

Down with masks. Fear won't rule me

Comments 14

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures, The Game That Was Once Dinosaur Planet


People got all over this games case for not being a true star fox game but honestly i was never the biggest star fox fan anyway. What interested me in it was the promise of a zelda like adventure and it did not dissapoint in that regard!

The traditional star fox games are really short and there's only two that matter anyway although i did enjoy Star fox zero. It's the closest to anything traditional were likely to ever get again.

I've played through adventures many times and i always come back to it every few years! I guess the haters probably don't like zelda either.

If you wanted regular star fox and never cared for zelda then yeah i can see someone not digging this game.

Re: Hardware Review: Should You Ditch Your GameCube Discs For The GC Loader?


Thanks but i have a modded Wii and Wii U that plays gamecube games off an SD card through Usb loader GX for this. I'll use that and keep my 70-90 dollars! You could also soft mod your gamecube.
All you need is a gamecube SD card adapter, An SD card with the appropriate file and an action replay disc!

Much cheaper option that requires no internal modification!

Re: The Creator Of The World's Most Famous Cheat Code Has Died


I always wondered in an age before internet how people found out about these codes. Unless you had a subscription to Nintendo power or some other gaming mag there's no way you could have just accidentally discovered these but kids around the playgrounds would claim they did. Made them feel cool i guess. I like the one from the original Mortal Kombat on genesis. ABACABB. The blood code.

R.I.P. guy who created this!