Its really amazing how Nintendo's failed Sony and Phillips partnerships from 25 years ago have shaped the gaming world of today. I'd almost say more so than the Sega/Ninty console war. Great article.
I remember being skeptical of this game, until my buddy brought it over and we had a marathon session of racing back in college. So much fun, it became part of our regular rotation with Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye. Ahh good times.
Never heard of it, looks and sounds pretty cool though. The combat system sounds like the Sub-Zero game for the N64 with its side-scrolling with one-on-one fighting style.
Comments 8
Re: The Retro VGS Is Reborn As The Coleco Chameleon
My first system was a Colecovision, might have to keep an eye on this.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Great game, one of my favorites. Worth picking up a Gamecube if just for this game alone.
Re: Feature: Meet The Unsung Pioneer Behind The Most Reviled Zelda Games Of All Time
Its really amazing how Nintendo's failed Sony and Phillips partnerships from 25 years ago have shaped the gaming world of today. I'd almost say more so than the Sega/Ninty console war. Great article.
Re: Myth Becomes Reality As Atari's E.T. Cartridges Are Unearthed In New Mexico Landfill
Any copies of Urban Champion found along side all the E.T. carts?
Re: Month Of Kong: The Making Of Diddy Kong Racing
I remember being skeptical of this game, until my buddy brought it over and we had a marathon session of racing back in college. So much fun, it became part of our regular rotation with Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye. Ahh good times.
Re: Feature: The Short Life And Untimely Death Of Robotech: Crystal Dreams
I remember reading about this game in a gaming magazine (remember those?) after the N64 came out... and then never hearing about it again until now.
Re: Analogue Interactive Unveils The Super-Exclusive Black Label Neo Geo CMVS
Pretty cool. Lets see an original Gameboy in a nice maple shell?
Re: Remake Request: Princess Crown
Never heard of it, looks and sounds pretty cool though. The combat system sounds like the Sub-Zero game for the N64 with its side-scrolling with one-on-one fighting style.