Comments 8

Re: UK Legends The Bitmap Brothers Are Joining The Evercade Lineup


@Gerald Yeah the Evercade is a huge missed opportunity, the Oliver Twins Compilation sounded like an excellent idea, as does the upcoming Codemasters Collections (but you are getting weaker versions. I understand why Cannon Fodder is the Mega Drive version, its tailored to a controller rather than a mouse but when you think Dizzy, you think C64, ZX81, Amiga, Amstrad, not NES! *****, they didn't even put the Mega Drive version of Fantastic Dizzy and slapped on the NES one instead.

Blaze are lazy.

Re: UK Legends The Bitmap Brothers Are Joining The Evercade Lineup


Oh good, more inferior versions to the originals just because Blaze can't be arsed to optimise an Amiga or DOS emulator for them!

This is why I sold my Evercade, I liked the idea, it's nice to have physical media (I have some on my Amiga but those disks are degrading) but you do often get worser versions and they are bare bones emulated versions too.

Eventually Evercade became more like a Neverplayed.

Re: There's Another Evercade Console In The Works


The original is a very nice, affordable console with very affordable games too and is for those who don't want to mess about with emulation stuff HOWEVER its annoying that the sames are hardly ever the best versions. The Dizzy compilations would be great but...not the Amiga/C64/Z81 games.

Re: The Retro VGS Is Reborn As The Coleco Chameleon


@abe_hikura 32-bit games? You know, like the PlayStation. Also there were quite a number of arcade titles that used twin sticks for gameplay and I would have loved to play the early console ports of Smash TV with twin sticks. Maybe they plan on some old school FPS games too.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem


Never got into the game myself, there was a vid by HVGN which was spot on about what I didn't like (mainly combat) but it was kinda nice to have something like this in the GC back in the day. Hope that spiritual sequel never gets off the ground as the developer became awful after MGS and the boss is a total prick who mismanaged all the millions in hands out he got.