Re: Retro-Bit Is Republishing Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters In Physical Form 1crimsontadpolesThu 10th Sep 2020 The only things I know about these games are that Zero Wing has broken English, and brilliant music. Now I'm wondering whether the games are good or not. 0
Re: Feature: How RoboCop's Epic Game Boy Theme Tune Lives On, 30 Years Later 2crimsontadpolesTue 2nd Jun 2020 That track is oddly relaxing. 1
Re: Rumour: Leading Japanese Game Company Kidnapped Dev's Sister To Stop Them From Working With Nintendo 3crimsontadpolesWed 11th Nov 2015 This story sounds brutal, at least times have changed now. With the internet emerging, it's much harder to keep these things quiet. 0
Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened? 4crimsontadpolesFri 3rd Jul 2015 This place could do with some gifs of the Futurama What If Machine.It's amazing to think about how the console marked could have been very different if this actually happened. 0
Comments 4
Re: Retro-Bit Is Republishing Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters In Physical Form
The only things I know about these games are that Zero Wing has broken English, and brilliant music. Now I'm wondering whether the games are good or not.
Re: Feature: How RoboCop's Epic Game Boy Theme Tune Lives On, 30 Years Later
That track is oddly relaxing.
Re: Rumour: Leading Japanese Game Company Kidnapped Dev's Sister To Stop Them From Working With Nintendo
This story sounds brutal, at least times have changed now. With the internet emerging, it's much harder to keep these things quiet.
Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?
This place could do with some gifs of the Futurama What If Machine.
It's amazing to think about how the console marked could have been very different if this actually happened.