Comments 15

Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series


Really does come across poorly, given that from the sound of it, he has nothing to base all this on besides a short trailer that doesn't give us much of an idea what the gameplay is really like.
This is basically just another "Old Man Yells at Cloud", rather than anything anyone should be paying any attention to.
Now, I don't personally like the look of the game- it really threw out the 80's action movie aesthetic that set Double Dragon apart from the Kunio series, but I'd be willing to bet the gameplay will be solid enough.

Re: Here's Super Mario 64 Running On Dreamcast


It's so funny seeing all the (Nintendo C & D incoming!) posts on these sort of articles recently. Maybe we need an article about how all of these are legal. You'd think people would realize by now what does and doesn't break the rules. Mario 64's many ports are still out there and growing, as are the Zelda Ocarina and Majora's Mask ports. GB colorization patches are also a growing thing, and Nintendo can't shut any of it down because they are all distributed as patches (meaning they do not include any of Nintendo's original code). You must provide your own roms to play any of them, and that means they aren't breaking any IP laws.

-and that's totally awesome! So many of these projects have been such a joy to play, breathing new life into old games, or in this case, just giving the devs a fun project just to see what could have been.

Re: Donkey Kong '94 Gets A 'DX' Game Boy Color Remaster, Thanks To Fans


@TransmitHim Not sure why you're being so belligerent over being told this is a difficult project, but let's look at what facts can be easily gleaned from the article:
The trailer list 3 people working on the project. Two are working on the graphics, one is working on the code. The quotes are from marc_max, the one working on the code, who you can easily search on to find that they have done multiple other hacks, including other gbc colorization patches.
In their own words, the project has already taken "hundreds (or thousands already?) hours of work!", and they don't expect it to be complete until sometime next year.
In addition, your own reference of the blog on says in the second paragraph, "doing it properly, loading every palette and attribute at the correct time and translating every effect takes an awful lot of work", and requires understanding of Game Boy assembly language, Game Boy hardware, understanding in the use of a macro assembler and patching binary files, as well a basic knowledge of programming. It adds further on, "If you don't have artistic sensibilities, I still recommend you find someone to help you with it." As someone with a lot of art and design training under my belt, I can definitely vouch for the need of someone who knows what they are doing on that side of things, and not just the training in art and design, but they should also have (at minimum) their own understanding of Game Boy Color palette and sprite limitations if not also knowledge of clever programming techniques that have been used in other games to appear to surpass the hardware limitations, as making something look good within those limitations is a proper challenge in itself.

Re: Donkey Kong '94 Gets A 'DX' Game Boy Color Remaster, Thanks To Fans


@Serpenterror not sure how you can say that. Are you saying you don't like the Game Boy Color palette? The only bits of the game that got enhanced coloring from the Super Game Boy were the title, map, and bonus screens. The stages had the same 2 color effect you get by plugging any "unenhanced" Game Boy game into the Super Game Boy.

Re: Donkey Kong '94 Gets A 'DX' Game Boy Color Remaster, Thanks To Fans


Looking forward to it! Definitely one of the most deserving GB games to have not yet received the DX treatment.
Easily one of the very best games on the Game Boy. Also, sadly, the best in the series, as (at least in my opinion) Nintendo was never able to quite recapture the charm of the original with the rest of its Mario vs. Donkey Kong series.

Re: Anbernic Has Officially Revealed The RG40XX H


I grabbed the RG Cube and absolutely love it. Playing a lot of Gamecube and Wii on it, which really weren't the systems I expected to be playing when I bought it, but it's a blast.
It'll probably be a while before I consider a new pocketable handheld, but it'll definitely not be one with parallel sticks like the RG40XX.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?


It seems like a decent enough redesign that takes cues from the previous designs- but really, does it actually matter much either way when the game is first-person?
As far as I'm concerned if the game delivers on the promise of the trailer with smooth Mirror's Edge-ish parkour combined with solid combat and gadgets, then I don't care if they make the player model look like Tommy Pickles.

Re: Retro-Bit Is Relaunching Rod Land On NES And Game Boy


Pretty cool! This was definitely a "hidden gem" to me when I discovered it years ago. I've always enjoyed a unique and interesting single-screen arcade style game.
For anyone looking for a couple more recommendations, check out Blazing Rangers for NES, and Annalynn for Steam/Switch