Comments 5

Re: Review: MiSTer Pi - A $99 Gateway To FPGA Retro Gaming


Why no coverage of QMTech doing the same thing, only (mildly) cheaper and earlier? I own one of each of the new clones and they both meet my expectations at recreating the DE10-nano based MiSTer (of which I own two, and have been using since 2017). Seriously, the QMTech board needs more coverage, way more than Taki's board does.

Re: Review: MiSTer Pi - A $99 Gateway To FPGA Retro Gaming


@slider1983 MiSTer isn't a company; it's a piece of open source software previously targeted at a development board that people could buy and run the software on. This IS sourcing the components for cheaper, for MiSTer. This and the QMTech board are EXACTLY that thing happening... much to the enjoyment of fans everywhere.

Re: The "Sega Saturn Slim" Is Now Our Most-Wanted Hardware Of 2024


I love how, when the same thing is made by a Western developer, it's "the thing you want most this year", but when the thing is already being done the same way by Chinese developers, it's "don't buy these!" . This is just as unofficial, and all of the same things apply to it, but now you want it? What's the difference?