Comments 53

Re: Atari Jaguar Is Coming To Analogue Pocket


ive had a Pocket for years now and all i want is to play any version of Virtua Racing. but no dev has updated the megadrive cores for SVP and apparently 32x wont fit and neither does Mega Cd for some reason. But Atari Jaguar ‘fits’ what?!

also surely someone can fit the apparently simple ps1 on it!

Re: Best Of 2024: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


If anything retro gaming has a Sega problem - the Saturn and Dreamcast sold barely anything compared to the Playstations and yet their fanboy continue to pump up the legacy of those systems in the retro space. This website is a key example. It MIGHT be that just nonone actually cares about Sony!

Re: True "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Multisystem 2 Console Is Coming In 2025


@NinChocolate Its absolutely fair enough wanting to use original hardware. nothing beats the feel. interesting video from MVG yesterday about the state of retro games; at some point clone hardware will be needed for everyone as everything but Nintendo cart based systems are starting to breakdown and need serious maintenance. I’m hoping that one of the new fpga consoles will be able to do what i want (all systems under one roof) as I got out of game collecting a long time ago (it became a horrific FOMO collectathon of crap for me). There are new systems from Heber and Taki Udon which should be released in 2025 under the mister platform and hopefully provide the end game solution for pre-2000 consoles

Re: True "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Multisystem 2 Console Is Coming In 2025


@NinChocolate you should possibly read up a bit more. you can do direct video into a crt using a relatively small DAC or get an IO board add on for true vga output which carries an rgb signal. vga to scart cables are not expensive. The quality of the signal is arguably higher than native consoles (snes and megadrive consoles both have video quality issues).

Re: Anniversary: 30 Years Ago Today, PlayStation Changed Video Games Forever


The playstation is the best console of all time. Even 5 years after release it was seeing off the newly released competition and delivering visuals the n64 and long defunct Saturn couldn’t - arguably the best ps1 games look better than n64 does. The price, the marketing, moving into new genres with cinematic adventure games cool kids and young adults actually wanted to play. Here in the UK it was popular like no computer or console system had been before.

Re: Yes, Final Fight MD Will Include The Level Removed From The SNES Version


Makes me laugh this comparison. this site is such a sega fanboy, of course the developer can fit an extra level in , there is no limit to rom size in this day and age.

Final Fight 3 on the snes showed what could be done with time and experience on that system - 3 player, multiple sprites. updated hacks have also eliminated slowdown.

Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250


i’d be curious why people want to play retro games on a massive OLED or LED tv. they look crap regardless of your scaler (and this thing’s crt filters will be nowhere near what retrotink put out)

if you love n64 just take your original console and plug it into any crt or spend the money on an rgb mod and a decent 20 inch PVM or if you cant afford that a consumer trinitron. the whole experience will be miles better that anything on a flat panel

Re: Missing 'History Of Nintendo' Books On The Famicom & Game Boy Are Now Available In English


@Chocoburger by all accounts these are based on interviews direct with anintrndo staff at the time and people connected. As i understand this book is the source of the story about how Nintendo reneged on a deal for the Game Boy screens with Citizen (favouring Sharp). To save face Nintendo got their devs to mock up fake color gameboy plans saying to Citizen they would instead be called on to supply colour lcd screens for this fictitous product. Citizen later took those concepts to Sega and they ended up helping with Game Gear. In summary Nintendo designed the game gear. a bit.

ive been messaging Omake Books for best part of 3 years and getting promises back about these translations so delighted to find out a couple of weeks ago these were coming - got
mine being delivered today !

Re: All Is Not Well In The World Of FPGA Retro Gaming


Couple of things - Voultar is a prick on twitter , getting on his high horse at everyone and MARS is ***** vaporware that can only be logically funded by a kickstarter. Mister works because its manufactured (and apparently subsidised) by a massive electronics company. The software is developed by the community.

A community however cannot manufacture their own product as one entity together unless theres a group of people investing capital and recouping the profits. It also cannot be run at a loss as none of them will logically fund that.

So, its *****.

Re: Iconic Issues: CVG's Complete Guide To Consoles


Great ‘bookazines’ these although Mean Machines launched mid way through the run. Note that they would also release Complete Guides to Sega and Megadrive (both are very similar in content). I have all 6 in great nic luckily

Re: Gunstar Heroes Developer Treasure On Why Mega Drive Is Better Than SNES


Sega fan boys always bring up early snes slowdown but in raw power Snes games pull the pants down on Megadrive when looking at stuff like Hagane, Cybernator, Rendering Ranger, Super Metroid, DKC games and thats even before we talk the add on games.

The DSP chip used on launch games makes the SNES have a higher clock speed than the 68000 straight away. Racing games on megadrive are a joke compared to Nintendo’s machine as are the platformers. Any other distinct difference between the machines in favour of Sega is when you compare a direct port where the time or budget the developers had to covert to Nintendo is the causing factor.

The fact that bedroom coders who continue to attempt to covert Nintendo games to Sega like Ive seen Starfox, F Zero and now Final Fight, R Type etc is classic Sega short man syndrome. They cant let it go. SNES fans dont care - they have nothing to prove.

Re: Time Crisis Is Arcade1Up's Next Release


@TeamBigRig seems unlikely based on the price of sinden. Makes me think this is wii style remote tracking which would not be responsive. Bring on the reviews.

Agree with the other poster - all sequels should e included

Re: Xbox Cracks Down On Emulation On Xbox Series X|S


@Razieluigi From what I recall when this was first showcased, developer mode is still an option which costs something like a one off fee of $19 to access? and you can switch between retail and developer modes as and when.

Its just they’ve now stopped the emulators being accessed under retail mode.

Re: You're Not Seeing Things, This Is Star Fox On The Sega Mega Drive / Genesis


whats with the megadrive homebrew community ?

seems like they have a massive chip on their shoulder and so spend time and effort to try and ‘one-up’ the SNES and extract every last ounce of power from a 35 year old piece of tech.

From recent memory we’ve had Mario world on the megadrive, F-Zero, Final fight and now Starfox plus they’re upgrading games like Streetfighter and Mortal Kombat to try and make them graphically on par with the snes versions as if they can then run around saying ‘we’ve won the console wars!’

Get over it lads - if you want to play any of these games just pick up a snes or better still the arcade versions as they’re still superior and your machine makes fart noises.

Re: Hardware Review: MiSTer FPGA - A Tantalising Glimpse Into The Future Of Retro Gaming


@carlos82 hey carlos. the main advantage of mister is being able to get analogue output and zero lag. people moan about how hard 8 and 16-bit games were but i think this is a modern phenomenon that has arisen from emulation and the inherent lag in the hardware emulating and the lcd being played on.

play these games on original hardware with a crt and its soooo kuch easier to react and plau the games, thats how 8 year olds managed to do it.

SF2 on snes mini i just cannot get past Sagat for example, but on my snes and the monitor i use its doable. same with lap times on super marionkart

it really does make a massive difference over other options like a snes classic or a PC or xbox emulation

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