OK fine whatever - but please just give me an arcade perfect port of Ridge Racer....! Failing that the PS1 game would be friggin ace! And how about making Rage Racer available on the Classics label as well!?!?!??!?!? Eh?! Eh?!
BUT the proof of the pudding is in the eating and as LRG seem to consistently make big amateurish mistakes, these cannot continue if they want more brand trust. If they're in the business of making old games which run on OG hardware, they should really know better and have more specialist knowledge and expertise in this field. It does reek of incompetence - especially as it's not a one off.
Personally I've ordered around 6 or so games from LRG and aside from the interminably long wait whilst they've been manufactured, they've all eventually arrived and I've been pleased with them.
Currently waiting for Castlevania Dominus Collection Classic Edition which I pre-ordered last September and it's due by end of April - 8 month wait. Not brilliant to be honest but as there are no alternatives have no choice.
Oh smhow I missed this.... Reading it now and loving it. I'm glad to see Jaz's signature writing style hasn't been diluted down! The words really do just flow off the page. And another book in the future?! Gimme gimme gimme! I await with baited breath!
Reading this, I honestly just checked the date to make sure it wasn't 1st April...
Seriously WTH!?
Speaking of 1st April (and nothing to do with this article lol) - would love to see a TE article on the classic April Fool's jokes/tom foolery magazines used to pull. The AmigaDrive and a 'miracle port' of MarioKart on the OG GameBoy are 2 which immediately spring to mind!
@CraigGrannell It's definitely been mentioned on podcasts that both Jaz and Steve have been on. If memory serves Steve was more candid but pretty sure Jaz has spoken more openly about it. I won't repeat what I've heard about it here (avoid spoilers!) but if you google podcasts for both of them you'll find out more if you want. I was a big fan of both Jaz and Steve (loved Total!) so naturally interested to see what Jaz has written about in the book.
Been pant wettingly excited about this book ever since it was announced - cannot wait to tuck in.
As Damo says, Jaz (including his co-conspirators on C+VG/Mean Machines) is a total legend in my eyes and if he's reading this, THANK YOU for all the really amazing mags over the years - truly a halcyon time for me playing games which you played a massive part in!
This guy always reminded me of Andross' polygon face in SNES Starfox's final battles, albeit with some extra polygons! The flat shaded polygons definitely have that same vibe. Makes sense that Kutaragi was so outraged by no textures - hardly makes the PSX look much better than a SFX chip!
Ahh Astro Go Go - one of the first SFC games I bought from CEX Rathbone Place when they had the most insane and brilliant import department. Good times - and a wonderfully weird fun game.
Always find it so weird on this British based website from a English writer the persistent use of the name Genesis. Sure that's it's name in the good ol USA but personally never liked it. Megadrive much cooler IMHO. Gotta get those American clicks I guess...
Who on earth releases a video where there's someone openly questioning if this thing sucks!? This child clearly has more common sense and intellect than the adults in the room.
@RetroGames Yeah I just edited my post actually cos to be fair - the title quotes what Pyron is saying, nothing more!
It's all subjective and this new version is v v nice - especially compared to the original MD version - but just listening to them side by side the quality is night and day.
It's interesting - I do notice there's a lot of rabid fanboy'ism with the MD/Genesis with articles on people trying to prove 30 years on that yes Blast Processing was "real" and not just a marketing gimmick, that yes it can do a version of Mode 7 actually actually and this version of the game is actually better on MD than on SNES etc. (And yes in the interest of fairness people have got Sonic running on a SNES (kinda) so it's horses for courses - but you see a helluva lot more of this type of story about the MegaDrive compared to the SNES.)
And now people making claims about the sound capabilities.
Is it desperation to rewrite the narrative? Still?! If you say something loud enough and often enough - and no one sticks up for the alternative point of view - people might actually start believing it.
The hype at the time was that the SNES was the more powerful machine - which makes sense as it was released later and on the whole this is true barring the speed of the processor and the maximum resolution it can display (I think these are the only 2 areas the MD comes out on top?), so it seems that people are keen to disprove this and still have a chip on their shoulder about it?
Or maybe it's less cynical than this and they just like a challenge to match superior hardware?
One might aesthetically prefer the MD's crunchy sound over the more orchestral SNES sounds, and it certainly produced some stunning and memorable soundtracks on the machine, but it's abundantly clear for an orchestral soundtrack like SCIV has, this new MD version - whilst very good - is not as impressive as the original.
As said many times I find it weird that people aren't as keen to push the SNES as much as they do the MD/Genesis with new homebrew games and ports etc. Seems like there's so much untapped potential and not as much love for the machine? Which is odd considering it comfortably outsold the MD in what was a fiercely competitive period.
