@alexybubble There is no Earthworm Jim game. There was never going to be an Earthworm Jim game. You had a few seconds of animation and a ton of hot air from Tommy. But nobody ever even started work on it. People aren’t calling the Amico a scam because it failed. They are calling it a scam because it was a scam.
If people want to buy these things, good for them for providing the product. But I'm completely baffled why somebody would want a $190 that plays genesis carts when you can just buy a genesis for 1/5 the price? And if the answer is "it has HDMI out", well, doesn't that invalidate the whole 100% authentic thing? Not trying to argue against anyone who wants one.... just saying I don't get it.
Comments 9
Re: Intellivision's Offices Are Now Empty And Available, If You Want Them
@alexybubble There is no Earthworm Jim game. There was never going to be an Earthworm Jim game. You had a few seconds of animation and a ton of hot air from Tommy. But nobody ever even started work on it. People aren’t calling the Amico a scam because it failed. They are calling it a scam because it was a scam.
Re: Best Of 2020: Drugged Coffee, Pirated Games And Empty Bank Accounts - The Story Of GameFan Magazine
Was that wrong? Should I have not put acid in the office coffee pot?
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
@AtlanteanMan have you thought that maybe it’s not meant to be practical?
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
@sikthvash it’s meant to be a collectors piece, not an everyday game playing machine.
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
NL: This is terrible, nobody should by it
Also NL: Sold out and scalping for big bucks.
I don’t think you get the points. These aren’t meant to be everyday carry machines. They are meant to be tiny and look adorable on the shelf.
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
NintendoLife editors: maybe just me, but I love seeing an article every one and then that isn’t strictly Nintendo rated. Keep up the good work.
Re: Hands On: Polymega Is Shaping Up To Be The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Emulation Box
Anyone know how this gets around needing the BIOS files? Do they have official licenses?
Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console
If people want to buy these things, good for them for providing the product. But I'm completely baffled why somebody would want a $190 that plays genesis carts when you can just buy a genesis for 1/5 the price? And if the answer is "it has HDMI out", well, doesn't that invalidate the whole 100% authentic thing? Not trying to argue against anyone who wants one.... just saying I don't get it.
Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor
If and when they have production units to look at, I'll care. But given the past history of such projects, no interest in a pre-order thingy.