Comments 9

Re: Intellivision's Offices Are Now Empty And Available, If You Want Them


@alexybubble There is no Earthworm Jim game. There was never going to be an Earthworm Jim game. You had a few seconds of animation and a ton of hot air from Tommy. But nobody ever even started work on it. People aren’t calling the Amico a scam because it failed. They are calling it a scam because it was a scam.

Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console


If people want to buy these things, good for them for providing the product. But I'm completely baffled why somebody would want a $190 that plays genesis carts when you can just buy a genesis for 1/5 the price? And if the answer is "it has HDMI out", well, doesn't that invalidate the whole 100% authentic thing? Not trying to argue against anyone who wants one.... just saying I don't get it.