That's very disappointing. I admit to having purchased Valken and Gleylancer, Metalstorm (x2), and Undercover Cops cartridges from Retro-Bit. Along with a few others. I think the quality of their physical releases is excellent for the price, but... I can't recommend them any more if their work isn't really what they are claiming it to be. I really do hope they do better in the future.
It's a very pure game. Distilled to the core elements. I have been enjoying my time with it immensely. Realism doesn't always equal fun. In fact, the most fun games are the least realistic, and I'll die on that hill.
Did they report the harassers to forum admins? I understand if they don't want to deal with elitism and hair-ass-ment anymore.
I try not to post at neogaf, yakyak or vogons due to how many "two-faced" types there are. Whole industry would improve if they all got called out, and we policed ourselves better.
It's such a shame these things are impossible to get. Wanted a MiSTerPi and failed. Same deal here, only founders took all the stock. Guess I'll look elsewhere.
@KingMike Relative to the full-fat PC-based devkit. Those went in the neighborhood of 12K usd per unit. Not counting whatever licensing costs the publisher paid to Sony for the opportunity to acquire one. This was back when the dollar was four times as strong as it is now. 750 usd was a small price to pay to write PSOne software.
Like granhalcon mentioned, they didn't put the SEGA branding at the start of the flick. Huge missed opportunity that makes Scarpone here look like a flaming hypocrite.
I hope they solved the d-pad diagonal issues. I've seen lots of reports of hyper/hyposensitivity, and I personally had to open my launch Pocket to add thin strips of electrical tape to the underside of my d-pad just so the diagonals would register. I wasn't willing to wait weeks/months for an out of warranty swap.
I'm glad it's released. Also hoping Nintendo keeps looking the other way. Infidelity does really good work with these ports. I want to see him keep going with these as long as he still has the drive to.
It's really difficult to build a franchise around a character that doesn't resemble their past self in each new iteration. I get the feeling that they just don't really care about the characters or in keeping Perfect Dark as a viable property. But they needed to show SOMETHING at Xbox to complete that milestone. Something to keep up the appearance that Xbox gives a hoot about video games. But it's really just corpo key jingling. Having played a ton of the original on N64, this just screams generic future shooter which happens to have the PD IP plopped in. QUICK! Bust out the "things aren't what they seem" trope!, Oh! and make the protag have a head hurty scene! They'll chug that slop up!
Sorry, I'm tired of these uncreatives. The whole thing looks like trash. And her appearance is but a distraction.
At the end of the day the name is only relevant to stand out in a crowded market. And I do get the concept of a knockoff MiSTer being great for competition. But a more knockoff sounding name would have been "MoSTr". Sounds close, but not quite, and you're getting the most bang for your buck over the genuine article. Then again, what do I know? I'm a derp.
It's a cool idea, but also too small for my taste. As the owner of a bunch of Evercade carts, I am definitely interested in a larger version.
If this is successful, I hope they try taking a run at something closer to the size of the top-half of an Arcade 1up. Still not perfect, but closer to the ideal point where I'd open my wallet.
That was cathartic. Keeping common games sealed is fine, as there's always a lot of copies floating around online. But a proto? It belongs dumped, free, and in a museum.
What happened to those Project Little Man hackers that were reverse engineering the chips on the Papsmearium board? Thought the chips were all off-the-shelf parts? Should have been EZ to RE.
There's way too many of these things. How about some thing new? Like a hybrid analog/digital input? A d-pad cross with pressure sensitivity? A clicky stick with short throw but digital and analog sensors? I dunno. They all blend together, cannibalize sales of their other models, and are shaped for people who want to get RSI. No thanks.
Comments 68
Re: Retro-Bit Apologises For Using Fan-Translations Without Permission
That's very disappointing.
I admit to having purchased Valken and Gleylancer, Metalstorm (x2), and Undercover Cops cartridges from Retro-Bit. Along with a few others.
I think the quality of their physical releases is excellent for the price, but... I can't recommend them any more if their work isn't really what they are claiming it to be.
I really do hope they do better in the future.
Re: Ex-Activision Boss Forgets Name Of "Bad Acquisition" Behind Project Gotham Racing, Blur And Geometry Wars
Skill issue, Bobby. Take your pills.
Re: Taki Udon's FPGA PS1 Is Called SuperStation One, Pre-Orders Start At $149 This Week
@hste Aha, thank you. Finally managed to order one. Now I play the waiting game.
Re: Hands On: Tokyo Xtreme Racer - The Welcome Return Of An Arcade Racing Classic
It's a very pure game. Distilled to the core elements. I have been enjoying my time with it immensely. Realism doesn't always equal fun. In fact, the most fun games are the least realistic, and I'll die on that hill.
Re: "There Is Only So Much I Can Take" - Creator Of Roland MT-32 Emulator MT32-Pi Calls It A Day
Did they report the harassers to forum admins? I understand if they don't want to deal with elitism and hair-ass-ment anymore.