But as someone who lived through the 90s, and was lucky enough to own and enjoy both machines, all I can say is both have killer libraries and are both fantastic and we don't need these outlandish and click bait proclamations about "breaking myths"!
Excellent job but not as good as the SNES version. You cannot hide that distinctive FM sound and those crunchy Megadrive beats! Still - v good!
Of note this whole Mega Castlevania IV port looks excellent and really poo poos - in both graphics and sound - on the official Konami MD release from a great height!
@Athropos Agreed. My thoughts exactly - SNES games used DSPs right from the get go with Pilotwings but this shouldn't be considered a proper game? Like NES games used MMCs taking the OG hardware beyond it's original capabilities but these shouldn't be considered as actual games on that system either? Nintendo were aware of the hardware limitations of the SNES/SFC right from the start and knew they could use DSPs as a way to counter this. They spoke to Jez San around or just before the machine was released about their problems doing 3D - hence the creation of the SFX. It was intentional and happening back in the 90s so no different to what is happening today. As @RetroGames says - so long as you're not trying to create or run a game which patently couldn't be done on the hardware, I don't have a problem with this. And as coders have become more savvy with the hardware and unlocked more of it's potential what on earth is wrong with pushing it harder and further?! If the SNES had had more lifeshelf, who's to say there wouldn't have been a SFX3 chip made anyway and done what they're trying to do with this new version of Doom?!
Cannot wait to see this and considering how the original was a miracle port in the first place this should be even more impressive.
Plus the idea of them improving old games and using it for new ones is a pant wettingly exciting prospect - hopefully we'll see people start pushing the SNES to new heights!
Bloody hell this is a unwanted twist and hardly helps improve trust with an already highly sceptical public.
What was an amusing soap opera story has suddenly got serious and real - I really hope these guys follow through on this product and people don't lose out.
Who knows what the finished product will end up being, if one is produced at all?
Aww dammit I just had a refund notice and see on their webpage the funding was unsuccessful. I hope they can attempt to resurrect this through other means it looked so good.
I thought the last video was meant to dispel any doubt and they tried to get away with badly "hidden" cuts raising more suspicion so why would we believe the upcoming one will be any more trustworthy?
The way they say 'oh dear boo hoo no one believes in our product' is entirely of their own making - everything about this has been so amateurish no wonder everyone's so suspicious!
I mean as a soap opera this is great fun - I'm loving it and seeing what comes from it as they blunder from one catastrophe to the next.
If it turns out to be real then fantastic, it would be an amazing system. Let's see. I think it's pie in the sky based on everything we've (not) seen, but happy to be proved wrong.
There's so many red flags and the fact they want money up front to preorder a unit screams scam.
They are doing a completely woeful job of selling this thing with so many amateurish mistakes and unclear messaging - I did laugh at that video with those 'hidden' cuts. Did they think people wouldn't notice and thus be even more suspicious? Never mind the use of the name Sega and their actual logo - as if that's ever going to happen?! And now more tech minded people are throwing extra doubt on this thing.
Until they get a reputable and trusted third party journalist to see this thing working first hand everything is questionable.
Grab me a big vat of popcorn and settle back to watch this thing unfold!
Heheh that's cool. It's nice we got two totally different games. I don't think the Megadrive game is better for having a sword - actually I found that element of it rather imprecise. The SNES one has that really great swinging mechanic pogo'ing off elements and enemies which I found great fun and far more original. And whilst I really love the animation and look of the Megadrive version, I - and I know this is not the general view of many so don't shoot me down! - always preferred the SNES version over the MD one. I love the opening level of the Megadrive one but after that the levels just didn't grab me as much - found the platforming imprecise. That bloody dungeon level!
Great article! Love these games - Magical Quest 3 on SFC has some of the best pixel art from that period. Would be great to get a compilation on modern platforms - and to include both versions of MQ2 as I believe the Megadrive version is different to the SNES release and one I've never played.
@RetroGames Man it really pisses me off to this day that there was an option to reduce slowdown in SNES games with FastROM and bloody developers didn't use it to save costs!! I didn't hear about this till a few years ago - we were all just unaware of it at the time. ARRRGGGGH!!!!
@Soupbones Mmm likewise pleased this has turned out well but I was really disappointed in the Kickstarter campaign and the way it was handled. Long periods with no updates on the KS page, incredibly late delivering (sure game development is hard but at least keep us in the loop) and then the biggest kick in the teeth delaying the PS and XB versions - personally I wanted it on PS so wasn't pleased. Still they have said they'll try to follow through on getting the game to those platforms and providing keys for them - but how long will that take!?
