

We simp THQNordic and Atari

Comments 215

Re: Snow Bros. Is Getting A New 3D Action Game For PS5, PS4, & Switch


I just remembered these were suppossed to be happening this year. Hopefully Clear River can get them, and the two City Conenction games including Omega 6 localized and on shelves at the same time internationally as in Japan. I know Freemode is in kind of an "All hands on Middle Earth as we desperatly try to get rid of as much debt as quickly as possible" mode, but I hope one of the two best parts of Embracer is able to keep steady through it all.

Re: Atari Purchases The Intellivision Brand, But Not The Delayed Amico Console


@KitsuneNight @KGRAMR The current Wade era is still Into-tari. The name hasn't been sold to anyone else since then, but their market segments and divisions have changed drastically. While the other Atari's were straight up re-incarnations, the transition to this current age is more a ship of theseus piece by piece re-invention. Again, trying to do the Embracer style "put the old company back together piece-by-piece" approach without making the same mistakes of getting sidetracked by Randy and over-extending

Joust and Defender are in Lego Dimmensions, along with I THINK Blasteroids, and I know the rights to Sprint are a bit weird right now.

Re: Atari Purchases The Intellivision Brand, But Not The Delayed Amico Console


@Fallingshadow @KGRAMR Yes, Astrosmash and SHARK! were sold to a compnay called BBG. AS for the likes of APB, yes the first collapse of Atari into console Atari and Arcade Atari is confusing. That's why I eventually sat down and figured out what Warner Bros Discovery now calls "Midway Classics" Here's the in -progress list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uHp_wqa1tNWa8DpeRRH-KGp3rSU4fmYLtIr86Z7f7og/edit#gid=639918701

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


@dr-gorgo As stated, their partner companies in other regions are massive improvements over them and it's quite instulting, but feels partially justified, to the American audeience. If you mean purely American, Maximum's PM and Merge labels have actually been beating every other Adv-A level publisher in the country by every metric with the exception of LRG's OTHER "way better at your job" European cousin, THQNordic.

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


As the Embracer sycophant, the most frustrating thing about LRG is their younger, European cousin Clear River Games is SOOOOO much better at their job, but we in the states don't get them. Only doing an average of about one release a quater, and putting ALL eggs on it instead of spreading 70 people across 3 releases a WEEK. Clear River used to distribute ESRB copies on it's own, but now their releases just get shuffled in with everything else LRG in the states. They're at least guaranteed to be possible to get without pre-ordering as they all go up on LRG's Not at All Limited In Fact Why are We Even Publishing This in the First Place Amazon Store Front Selection, but you're still dealing with the LRG shipping delays AND you don't get Nintendo points off of them. That's just salt in the wound at that point.

I've at least been able to have conversations with the Clear River folks that don't end with me being insulted and called an idiot, and their new community manager is MUCH more transparent than LRG's ever was. Even won an Omega 6 comic off of them. It was very based. I digress.

The only way to really fix Limited Run Games is to hope they get fuly absorbed during the "Middle Earth Enterprises and Friends" split into being Clear River America, and the pompus founders are kicked to the curb so MVG can focus on the Carbon Engine, and Clear River can focus on what LRG was meant to do; give me day and date physical releases of City Connection, Tasujin, and other Adv-A - AA tier retro game revivals.

Re: Atari Is Reviving Legendary Games Publisher Infogrames


We were discussing this in the Atari discord earlier. The current theory is that Infogrames will quickly surpass the main Atari brand itself as it drinks in a larger variety of titles. As stated in the article, this is most likely where the stuff picked back up from Billionsoft will end up; with the 5 games currently re-released from that backlog being sold as "Atari presents," soon to be "Infogrames presents." But there is also Awesomenauts, which Atari bought the rights to for an unknown reason at the time, but it makes sense they were saveing it for a "misc" category like this.

I just hope Wade has good enough pattern recognition skills to not over-extend himself on $3 Billion of promised money to get a franchise and a dev that kinda hate being associated with said franchise now, only for the deal to fall through and then get dragged through the mud for two years when they're forced re-structure.

Re: Tomb Raider "Giga Cart" Confirmed For Evercade, More Crystal Dynamics Collections Coming


>more collections from Tomb Raider's current IP holder, Crystal Dynamics

Well that's not hard to guess. CDE only owns 8 IP, and threeof those are mobile only/still partially controled by outside parties. Blaze has never done anything beyond the scope of the 5th generation, so that rules out the later TR games. I guess you could do the first Deus Ex, but Legacy of Kain is mostly PS2, so process of Elimination leaves Thief.

Re: Edia Announces A Revival Of Telenet Japan's 'Tenshi no Uta' Series


The story of Telenet is a confusing one missing pieces and a game of telephone going from retro developer to retro developer. Originally all the rights were sold to Sunsoft in their last days of international relivancy, and then when they shifted to domestic mobile releases only for a bit they sold the rights to City Connection to keep the lights on. City Connection then sold the Rights to Edia, who proport to have >200 IP from across gaming history now, but good luck finding a comprehensive list of them. At least in English. What I'm saying is, Edia is the Japanese Ziggurat, and that annoys me and my spreadsheet to no end.

Re: Codemasters Collection 1


That came out just last year. Must be license trouble with EA. ... come to think of it, what HAS EA done with Codemasters since buying them?