Comments 9

Re: Sega Admits It Doesn't Know How Many Games It Owns


This is partly the reason why there is so much nuance to the emulation debate. It's not simply a black and white, good or bad situation. Whilst the likes of the early Mario games, first party Atari titles, Sonic etc are still monetized to this day, there are thousands upon thousands of titles that are simply lost (quite literally, it seems!) and never likely to be unpicked to appear again.

Quite shocked that even Psycho Fox is on that list though, an absolute classic!

Re: Review: AYN Odin 2 - One Of 2023's Best Emulation Handhelds


Had one of these for a while now and it's an exceptional bit of kit, the battery life is easily a day of fairly solid play away from PS2 and GameCube. I run it alongside a Anbernic ARC for dpad-centric 4:3 gaming, pretty much dream combo territory.

Android is a pain first time around, but follow a YouTube guide and you can have everything done in a couple of hours. Add Daijisho as a front end and there are very, very few times I think of it as an Android device now.

I had a Backbone controller and S20 FE and it didn't end much cheaper, you have to deal with the inherent instability of a telescopic controller and unless it's a second, standalone phone, it's a pain in terms of battery life, notifications and you know, needing to use it as a phone.

Re: Yep, More Analogue Pocket Limited Editions Are On The Way


@N00BiSH it probably would. Regular stock isn't going to generate a story on Time Extension or other specialised press and presumably sales will just tail off gradually. At this point the business model is to intentionally offer limited runs, generate some hype, sell a bunch to scalpers and rinse repeat.

Re: Review: Atari 2600+ - The Grandaddy Of Gaming Is Back


As somebody in his 40s who has somehow managed to retain his entire collection of original Atari 7800 stuff (console received on my 6th birthday, various carts added over the following 4 years) I'm like a kid in a sweet shop waiting for this, they couldn't have conceived a more niche yet perfect for me device had they tried.

Actually, that's not entirely true, a replica 7800 Euro controller would have been nice. a) they are in high demand, b) many of them are now knackered, and c) it would seem to me to be a more mainstream control method for many of the games this thing will play.

Re: Gallery: Unboxing The Atari 2600+


I have my original Atari 7800 and a pile of games in the loft so this is a niche device perfectly suited to me.

I'd imagine my original 7800 joypads are a little iffy these days though, so I'm unclear how I'm going to comfortably play all my games on this. Surprised they've not released a standard joypad alongside it, especially as I understand the Euro 7800 joypad is in quite high demand in the US.