@NatsuKaze Oh thanks for reaching out, how nice to chat to a developer - it's looking lush and the fact you're doing everything yourself is amazing - you can see the effort and time spent all over! I'm sure it will all be worth it. Out of interest what do you animate in please? Is it traditional 2D techniques then manipulated in another program or using software like Pro-Motion?
Oh wow loved reading this - Oka's music is some of my favourite from the SNES days. It has it's own distinctive sound which really sets it apart from other Nintendo composers. Back in the day I used to just sit and listen to the title screen music for Sim City over and over.
@Bonggon5 Agreed I wish she'd done more. Along with Hajime Hirasawa who I believe did the SNES StarFox soundtrack but then left the industry completely!? What a loss!
Oh so suddenly they need money to complete the project - either that's new or I missed it being reported before!
How convenient.
Anyone who parts with money up front for this is a fool as they've shown nothing to demonstrate they can actually pull this off. And now this car wreck of a 'Q+A'! It's all hypothetical hot air at this point. Repeatedly said it sounds cool but everything smells very fishy and reeks of naivety. The idea that Sega won't jump on them for using the actual Sega logo (and thus making it look like an official product) is nonsensical.
And the less said about the ghastly concept design of the machine the better...
Still - loving seeing how this unfolds and maybe - just maybe - we'll be proved wrong! (Gleefully grabs yet another tub of popcorn....)
@-wc- Good times for sure! It's a classic example of how to take an arcade game and plus it. I beat it back in the day but as an ageing gamer I now find it very hard and have only made it as far as the final level in recent years.
@Deuteros Couldn't agree more re: UN Squadron - considering it's such an early release I don't think it was bettered for shmups on the machine. It's also one of my all time faves for sure. The graphics, soundtrack and playability are off the chart good!
There's a false narrative around the SNES not having any good shmups. It might not have as many as the Megadrive, but the good ones it does have are really good. Super Aleste, Parodius trilogy, R Type 3, Axelay and Pop n Twinbee were all amazing. And that's just side/vertical scrollers. Star Fox... Contra 3... etc.
Likewise Issue 12 of Mean Machines was epic - slathering over the screen shots. We were all anticipating Super R-Type but suddenly out of the blue came Area 88 and blew our minds. Haha I too loved those old screen shots - they have so much warmth and seeing the CRT lines and sometimes the edges of the screen just add to the appeal. (Also Gary Harrod sometimes putting them upside down or the wrong image on the wrong review cracks me up.)
Congrats on the mint copies - nice! I own 3 copies - PAL boxed (my first copy and in fairly good nick), SFC Jap boxed (near mint) and an unboxed USA cart with instructions cos I thought why not?!
It's a shame they haven't managed to sort out the licencing issues which have no doubt so far prevented a re-release on modern hardware. I'd love to see both the SNES and arcade original given a fresh lease of life.
Oh - and you might like this but you've probably heard it - epic remix of the soundtrack. Just that opening gives me chills! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=834VuOf0KdM&ab_channel=breathofthesea
@Deuteros I've resorted to many many reproduction and romhack carts off ebay. SA-1 and DSP improved versions of games, an overclocked copy of StarFox, Satalleview games like F-Zero and Zelda, English translations of Japan only games (Marvellous Treasure Island being a real highlight). Currently bashing my way through ClassicMarioWorld 2 and loving it (although infuriatingly it's missing a couple of levels and exits but hey ho - still fun). They're not cheap but I prefer playing them on my Super NT hardware and a TV set up, and I love em!
@Deuteros Carrier Airwing on SNES? Now you're talking! The original Area 88/UN Squadron is my all time favourite SNES shmup and I still play it regularly to this day. So good. I was always disappointed Carrier Airwing never got the same treatment, and with the added programming experience it would have probably been even better. I actually only got to play Carrier Airwing for the first time on the Capcom Arcade Stadium and loved it. And plus one for more new original games on old hardware, as well as more homebrew and remastered games, especially on the SNES. I was loving all the games which got a post SA-1 speed boost - bought some bootleg carts to run on my Super NT - but they only released a few of them physically and then no one seems to do them any more. Flabbergasted such a capable machine doesn't get more of a love in!
God I'm loving watching this unfold!! All smells very fishy... like they want lots of people to preorder at $3 so they get some money for nothing and maybe never follow through on it?! Will be happy to be proved wrong as this thing could be ludicrously cool! But you'd be a fool to part with any money until reputable sites like TE get their hands on a unit and confirm if this thing is legit! (oh and the design is fugly as sin and the renders look cheap and crap - or maybe they're intentionally going for that early 90s CG rendered look for authenticity for when SEGA were a real force...) Bring it on (shoves more popcorn into mouth)!!