I try not to post at neogaf, yakyak or vogons due to how many "two-faced" types there are. Whole industry would improve if they all got called out, and we policed ourselves better.
Re: Taki Udon's FPGA PS1 Is Called SuperStation One, Pre-Orders Start At $149 This Week
It's such a shame these things are impossible to get. Wanted a MiSTerPi and failed. Same deal here, only founders took all the stock. Guess I'll look elsewhere.
Re: Saturn Cult Classic Princess Crown Is Getting An Uncensored Translation
This is great. Censorship is abhorrent, and anathema to real progress. And having a translated PC (J) -> (En) is super.
If only we had some progress on the translation of Compile's version of Shadowrun on Sega CD.
Re: You Can Now Rediscover A Forgotten Piece Of PlayStation History, Thanks To Antstream Arcade
@KingMike Relative to the full-fat PC-based devkit. Those went in the neighborhood of 12K usd per unit. Not counting whatever licensing costs the publisher paid to Sony for the opportunity to acquire one. This was back when the dollar was four times as strong as it is now. 750 usd was a small price to pay to write PSOne software.
Re: We Now Have Our First Images Of M2's New 'Night Striker' Game
I am loving this little resurgence of sprite-scalers and rail shooters on Steam. It's become such an underappreciated genre. ToT
Re: Lunar Remastered Won't (Currently) Include The Original English Voice Acting, But It's Been Offered "For Cheap"
GungHo did the Grandia 1 "remaster" dirty, and lied to fans. No surprise they're going corpo-deaf here, too.
Re: "If You Were Threatened Before This, It's Going To Get Much Worse" - Taki Udon Takes Aim At MiSTer FPGA Rivals
I love it when an intractable establishment gets tracted.
Re: There's Some Drama Surrounding The New Princess Crown English Patch
There are people willing to work on and finish this today. New fixes are even being applied to this old hack.
CyberWarriorX and SamIAm shouldn't have dropped a GPL2 copy of their hack, if they didn't want anyone to fork it. Do they not know how OSS works?
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
I'm sure there will be transparent and color models made available later. I might wait for the inevitable metal "Noir" version. Hehe.
Re: "You Don’t See Sega Enough" - Sega’s Transmedia Boss Wants To "Elevate" The Brand
Sounds like corporate BS.
Like granhalcon mentioned, they didn't put the SEGA branding at the start of the flick. Huge missed opportunity that makes Scarpone here look like a flaming hypocrite.
Re: The Director Behind Cult Dreamcast RPG SEGAGAGA Wants To Translate It Into English
Oh hell yes! I love seeing creators support their fans, and fan translations of their works.
Re: Irem Collection Volume 2 Gets Japanese Release This November
I've been waiting for too long for Ray'z Chronology physical. It's supposed to go to manufacturing next month. We'll see.
Re: GameStop Is Selling An Exclusive ModRetro Chromatic
I'd get one, but for years their site always throws an "access denied" error. Sucks for them.
Re: Sega Forever, Sega's Dedicated Retro Channel, Appears To Be Dead
Sad to see they haven't really changed. Sega needs real leaders.
Re: Ex-Metal Slug Developers Announce Black Finger Jet, A New Run-And-Gun Game
Hype for this.
Re: A New Metal Slug Game Is Out Today, But Don't Get Too Excited
More DotEmu and Tencent garbage. Metal Slug deserves better.
Looks like the servers don't even work. Not surprised.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro Shares New Footage Of Genesis / Mega Drive Shmup Earthion
Gosh it looks better and better every time.
Re: The Next Analogue Pocket Limited Edition Is Made From Aluminum, Costs $500
I hope they solved the d-pad diagonal issues.
I've seen lots of reports of hyper/hyposensitivity, and I personally had to open my launch Pocket to add thin strips of electrical tape to the underside of my d-pad just so the diagonals would register.
I wasn't willing to wait weeks/months for an out of warranty swap.
Re: Have You Ever Wondered Why There's No Sega Logo On Streets Of Rage 4, House Of The Dead, And Arcade 1Up's OutRun Cab?
The Ferrari logo is also missing in-game on the A1Up cabs. Licensing cost must be insane.
Re: Zelda II Has Been Ported To The SNES
I'm glad it's released. Also hoping Nintendo keeps looking the other way. Infidelity does really good work with these ports. I want to see him keep going with these as long as he still has the drive to.
Re: GBA-Style JRPG 'Tako no Himitsu' Has Golden Sun And Terranigma Staff Involved
Interesting. I'll wait for a finished product. Not interested in furthering support of crash-and-burn economics through Kickstarter.
Re: Zelda II Has Been Ported To The SNES
Risky move. Better to not paywall something using an IP Nintendo owns. Their lawyers will sniff it out.
Re: Random: Who Designed Konami's Famous "Bacon Strips" Logo?
