Comments 14

Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?


People like the n64 more than the GameCube controller? I really don't agree! 😂

Although I never owned one because I'm a Nintendo only guy, I can still feel that original Playstation Dualshock controller, and it was magnificent! Loved playing with that thing at friends!

Re: Panic's Cool Little Handheld, Playdate, Gets New Details On Pre-Orders And More


With a price like this, you get inevitable comparisons to other beefier hardware like the 3ds. I think they should cut the price and offer the games as a separate set. This way people fork over the tolerable 120, and buy the games for 50. You're still at target price but it somehow feels more manageable. (What do you mean, it's 180 Garf....that's insa...)

Okay so 110 for the console 40 for the speaker and 40 for the games. It's now 10 bucks more expensive and somehow I would buy that sooner?!