What Sega Shouldadone...... granted there was massive overload of Sonic during the early 90s after his debut - to the point of overkill as Sega flogged him to within an inch of his life. (In the time Sega released God knows how many Sonic games on every bit of hardware they made, Nintendo only released Mariolands 2+3? All Stars doesn't count imo and there's 5 years between Mario 4 and Yoshi's Island!)
But then with new 32-bit hardware after flogging Sonic so much they bizarrely inexplicably pretty much ignore him barring Sonic R and that compilation Jam one with the 3D stage. Oh and that in development Xtreme one with the fish eye lens which let's face it looked bloody crap.
Nights was cool and all but oh to have had a 32-bit 2D Sonic platform maxing everything out to 11 with some cool 3D sections thrown in?! More fool you Sega.... tsk!
(oh yeah and this Sonic UltraSaturn looks bloody great!)
Supremely excited about this - hoping it has lots of inside stories and gossip from his time on all the mags he worked on.
Going to be intrigued to see which games he picks as well! Would be very interested in his views on games released after he left for the US.
Edit - Just spotted the KP Skips bag of crisps by the PC Engine on the cover!! 🤣👏
Droool.... We really do seem to be in a golden age of retro gaming with the wealth of retro systems being released or being made. As well as an abundance of mods and improvements to many classic games. Having these options and keeping classic games fresh and in people's minds is great!
@slider1983 Yeah I agree completely. I really hope it's real as it could be friggin amazing! Lot of scepticism about it's veracity but you never know... Until a reputable site like TE gets hold of an actual production model for review or sees one demonstrated in the flesh I (along with many others) do wonder! And if it's real I'm happy to eat humble pie!
Comments 100
Re: Bandai Namco Is Launching A New Initiative To License Out IP Like Ridge Racer & Soul Calibur
OK fine whatever - but please just give me an arcade perfect port of Ridge Racer....! Failing that the PS1 game would be friggin ace! And how about making Rage Racer available on the Classics label as well!?!?!??!?!? Eh?! Eh?!
Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community
Great article and also fair enough replies.
BUT the proof of the pudding is in the eating and as LRG seem to consistently make big amateurish mistakes, these cannot continue if they want more brand trust. If they're in the business of making old games which run on OG hardware, they should really know better and have more specialist knowledge and expertise in this field. It does reek of incompetence - especially as it's not a one off.
Personally I've ordered around 6 or so games from LRG and aside from the interminably long wait whilst they've been manufactured, they've all eventually arrived and I've been pleased with them.
Currently waiting for Castlevania Dominus Collection Classic Edition which I pre-ordered last September and it's due by end of April - 8 month wait. Not brilliant to be honest but as there are no alternatives have no choice.
Re: "I Don't Think I’d Ever Have Been Able To Guess My Life Path" - Julian Rignall On Five Decades In Gaming
Oh smhow I missed this....
Reading it now and loving it. I'm glad to see Jaz's signature writing style hasn't been diluted down! The words really do just flow off the page.
And another book in the future?! Gimme gimme gimme! I await with baited breath!
Re: James Bond Producer Didn't Want Guns In 2010's GoldenEye Wii Reboot
Reading this, I honestly just checked the date to make sure it wasn't 1st April...
Seriously WTH!?
Speaking of 1st April (and nothing to do with this article lol) - would love to see a TE article on the classic April Fool's jokes/tom foolery magazines used to pull. The AmigaDrive and a 'miracle port' of MarioKart on the OG GameBoy are 2 which immediately spring to mind!
Re: Review: The Games Of A Lifetime - Jaz Rignall Charts The Evolution Of An Industry
@Deuteros +1 for a book on the grey import scene in the UK in the 80s and 90s!
Re: Review: The Games Of A Lifetime - Jaz Rignall Charts The Evolution Of An Industry
@CraigGrannell It's definitely been mentioned on podcasts that both Jaz and Steve have been on. If memory serves Steve was more candid but pretty sure Jaz has spoken more openly about it.
I won't repeat what I've heard about it here (avoid spoilers!) but if you google podcasts for both of them you'll find out more if you want.
I was a big fan of both Jaz and Steve (loved Total!) so naturally interested to see what Jaz has written about in the book.
Re: Review: The Games Of A Lifetime - Jaz Rignall Charts The Evolution Of An Industry
Been pant wettingly excited about this book ever since it was announced - cannot wait to tuck in.
As Damo says, Jaz (including his co-conspirators on C+VG/Mean Machines) is a total legend in my eyes and if he's reading this, THANK YOU for all the really amazing mags over the years - truly a halcyon time for me playing games which you played a massive part in!
