Comments 6

Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions


Any amiga user would want to use a joystick.

Having bought a proper THEJOYSTICK a couple of years ago to go with the c64mini, i thought id be able to use it no problem on this new amiga. And while it works, the button mapping is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!

For a right handed amiga gamer, you hold the joystick in your left hand yeah, controlling the stick with your right hand and using your left thumb to press the big fire button on the LEFT of the stick……… so why on earth is this mapped to a ‘back’(or B) button???? The fire button on the right of the stick acts as the ‘fire’(or A) button, meaning to actually use THEJOYSTICK, you need to perform major thumb stretch in order to press fire/jump etc. i suppose its ok if you’re left handed🤣

It needs a ‘toggle a/b buttons’ option for joystick users so hopefully we get a firmware update to fix this massive oversight.