same boat as people preferring classicvanias, and deviating too much from that can harm my interest. Metroidvanias are fine, but their novelty really wore off for me after the first couple games. The perceived sense of “freedom” completely shatters away once I realized the lack of meaning behind certain paths, and how my playthrough would not have been all that drastically different regardless of which path I choose to prioritize. Not to mention the level design can make it feel less like you’re “exploring” and more like you’re walking a straight line with an insane number of curves. Sure you’re moving a lot, but the journey wouldn’t have been that different had it been a straight line all alone. Only difference is the absence of tedium.

Re: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan


Retro collecting in general has become such an expensive hobby for me. I wanna drop the hobby some time before my late 20s but I’ve been saying this for a year and there’s no signs of me following up on that.

One thing for sure though, I am definitely falling out of love with the hobby.

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