Re: Shuhei Yoshida Reflects On 'Polygon Man', The PlayStation Mascot That Never Was
This guy always reminded me of Andross' polygon face in SNES Starfox's final battles, albeit with some extra polygons!
The flat shaded polygons definitely have that same vibe. Makes sense that Kutaragi was so outraged by no textures - hardly makes the PSX look much better than a SFX chip!
Re: The Video Game History Foundation Digital Library Is Now Available In Early Access
Well this just looks amazing - congrats to everyone involved. I'll enjoy digging into this.
Re: The Making Of: Uchuu Race: Astro Go! Go!, The F-Zero-Inspired SNES Racer From Sonic Jam And Samba De Amigo's Satoshi Okano
Ahh Astro Go Go - one of the first SFC games I bought from CEX Rathbone Place when they had the most insane and brilliant import department.
Good times - and a wonderfully weird fun game.
Re: SuperSega Refunds Are Still Missing As Creator "Cheats Death"
Colour me not surprised....
Didn't realise Iain Lee had a YouTube channel - love reading his column in RetroGamer each month.
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
UN Squadron/Area 88 on SNES/SFC.
TMNT Turtles in Time SNES version as well.
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
Always find it so weird on this British based website from a English writer the persistent use of the name Genesis. Sure that's it's name in the good ol USA but personally never liked it.
Megadrive much cooler IMHO.
Gotta get those American clicks I guess...
No matter, this looks impressive!
Re: Polymega System Update 1.1.32 Now Available, And Boy Does It Do A Lot Of Stuff
Really want one of these... one day one day!
Re: If Nothing Else, SuperSega's Latest "Review" Should Convince You To Keep Your Wallet Shut
@KitsuneNight Hahahaha - bravo.
I'd sooner invest in a "splat of Percy's purest GREEN" before this thing!!!
Re: If Nothing Else, SuperSega's Latest "Review" Should Convince You To Keep Your Wallet Shut
Baldrick levels of incompetence.
Who on earth releases a video where there's someone openly questioning if this thing sucks!? This child clearly has more common sense and intellect than the adults in the room.
What 'delights' await us next!?
Re: The Genesis Just "Broke Another Myth" With This Amazing Rendition Of A Classic Castlevania Tune
@RetroGames Yeah I just edited my post actually cos to be fair - the title quotes what Pyron is saying, nothing more!
It's all subjective and this new version is v v nice - especially compared to the original MD version - but just listening to them side by side the quality is night and day.
It's interesting - I do notice there's a lot of rabid fanboy'ism with the MD/Genesis with articles on people trying to prove 30 years on that yes Blast Processing was "real" and not just a marketing gimmick, that yes it can do a version of Mode 7 actually actually and this version of the game is actually better on MD than on SNES etc. (And yes in the interest of fairness people have got Sonic running on a SNES (kinda) so it's horses for courses - but you see a helluva lot more of this type of story about the MegaDrive compared to the SNES.)
And now people making claims about the sound capabilities.
Is it desperation to rewrite the narrative? Still?! If you say something loud enough and often enough - and no one sticks up for the alternative point of view - people might actually start believing it.
The hype at the time was that the SNES was the more powerful machine - which makes sense as it was released later and on the whole this is true barring the speed of the processor and the maximum resolution it can display (I think these are the only 2 areas the MD comes out on top?), so it seems that people are keen to disprove this and still have a chip on their shoulder about it?
Or maybe it's less cynical than this and they just like a challenge to match superior hardware?
One might aesthetically prefer the MD's crunchy sound over the more orchestral SNES sounds, and it certainly produced some stunning and memorable soundtracks on the machine, but it's abundantly clear for an orchestral soundtrack like SCIV has, this new MD version - whilst very good - is not as impressive as the original.
As said many times I find it weird that people aren't as keen to push the SNES as much as they do the MD/Genesis with new homebrew games and ports etc. Seems like there's so much untapped potential and not as much love for the machine? Which is odd considering it comfortably outsold the MD in what was a fiercely competitive period.
But as someone who lived through the 90s, and was lucky enough to own and enjoy both machines, all I can say is both have killer libraries and are both fantastic and we don't need these outlandish and click bait proclamations about "breaking myths"!
Re: The Genesis Just "Broke Another Myth" With This Amazing Rendition Of A Classic Castlevania Tune
@sdelfin Yes Simon's Theme is used in MD Castlevania - near the end:
Night and day difference with the SNES original:
This new MD version much improved over the original MD release.
@retrogames Yes haha - along with the title of this article "Broke Another Myth" - patently not so.