My favorite logo. I was sad to see it get sterilized by Konami.
Re: Taki Udon's $99 MiSTer FPGA Clone Won't Be $99 - It Will Be Even Cheaper
Mr. Blister on my thumb. Accurate retrogaming for the masses!
Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?
It's really difficult to build a franchise around a character that doesn't resemble their past self in each new iteration. I get the feeling that they just don't really care about the characters or in keeping Perfect Dark as a viable property. But they needed to show SOMETHING at Xbox to complete that milestone. Something to keep up the appearance that Xbox gives a hoot about video games. But it's really just corpo key jingling. Having played a ton of the original on N64, this just screams generic future shooter which happens to have the PD IP plopped in. QUICK! Bust out the "things aren't what they seem" trope!, Oh! and make the protag have a head hurty scene! They'll chug that slop up!
Sorry, I'm tired of these uncreatives. The whole thing looks like trash. And her appearance is but a distraction.
Re: Unseen Raw Footage Of E3 2001 Shows Why The Defunct Event Was Such A Huge Deal
In the 90s and Y2K, it was the scene, man.
Re: Aleste Branch "Nearly Complete" According To Developer M2
It's been so long.
Re: $99 MiSTer FPGA Clone Finally Has A Name, And It Hasn't Gone Down Well With Everyone
At the end of the day the name is only relevant to stand out in a crowded market. And I do get the concept of a knockoff MiSTer being great for competition. But a more knockoff sounding name would have been "MoSTr". Sounds close, but not quite, and you're getting the most bang for your buck over the genuine article. Then again, what do I know? I'm a derp.
Re: We Helped Unite A GTA Developer With His Missing BAFTA After 25 Years
Good Job Time Extension! BAFTA & Take-Two are a joke.
Re: Evercade Alpha Is A Bartop Arcade System Packed With Capcom Games
It's a cool idea, but also too small for my taste. As the owner of a bunch of Evercade carts, I am definitely interested in a larger version.
If this is successful, I hope they try taking a run at something closer to the size of the top-half of an Arcade 1up. Still not perfect, but closer to the ideal point where I'd open my wallet.
Re: WATA-Graded NES Star Wars Prototype Released From Its Plastic Tomb
That was cathartic. Keeping common games sealed is fine, as there's always a lot of copies floating around online. But a proto? It belongs dumped, free, and in a museum.
Re: Campaign To Secure Refunds For Paprium Kickstarter Goes Live
What happened to those Project Little Man hackers that were reverse engineering the chips on the Papsmearium board? Thought the chips were all off-the-shelf parts? Should have been EZ to RE.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG28XX - A Delightfully Dinky Emulation Handheld
There's way too many of these things. How about some thing new? Like a hybrid analog/digital input? A d-pad cross with pressure sensitivity? A clicky stick with short throw but digital and analog sensors? I dunno. They all blend together, cannibalize sales of their other models, and are shaped for people who want to get RSI. No thanks.
Re: AYANEO's Game Boy-Style Pocket DMG Boasts An OLED Screen
It's like their hardware engineers stopped trying and said "good enough".
Re: Dreamcast Exclusive Sega Tetris Is Back Online, Thanks To Fans
Fans once again proving they give infinitely more care towards the creative and technical arts than Publishers.
Re: Atari Fans Spent $1000 On 50th XP Collection Only To Find Two Of Its Games Are Broken
Don't buy Atari's physical releases. Got it.
Re: New Rage Of The Dragons, Breakers Revenge And Asuka 120% Games Coming To exA-Arcadia
Vertexer "EXA" when?
Re: The Cost Of Owning A MiSTer FPGA Is About To Come Down Dramatically
Terasic asked for this by price gouging for so long. Break their backs, free hand of the economy!
Re: Octopus Arcade Stick Maker Is Tackling MiSTer FPGA Next With The TR Quantum
Housing and touch controls are useless fluff. Put the money toward RE/core research.
Re: This Cart Turns Your Game Boy Into A Fully-Functional FM Radio
Looks tasty. Changing flavors/colors could be an option to explore.
Re: This $500 Game Boy-Style Handheld Is All About Bitcoin
How much is that in SouljaCoin?
Re: Dreamcast Shmup Triggerheart Exelica Is Getting A Western Release For Switch & PC
PC! Woo! Here's hoping they can port over some of the PS2 additions as DLC.
Re: 3 New Atari 2600 Games Have Been Found & Dumped
How's that "museum" coming, John? XD
Re: The 'Ted' TV Show Recalls Sega's Glory Days
That looks nothing like a store from the 90s.
Re: Twin Galaxies Restores Billy Mitchell's Donkey Kong High Scores
They reinstated his cheated scores? Cowards.
Re: This Ridiculously Expensive Mega Drive Game Is Getting A Reproduction
Speculators have ruined retro gaming. They belong in the trash.