But still very cool to hear and as you say; both consoles are great and have their own unique strengths and weaknesses.
Re: The Genesis Just "Broke Another Myth" With This Amazing Rendition Of A Classic Castlevania Tune
Excellent job but not as good as the SNES version. You cannot hide that distinctive FM sound and those crunchy Megadrive beats! Still - v good!
Of note this whole Mega Castlevania IV port looks excellent and really poo poos - in both graphics and sound - on the official Konami MD release from a great height!
Re: Interview: Meet The Man Who's Upgrading SNES Doom With The "Super FX 3" Chip
@Athropos Agreed.
My thoughts exactly - SNES games used DSPs right from the get go with Pilotwings but this shouldn't be considered a proper game?
Like NES games used MMCs taking the OG hardware beyond it's original capabilities but these shouldn't be considered as actual games on that system either?
Nintendo were aware of the hardware limitations of the SNES/SFC right from the start and knew they could use DSPs as a way to counter this. They spoke to Jez San around or just before the machine was released about their problems doing 3D - hence the creation of the SFX. It was intentional and happening back in the 90s so no different to what is happening today.
As @RetroGames says - so long as you're not trying to create or run a game which patently couldn't be done on the hardware, I don't have a problem with this. And as coders have become more savvy with the hardware and unlocked more of it's potential what on earth is wrong with pushing it harder and further?!
If the SNES had had more lifeshelf, who's to say there wouldn't have been a SFX3 chip made anyway and done what they're trying to do with this new version of Doom?!
Re: Interview: Meet The Man Who's Upgrading SNES Doom With The "Super FX 3" Chip
Cannot wait to see this and considering how the original was a miracle port in the first place this should be even more impressive.
Plus the idea of them improving old games and using it for new ones is a pant wettingly exciting prospect - hopefully we'll see people start pushing the SNES to new heights!
Re: Confusion Reigns As SuperSega Pre-Orders Get Charged For The Full Amount
Bloody hell this is a unwanted twist and hardly helps improve trust with an already highly sceptical public.
What was an amusing soap opera story has suddenly got serious and real - I really hope these guys follow through on this product and people don't lose out.
Who knows what the finished product will end up being, if one is produced at all?
Re: 'Any%: A History Of Speedrunning' Book Aims To Explore One Of Gaming's Greatest Communities
Aww dammit I just had a refund notice and see on their webpage the funding was unsuccessful. I hope they can attempt to resurrect this through other means it looked so good.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Gets A New Design, Is "Closing In" On 200 Pre-Orders
I thought the last video was meant to dispel any doubt and they tried to get away with badly "hidden" cuts raising more suspicion so why would we believe the upcoming one will be any more trustworthy?
The way they say 'oh dear boo hoo no one believes in our product' is entirely of their own making - everything about this has been so amateurish no wonder everyone's so suspicious!
More popcorn over here please!!!
Re: "The Project Is A Complete Scam" - The Internet Isn't Convinced By The SuperSega FPGA Console
I mean as a soap opera this is great fun - I'm loving it and seeing what comes from it as they blunder from one catastrophe to the next.
If it turns out to be real then fantastic, it would be an amazing system. Let's see. I think it's pie in the sky based on everything we've (not) seen, but happy to be proved wrong.
There's so many red flags and the fact they want money up front to preorder a unit screams scam.
They are doing a completely woeful job of selling this thing with so many amateurish mistakes and unclear messaging - I did laugh at that video with those 'hidden' cuts. Did they think people wouldn't notice and thus be even more suspicious? Never mind the use of the name Sega and their actual logo - as if that's ever going to happen?! And now more tech minded people are throwing extra doubt on this thing.
Until they get a reputable and trusted third party journalist to see this thing working first hand everything is questionable.
Grab me a big vat of popcorn and settle back to watch this thing unfold!
Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword
Heheh that's cool.
It's nice we got two totally different games. I don't think the Megadrive game is better for having a sword - actually I found that element of it rather imprecise. The SNES one has that really great swinging mechanic pogo'ing off elements and enemies which I found great fun and far more original.
And whilst I really love the animation and look of the Megadrive version, I - and I know this is not the general view of many so don't shoot me down! - always preferred the SNES version over the MD one. I love the opening level of the Megadrive one but after that the levels just didn't grab me as much - found the platforming imprecise. That bloody dungeon level!
Re: The Making Of: The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Capcom's SNES Classic
Great article!
Love these games - Magical Quest 3 on SFC has some of the best pixel art from that period.
Would be great to get a compilation on modern platforms - and to include both versions of MQ2 as I believe the Megadrive version is different to the SNES release and one I've never played.
Re: Triple Impact Is A Promising New SNES Beat 'Em Up
@RetroGames Preach it man!!!
Re: Looks Like Polymega's Light Gun Is Shipping Soon
V cool!
Maybe it's time for me to take the plunge and buy a Polymega... I wonder how up to date they are with shipping systems and delays etc.
Re: Fan-Made 'Mega Castlevania IV' Project Is Alive And Well In This New Footage
@RetroGames Man it really pisses me off to this day that there was an option to reduce slowdown in SNES games with FastROM and bloody developers didn't use it to save costs!! I didn't hear about this till a few years ago - we were all just unaware of it at the time.
Re: The SNES And Game Boy-Inspired Action RPG 'Maple Forest' Smashes Initial Kickstarter Target
@NatsuKaze Fantastic - thanks for replying! Good luck finishing it off!
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
@Soupbones Mmm likewise pleased this has turned out well but I was really disappointed in the Kickstarter campaign and the way it was handled.
Long periods with no updates on the KS page, incredibly late delivering (sure game development is hard but at least keep us in the loop) and then the biggest kick in the teeth delaying the PS and XB versions - personally I wanted it on PS so wasn't pleased.
Still they have said they'll try to follow through on getting the game to those platforms and providing keys for them - but how long will that take!?
Re: The SNES And Game Boy-Inspired Action RPG 'Maple Forest' Smashes Initial Kickstarter Target
@NatsuKaze Oh thanks for reaching out, how nice to chat to a developer - it's looking lush and the fact you're doing everything yourself is amazing - you can see the effort and time spent all over! I'm sure it will all be worth it.
Out of interest what do you animate in please? Is it traditional 2D techniques then manipulated in another program or using software like Pro-Motion?
Re: The SNES-Inspired Action RPG 'Maple Forest' Smashes Initial Kickstarter Target
Gosh what stunning visuals!
Re: Interview: Super Mario Kart & SimCity Composer Soyo Oka On Her Most Iconic Nintendo Soundtracks
Oh wow loved reading this - Oka's music is some of my favourite from the SNES days. It has it's own distinctive sound which really sets it apart from other Nintendo composers. Back in the day I used to just sit and listen to the title screen music for Sim City over and over.
@Bonggon5 Agreed I wish she'd done more. Along with Hajime Hirasawa who I believe did the SNES StarFox soundtrack but then left the industry completely!? What a loss!
Re: SuperSega Team Doesn't Think Sega Will Have Any Issue With Its Branding
Oh so suddenly they need money to complete the project - either that's new or I missed it being reported before!
How convenient.
Anyone who parts with money up front for this is a fool as they've shown nothing to demonstrate they can actually pull this off. And now this car wreck of a 'Q+A'! It's all hypothetical hot air at this point. Repeatedly said it sounds cool but everything smells very fishy and reeks of naivety. The idea that Sega won't jump on them for using the actual Sega logo (and thus making it look like an official product) is nonsensical.
And the less said about the ghastly concept design of the machine the better...
Still - loving seeing how this unfolds and maybe - just maybe - we'll be proved wrong! (Gleefully grabs yet another tub of popcorn....)
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
@-wc- Good times for sure! It's a classic example of how to take an arcade game and plus it.
I beat it back in the day but as an ageing gamer I now find it very hard and have only made it as far as the final level in recent years.
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
@Deuteros Couldn't agree more re: UN Squadron - considering it's such an early release I don't think it was bettered for shmups on the machine. It's also one of my all time faves for sure. The graphics, soundtrack and playability are off the chart good!
There's a false narrative around the SNES not having any good shmups. It might not have as many as the Megadrive, but the good ones it does have are really good. Super Aleste, Parodius trilogy, R Type 3, Axelay and Pop n Twinbee were all amazing. And that's just side/vertical scrollers. Star Fox... Contra 3... etc.
Likewise Issue 12 of Mean Machines was epic - slathering over the screen shots. We were all anticipating Super R-Type but suddenly out of the blue came Area 88 and blew our minds. Haha I too loved those old screen shots - they have so much warmth and seeing the CRT lines and sometimes the edges of the screen just add to the appeal. (Also Gary Harrod sometimes putting them upside down or the wrong image on the wrong review cracks me up.)
Congrats on the mint copies - nice! I own 3 copies - PAL boxed (my first copy and in fairly good nick), SFC Jap boxed (near mint) and an unboxed USA cart with instructions cos I thought why not?!
It's a shame they haven't managed to sort out the licencing issues which have no doubt so far prevented a re-release on modern hardware. I'd love to see both the SNES and arcade original given a fresh lease of life.
Oh - and you might like this but you've probably heard it - epic remix of the soundtrack. Just that opening gives me chills!
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
@Deuteros I've resorted to many many reproduction and romhack carts off ebay. SA-1 and DSP improved versions of games, an overclocked copy of StarFox, Satalleview games like F-Zero and Zelda, English translations of Japan only games (Marvellous Treasure Island being a real highlight). Currently bashing my way through ClassicMarioWorld 2 and loving it (although infuriatingly it's missing a couple of levels and exits but hey ho - still fun).
They're not cheap but I prefer playing them on my Super NT hardware and a TV set up, and I love em!
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
@Deuteros Carrier Airwing on SNES? Now you're talking! The original Area 88/UN Squadron is my all time favourite SNES shmup and I still play it regularly to this day. So good. I was always disappointed Carrier Airwing never got the same treatment, and with the added programming experience it would have probably been even better. I actually only got to play Carrier Airwing for the first time on the Capcom Arcade Stadium and loved it.
And plus one for more new original games on old hardware, as well as more homebrew and remastered games, especially on the SNES. I was loving all the games which got a post SA-1 speed boost - bought some bootleg carts to run on my Super NT - but they only released a few of them physically and then no one seems to do them any more. Flabbergasted such a capable machine doesn't get more of a love in!
Re: SuperSega Wants To Answer Your Questions About Its All-In-One FPGA Console
Shovels more popcorn into mouth as this rumbles on and on....
My question is why the hell they didn't feel the need to include the Pico!? Tsk!
Re: You'll Be Able To Secure Your SuperSega FPGA Console For Just Three Bucks
God I'm loving watching this unfold!!
All smells very fishy... like they want lots of people to preorder at $3 so they get some money for nothing and maybe never follow through on it?!
Will be happy to be proved wrong as this thing could be ludicrously cool!
But you'd be a fool to part with any money until reputable sites like TE get their hands on a unit and confirm if this thing is legit!
(oh and the design is fugly as sin and the renders look cheap and crap - or maybe they're intentionally going for that early 90s CG rendered look for authenticity for when SEGA were a real force...)
Bring it on (shoves more popcorn into mouth)!!
Re: 'Sonic UltraSaturn' Is A Fan-Made 2D Sonic You Really Should Check Out
What Sega Shouldadone...... granted there was massive overload of Sonic during the early 90s after his debut - to the point of overkill as Sega flogged him to within an inch of his life. (In the time Sega released God knows how many Sonic games on every bit of hardware they made, Nintendo only released Mariolands 2+3? All Stars doesn't count imo and there's 5 years between Mario 4 and Yoshi's Island!)
But then with new 32-bit hardware after flogging Sonic so much they bizarrely inexplicably pretty much ignore him barring Sonic R and that compilation Jam one with the 3D stage. Oh and that in development Xtreme one with the fish eye lens which let's face it looked bloody crap.
Nights was cool and all but oh to have had a 32-bit 2D Sonic platform maxing everything out to 11 with some cool 3D sections thrown in?! More fool you Sega.... tsk!
(oh yeah and this Sonic UltraSaturn looks bloody great!)
Re: Donkey Kong Country's Developers Are Reuniting For An EGX Panel Later This Year
Sounds great... but 30 years ago.... ouch... Can remember buying it like it was yesterday. Thanks for reminding me how OLD I am!!!
Re: This Adorable New Super Mario Fan Game Looks Absolutely Incredible
That looks AMAZING!!!
Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"
Excellent! Bring it on then!
Re: Video Game Legend Julian "Jaz" Rignall Has Written A Book About His Life In Gaming
Supremely excited about this - hoping it has lots of inside stories and gossip from his time on all the mags he worked on.
Going to be intrigued to see which games he picks as well! Would be very interested in his views on games released after he left for the US.
Edit - Just spotted the KP Skips bag of crisps by the PC Engine on the cover!! 🤣👏
Re: BurgerTime Is The Latest Classic To Join The Quarter Arcades Range
Yeah that's great and all, but JAZ Rignall is releasing a book about his life and fave games start on 2025!!!
Re: Unofficial Sega Neptune FPGA Prototype Shown In Action
We really do seem to be in a golden age of retro gaming with the wealth of retro systems being released or being made. As well as an abundance of mods and improvements to many classic games.
Having these options and keeping classic games fresh and in people's minds is great!
Re: World's First Dreamcast FPGA Core Shown In Action
@slider1983 Yeah I agree completely.
I really hope it's real as it could be friggin amazing! Lot of scepticism about it's veracity but you never know...
Until a reputable site like TE gets hold of an actual production model for review or sees one demonstrated in the flesh I (along with many others) do wonder!
And if it's real I'm happy to eat humble pie!